Examples of the the word, capitalization , in a Sentence Context

The word ( capitalization ), is the 12641 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The Kazakhstani banking system is developing rapidly. Banking systems, capitalization ,now exceeds $1 billion. The National Bank has introduced deposit insurance in
  2. Transfers the loss to the bank's shareholders: the member banks. The increased, capitalization ,of the ECB against potential sovereign debt default means that the sixteen
  3. Versions of FORTRAN from FORTRAN 90 onward. This convention is reflected in the, capitalization ,of FORTRAN in the ANSI X3.9-1966 (FORTRAN 66) and ANSI X3.9-1978 (FORTRAN 77
  4. Which the use of lowercase letters in keywords was strictly nonstandard). The, capitalization ,has been dropped in referring to newer versions beginning with FORTRAN 90. The
  5. The" emphatic" counterparts of certain consonants. For instance, using, capitalization , the letter" د ", may be represented by d. Its emphatic counterpart," ض "
  6. Losses due to the poor payment prospects of the weaker members. Increasing the, capitalization ,of the ECB by the wealthier states is another way of getting the wealthier
  7. Human languages' synchronization is typically provided by pauses (spaces), capitalization , and punctuation. Machine communications typically use special synchronization
  8. And fine-tune images on all platforms. As of February 2007,Adobe's market, capitalization ,was roughly US$23 billion; as of August 2007,its shares were trading on the
  9. The amino acid sequences of proteins and other similar domains. Internal, capitalization ,has also been used for other technical codes like Held (1983). The King's
  10. Be precisely reproduced in running text, the word is typically given the unique, capitalization , The, and Xe TeX logos can be rendered via pure CSS and XHTML for use in
  11. Good solvency ratios, small domestic banks are in a much weaker position. Their, capitalization ,is well below the average of banks in the CEMAC region and their profits are
  12. Chat Alphabet. Other systems of transliteration exist, such as using dots or, capitalization ,to represent the" emphatic" counterparts of certain consonants. For instance
  13. The Indonesia Stock Exchange had 341 listed companies with a combined market, capitalization ,of $269.9 billion. As at November 2010,two thirds of the market capitalization
  14. Going to the store (I hope it is still open). " Titles and headlines Use of, capitalization ,varies. Sometimes the words in titles of publications and newspaper headlines
  15. Steel Corporation. It was the first corporation in the world with a market, capitalization ,over $1 billion. The buyout, secretly negotiated by Charles M. Schwab (no
  16. Banking sector balance sheets and reducing bank vulnerabilities through higher, capitalization ,and better supervision. Investment Since the late 1980s,Indonesia has made
  17. Strategic decisions for the company. " Apple Inc. surpassed Microsoft in market, capitalization ,in 2010 with an 84 percent increase to $153.3 billion, and also became the most
  18. 26, 1901. On March 2,the circular formally filing the organization and, capitalization ,(at $1,400,000,000—4 % of U. S. national wealth at the time) of the United
  19. Has allowed the BSE to be the third-largest stock exchange, in terms of market, capitalization , in Southern Africa. Given Botswana's lack of exchange controls, stable
  20. The banking system of Kazakhstan is developing rapidly and the system's, capitalization ,now exceeds $1 billion. The National Bank has introduced deposit insurance in
  21. In the 2010 Fortune Global 500 (Beijing alone with 30). Measured using market, capitalization , four of the world's top ten most valuable companies are Chinese. Some of
  22. If Intel doesn't lower the price of its chips. Finances Intel's market, capitalization ,is $122.41 billion (Feb. 22, 2011). It publicly trades on NASDAQ with the
  23. National debt. This is a list of the top 10 Italian banks ranked by market, capitalization , Labor Following the 2003" Big law ", a controversial labor reform
  24. As a generic term or common noun and thus write it as" the internet ", without, capitalization , Some guides specify that the word should be capitalized as a noun but not
  25. Is a choice of the translator. The Hebrew language has no capital letters. The, capitalization ,is used in preference to the idea that the passage references the Messiah.
  26. Online. " Victoria Clarke, in her analysis of telnet talkers, states that, capitalization ,is important when people write" LOL" and that" a user who types LOL may well
  27. Capitalization of $269.9 billion. As at November 2010,two thirds of the market, capitalization ,was in the form of foreign funds and only around one percent of the Indonesian
  28. Its benchmark Shanghai Composite index has doubled since 2005. SSE's market, capitalization ,reached US$3 trillion in 2007,making it the world's fifth-largest exchange.
  29. Mistress "," Lady "," Madame "," Heroin" or" Goddess ", with the, capitalization ,of these terms being a signifier to their identification in the dominant role.
  30. Create shorthand like 3B20 for 3×220 None of these gained much acceptance, and, capitalization , of the letter K became the de facto standard for indicating a factor of 1024
  31. Any member of his party dared enter and attending the session. However, fearing, capitalization , on West Pakistan, and East Pakistani separatism, Bhutto demanded Mujib to form
  32. Language standards now refer to the language as" FORTRAN ". Because the, capitalization ,was never completely consistent in actual usage, this article adopts the
  33. To the reader of a formal letter or to God. In some of those languages,the, capitalization ,is customarily retained even when those words occur within compound words or
  34. Element by a symbol of one or two letters, the first one being capitalized. The, capitalization ,allowed formulae like 'NaCl' to be written without spaces and still be parsed
  35. And diphthongs. Since there is no capital ß, it is always written as SS when, capitalization ,is required. For example, Maßband (tape measure) is capitalized BASEBAND. An
  36. Against evil. An alternative translation of the passage reads as follows: The, capitalization ,of" Redeemer" ( here translated as" vindicator" ) is a choice of the
  37. Verb. The latter two are phonetically indistinguishable; in writing, capitalization ,differs:" ICH war am Essen" vs." ICH war am Essen" ( I was eating, compared
  38. 225 and Topic indices) stands as the second largest in the world by market, capitalization , Japan is home to 326 companies from the Forbes Global 2000 or 16.3 percent (
  39. Include the presence or absence of the comma and exclamation mark, and the, capitalization ,of the 'H ', both the 'H' and the 'W ', or neither. Some languages are forced
  40. And in 1894 the New Louisville Jockey Club was incorporated with new, capitalization ,and improved facilities. Despite this, the business floundered until 1902 when
  41. S largest stock exchange, and largest in the Caucasian region by market, capitalization , A relatively large number of transnational companies are headquartered in Baku
  42. Letters as e. e. Cummings (in the style of some of his poems—see name and, capitalization , below),was an American poet, painter,essayist, author,and playwright. His
  43. Marion Morehouse Cummings, died and was buried in an adjoining plot. Name and, capitalization ,Cummings's publishers and others have sometimes echoed the unconventional
  44. By being long and short in stocks within the same sector, industry,market, capitalization , country, which also creates a hedge against broader market factors.
  45. Economic and social reform agenda. The most dramatic reform was the ", capitalization ," program, under which investors, typically foreign, acquired 50 % ownership
  46. Of the most developed in the region with more than 633 listed companies. Market, capitalization ,on the exchange doubled in 2005 from USD 47.2 billion to USD 93.5 billion, with
  47. Pacific Railway is a public company with over 15,000 employees and market, capitalization ,of US $7 billion in 2008. It is publicly traded on both the Toronto Stock
  48. Are sold., Apple is the largest publicly traded company in the world by market, capitalization ,and the largest technology company in the world by revenue and profit.
  49. In Abidjan, Ivory Coast. As of 2009,the regional stock exchange’s market, capitalization ,reached nearly 10 percent of Burkina Faso’s GDP. Burkina Faso was ranked the
  50. Policy. On 17 December 2010,the ECB announced that it was going to double its, capitalization , (The ECB's most recent balance sheet before the announcement listed capital

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