Examples of the the word, surreal , in a Sentence Context

The word ( surreal ), is the 12634 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. One watches most radical films. " Through Lynch's juxtaposition of cliché and, surreal , nightmares and fantasies, nonlinear story lines, camera work, sound,and
  2. Unrelated vignettes that eventually connect in various ways, as well as some, surreal ,scenes and images that relate to the cryptic narrative. A. O. Scott of The New
  3. Worked predominantly in airbrush, creating monochromatic canvasses depicting, surreal , nightmarish dreamscapes. However, he has now largely abandoned large airbrush
  4. That illustrates Glen's tormented state of mind. Wood utilizes a barrage of, surreal , dream-like vignettes with personalized symbolism. Producer George Weiss added
  5. With field structure, which are sometimes called Fields, with a capital F: *The, surreal ,numbers form a Field containing the reals, and would be a field except for the
  6. The use of live humans as stop-motion characters. This allows for a number of, surreal ,effects, including disappearances and reappearances, allowing people to appear
  7. In the series. Many Ramírez was named World Series MVP. To add a final, surreal ,touch to Boston's championship season, on the night of Game 4 a total lunar
  8. Diverse as rock, pop,alternative and art rock. Reviewers have used the term ", surreal ," to describe her music. Many of her songs have a melodramatic emotional and
  9. Invented many of the techniques of cinematic grammar, and among his fantastic, surreal ,short subjects is the first science fiction film A Trip to the Moon (Le Voyage
  10. Is characterized by its dream imagery and meticulous sound design. Indeed,the, surreal ,and in many cases violent elements to his films have earned them the reputation
  11. Moody atmosphere and street-level naturalism of The Amazing Spider-Man and the, surreal ,atmosphere of the Strange Tales mystical feature" Doctor Strange ". Lee
  12. Trials represent visionary experiences, containing within them imaginary and, surreal ,elements, which goes against Murray's rationalization of the trial accounts.
  13. Most obvious of these is the term 'pythonesque ', which has become a byword in, surreal ,humor, and is included in standard dictionaries. Terry Jones commented on his
  14. With a short spoken introduction (delivered by Morris) describing, in, surreal , broken language, various bizarre feelings and situations, set to ambient music
  15. Criticized as follows: Although high level of utilization, mystical appeal, and, surreal , elegance were often preferred over realism (such as in shan't shoo style)
  16. Impressed by this film. Water, clouds,and reflections were used by him for its, surreal ,beauty and photogenic value, as well as its symbolism, such as waves or the
  17. Courtroom or on the street outside. The show had many offbeats and frequently, surreal ,running gags and themes, such as Ally's tendency to immediately fall over
  18. In sketches. The program comprised a series of sketches, often bizarre and, surreal , frequently satirical with a disjointed style which was to become more famous
  19. Compared to the work of his older contemporary J. R. R. Tolkien, but his, surreal ,fiction was influenced by his early love for Charles Dickens and Robert Louis
  20. Eight-episode series was later released on DVD. The same year, Lynch released a, surreal ,sitcom via his website – Rabbits, which revolved around a family of humanoid
  21. Problem, which was solved in 2006. He invented a new system of numbers,the, surreal ,numbers, which are closely related to certain games and have been the subject
  22. During the mid-sixties, The Beach Boys left surfing behind and began to write, surreal , melodramatic and revolutionary songs. The group was exploring similar musical
  23. At developing a more" personal story ", somewhat characteristic of his, surreal ,style he displayed in his debut Eraser head (1977). The screenplay of Blue
  24. Out among other Donald shorts of the period for its use of modern music and, surreal ,situations throughout. Disney shorts: 1941 – 1947 One year following her
  25. Roger Seeker. Monty Python (sometimes known as The Pythons) was a British, surreal ,comedy group who created their influential Monty Python's Flying Circus, a
  26. Collection of morphisms forms a proper class) is called a large category. The, surreal ,numbers are a proper class of objects that has the properties of a field.
  27. School, alcoholism,acknowledgement of his gay identity and the toils of, surreal ,comedy. Asked what was true in a deliberately fanciful account by Chapman of
  28. Were set aside, with the artist focusing on the creation of a bold, almost, surreal , palette of primary colors, in order to reveal the toxic environment in which
  29. Except for the fact that they are a proper class, not a set. The set of all, surreal ,numbers with birthday smaller than some inaccessible cardinal from a field.
  30. From 1997 to 1999. The program gained cult status due to its unique mix of, surreal ,monologue, music,synthesized voices, heavily edited broadcasts and recurring
  31. Street,1933,Dames,1934). In France, avant-garde director René Clair made, surreal ,use of song and dance in comedies like Under the Roofs of Paris (1930) and Le
  32. The onscreen title was" SSBM EHL ", the words encoded in appropriately, surreal ,fashion),which sought to expound on surreal ism in a manner that fitted the
  33. Not see her losing her own temper. Donald agrees to her terms and follows the, surreal ,method of mail ordering an" insult machine ", a device constantly hurling
  34. And time are mental constructs used to organize perceptions, or are otherwise, surreal , Suppose that one is sitting at a table, with an apple in front of him or her;
  35. Often menacing complexity: Kafkaesque bureaucracies" and" marked by, surreal ,distortion and often a sense of impending danger: Kafkaesque fantasies of the
  36. In Brooklyn. Heidi Weiss of the Chicago Sun-Times said of the play" Far more, surreal ,and twisted than Tom Stoppard's Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead,12
  37. A space pod to investigate. In the film, he is greeted by arguably the most, surreal ,sequence of scenes in science fiction film history. In the novel, his last
  38. Is reasonably normal for a mainframe language of the era, but looks a little, surreal ,when expressed without letters. A standard function library was described by
  39. He received his best critical notices since All Things Must Pass. With its, surreal ,humor," Cracker box Palace" also reflected Harrison's association with Monty
  40. Jean Cocteau's classic adaptation of Beauty and the Beast won praise for its, surreal ,elements and for transcending the boundaries of the fairy tale genre. Sinbad
  41. Of morality. The poetic and cinematic play Peer Gent, however,has strong, surreal ,elements. Ibsen is often ranked as one of the truly great playwrights in the
  42. Of such strips as Katzenjammer Kids, Happy Hooligan, and Buster Brown to the, surreal ,fantasy of Nemo, and other comic strips like Crazy Kat. However, during the
  43. Century also witnessed the realist work of Machado de Assis, who made use of, surreal ,devices of metaphor and playful narrative construction, much admired by critic
  44. Behind public awareness campaigns for made-up issues that were often absurd or, surreal ,(such as a drug called cake and an elephant with its trunk stuck up its anus)
  45. Nations, but he will judge the leaders of Israel. There is also imagery that is, surreal , mythical imagery, rather than real images, as in Zechariah 11:1-2" Open your
  46. Suggested that the parrot be specifically a Norwegian Blue, giving the sketch a, surreal ,air which made it far more memorable. Their humor often involved ordinary
  47. In 2007,Ultramagnetic MCs released the reunion album The Best Kept Secret., surreal , and filled with non-sequiturs and juvenile humor. Thornton is also known for
  48. A comic strip, it was far from a simple children's fantasy; it was often dark, surreal , threatening, and even violent. The strip related the dreams of a little boy:
  49. Several web-based shows, such as the animation Dumb land (2002) and the, surreal ,sitcom Rabbits (2002). In the course of his career, Lynch has received three
  50. Clokey's first animated film was a 1953 three-minute short called Mumbai,a, surreal ,montage of moving and expanding lumps of clay set to music in a parody of

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