Examples of the the word, eng , in a Sentence Context
The word ( eng ), is the 12650 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Another term used for the Eucharist. A cherub (Heb. כְּרוּב, pl. כְּרוּבִים, eng , Trans Kirov, pl. Kərūvîm, dual kərūvāyim lat. Cherubus, pl cherubim, Assyrian
- Of all the gifts of God" ( see http://lds.org/scriptures/bofm/1-ne/15.36? Lang, eng ,1 Ne phi 15:36). In another Mormon scriptural book, salvation is called" the
- On November 5,2008. Europe Inspector Gadget: Die complete Staffed 1 (, eng , Inspector Gadget: The complete Season 1) was released in Germany by More
- Was born. During 1900 and 1901 he wrote his first masterpiece, Kongens Fall (, eng , Transl. 1933 The Fall of the King),a modern historical novel centered around
- IF_Activate P,50&IF_Language, eng , International Flows of Mobile Students at the Tertiary Level by UNESCO:
- That" the elements are eternal" ( http://lds.org/scriptures/pgp/moses/1? Lang, eng , Doctrine & Covenants § 93:33),and that God (our Father in Heaven−−the
- First projected motion pictures, L'Arrived d'un train en gear de La Coat (, eng , : the entry of a train into the station of Coat),a fifty-second silent film
- Another pronoun to create an intensive pronoun, such as ตัวผมเอง (TUA for, eng , lit: I myself) or ตัวคุณเอง (TUA Khan ENG, lit: you yourself). Thai does
- Labor supply include abolishing a labor market arrangement called efterløn (, eng , early retirement pay),at the present (end of 3rd quarter 2008) with more
- Usual silence at the beginning. (The graphic distinction between null ㅇ and, eng , ㆁ was eventually lost. ) Another letter composed of two elements to represent
- And Covenants 6:13 and http://lds.org/scriptures/dc-testament/dc/14.7? Lang, eng , Doctrine and Covenants 14:7,salvation and eternal life are described as being
- Listed below. Time periods in Jewish history Image: Chronology of Israel, eng , PNG|center | default Jewish history rect 658 156 833 176 Periods of massive
- Terminated due to non-compliant propelling charges. Haubicoarmata" Arab" - (, eng , Howitzer-cannon Crab) Licensed" Brave heart" turret on a Polish chassis UP
- Who was with Him in the beginning (http://lds.org/scriptures/nt/john/1? Lang, eng , John 1:1−2,14):" And by the word of my power have I created them i.e., the
- Gave also the name in some European languages to the blue color (azure in, eng , .,azure in French),is taken by the Arabs from Persian language, where it comes
- The world free of charge and in compliance to their motto Merits verbatim (, eng , Truth generates truth). Literature Around 1827,Video wrote an autobiography
- Local entertainment and local fiction. Programs *Voice Romania (, eng , : The Voice of Romania) The Romanian version of" The Voice" franchise. * The
- Outside of Got land http://www5.e.lst.se/reservat/lst/reservat.asp? Id 74&sprak,ENG, Sights *The Austen Hospital area and museum with buildings from the 16th
- Are appropriate for conversational use: The reflexive pronoun is ตัวเอง (TUA, eng , ),which can mean any of: myself, yourself,ourselves, himself,herself
- Viewers the latest news about stars and show-biz. *“Dance entry tine” (, eng , : Dancing for you),a top-rated show hosted by Romanian TV star and singer
- Dir Rockefeller%20Medicine%20Men&start 0&page_nuns 1%29#, eng , Rockefeller Medicine Men: Medicine and Capitalism in America, Berkeley:
- Butter wort plant http://www5.e.lst.se/reservat/lst/reservat.asp? Id 72&sprak,ENG, *The Lasted tulle touring is a drumlin rich on lime, and hosts several plants
- Microsoft). Four different teams in 2001—2006 managed by Dr of eng ineering, eng , Jan Knit were 3 times world champions and 2 times on the dais. Many graduates
- Include entertainment shows, news programs and TV series. *Romania AU talent (, eng , : Romania's Got Talent) The Romanian version of the Got Talent franchise.
- The River (Echoes II) for orchestra Opera *Cromwell Everson – Klutaimnestra (, eng , : Clytemnestra) Musical theater * The boyfriend (Sandy Wilson) – London
- Meaning" narrow ". In the West-Germanic languages Dutch and German, the word ", eng ," means" narrow "; ENG- forming the root for" England ", which is Dutch and
- The name of the Angles came from Germanic words for" narrow" ( compare German, eng , = " narrow" ), and meant" the people who live beside the Narrow Water ", i.
- The fruit is also described in http://lds.org/scriptures/bofm/1-ne/15.36? Lang, eng ,1 Ne phi 15:36 as being" the greatest of all the gifts of God ", and in
- Letters. Velar nasal The velar nasal (generally referred to as äng-äänne 'the, eng , sound ') does not have a letter of its own. Natively, a short only occurs
- The gifts of God" ( see http://lds.org/scriptures/dc-testament/dc/6.13? Lang, eng , Doctrine and Covenants 6:13). In the same book eternal life is also called the
- In English" sofa ". Consonants The characters (U+014B) Latin small letter, eng ," ŋ" and (U+014A) Latin capital letter ENG" Ŋ" are used in the Wolf
- Think and feel. It expresses a lot of myself. "" Kolyma Tepee Taiteilijan" (, eng , " Death Makes an Artist" ) from the Once album describes the experience of
- Camps. Now a lecturer residing in Masters, Sweden. Author of Jag overhead (, eng , I Survived). * Marla Must Finkelstein - Late mother of the author and
- Whereon these i.e., us may dwell" ( http://lds.org/scriptures/pgp/abr/3? Lang, eng , Abraham 3:24). But Latter-day Saint theology does not perceive God as the
- Wyścigów Connect i Stay Whereat Gospodarskich w Królestwie Pol skim" (, eng ," Society of Horse Racing in Congress Poland" ). Oceania Australia Horse
- But were never put in place. The Grand Care of the Fooleries The Grand Care (, eng , : The Large Square) is the eastern, open part of the Toiletries garden, which
- Aras an Uachtaráin website * http://www.president.ie/index.php? Section 39⟨,ENG, Virtual tour of the state rooms *
- Q %22Algebraic+Geometry%22&hl en# 100&as_subj, eng , mathematics. Austin is the capital city of the U. S. state of: Texas and the
- A family member sends a simple postcard called 喪中葉書 (mocha Hawaii もちゅうはがき, eng , : mourning postcards) to inform friends and relatives they should not send New
- During the memorial service. *In France, in July 2009," thou Du CUL Du web" (, eng , : " The Asshole of the Internet" ) returned as the first result the official
- In Paris and Chambray. He was best known for his Letters demon cousin (, eng , : Letters from my Mill) (1869) and the Tartaric de Tarascon trilogy (1872
- Parts of their networks to the light rail standard (called Sybil tramway, eng , Fast trams). The most notable investments are Poznań Fast Tram and Kraków
- The Theater de l'Opéra comique in Paris) *Erich Smetana - Protein Newest (, eng , The Bartered Bride) Musical theater * Chimeric London production * La
- Annual International Arts Festival 'Druskininku Sahara SU M. K. Ciurlioniu' (, eng , The summer in Druskininkai with Mikados Konstantinos Čiurlionis). People *
- The gifts of God ", and in http://lds.org/scriptures/dc-testament/dc/6.13? Lang, eng , Doctrine and Covenants 6:13 and http://lds.org/scriptures/dc-testament/dc/14.7?
- Such as ตัวผมเอง (TUA for ENG, lit: I myself) or ตัวคุณเอง (TUA Khan, eng , lit: you yourself). Thai does not have a separate possessive pronoun. Instead
- Meadow flora http://www5.e.lst.se/reservat/lst/reservat.asp? Id 100&sprak,ENG, and Bakery located on rocks above Pattern at 60 meters altitude. Bakery
- U+014B) Latin small letter ENG" ŋ" and (U+014A) Latin capital letter, eng ," Ŋ" are used in the Wolf alphabet. They are pronounced like" NG" in
- Genitive case of lava which means" grain/hay barn" and the last element is, eng , which means" meadow ". Coat-of-arms The coat-of-arms is from modern times.
- He called" days" ( you in Hebrew,http://lds.org/scriptures/ot/gen/1? Lang, eng , Genesis 1:5) (note, however,that there is nothing to suggest that these six
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