Examples of the the word, glean , in a Sentence Context

The word ( glean ), is the 12647 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Satisfy the Specification. Knowing little about high-speed flight and unable to, glean ,much from the Royal Aircraft Establishment or the US, the team investigated
  2. At the Battle School, Bean knows nothing of these events except what he can, glean ,from his expeditions through the ventilation system. As an extremely bright boy
  3. It is the name given to these mathematical and computing approaches used to, glean ,understanding of biological processes. Common activities in bioinformatics
  4. To call and that this is a method by which the company could inexpensively, glean ,valuable information about their market. Michael Chabon's 2007 nourish
  5. Few of Perelman's sketches were precisely short stories. Sometimes he would, glean ,an apparently off-hand phrase from a newspaper article or magazine
  6. Disguise themselves and rob and terrify Falstaff and three friends of loot they, glean ,from a highway robbery, purely for the fun of watching Falstaff lie about it
  7. Be seen in trees, even up in the canopy, where they forage on fresh buds and, glean ,for arboreal arthropods. Although they are wary, Chipping Sparrows often allow
  8. A copy is required to return it after the maneuvers.: Therefore if you will, glean ,from it whatever interests you, and let me have it again as soon as possible, I
  9. The amnesty was actually more restricted, Polycrates’ account (or what we can, glean ,from other sources discussing it) seems to be a more credible source.
  10. Or poor-tithe, as well as Biblical practices, such as permitting the poor to, glean ,the corners of a field and harvest during the Smith (Sabbatical year).
  11. Before searching the BLAST database, then post-analyze the search results to, glean ,individual alignments and statistical values. Of these programs, BLASTn and
  12. Provinces, including Far's, Kerman, and those in the Khoisan region, glean ,the bulk of modern global production. In 2005,the second-ranked Greece
  13. By one pretending to be Hamlet and the other asking him questions, but they, glean ,no new information from it. The act closes with another scene from Hamlet in
  14. One or two weeks earlier at present than it did in the past. Red-eyed Vireos, glean ,insects from tree foliage, favouring caterpillars and aphids and sometimes
  15. Ice. One is usually a more offensive player better known for their ability to, glean ,assists or goals rather than for their strong defensive play. Such players are
  16. Day was located in the Imperial Valley. *Rock en Español group Calexico, glean ,their name from the Imperial Valley border town that adjoins Mexicali, Baja
  17. Grounds. They usually forage on the forest floor, but also catch flies, and, glean , insects from the foliage of trees. These birds migrate to the West Indies, (
  18. In the shrub layer or canopy, and seldom visits the ground. Prey is generally, glean ,from branches, leaves and buds, more rarely is it taken in the air. While
  19. Due to noise — e.g., a passing car — the listener should still be able to, glean ,the meaning of the underlying message. Such robustness is as essential for an
  20. Species however do not feed in this fashion and several types prefer to, glean ,insects from leaves and barks. Tropical species are often found in
  21. Forest floor for more than a couple of seconds. The second method used is to, glean ,insects directly from the foliage, trunks,and branches of low vegetation.
  22. Each technology has on the society into which it is introduced. In order to, glean ,the most understanding out of each, the reader must break the portmanteau into
  23. These questions are to familiarize the judge and attorneys with the jurors and, glean ,biases, experiences,or relationships that could jeopardize the proper course
  24. The murderous super villain Sabre tooth, and also by using her telepathy to, glean ,vital information from his mind during the events of the" Mutant Massacre. "
  25. Order to snatch a passing insect. They will occasionally fly to vegetation to, glean ,an insect off it before returning to their perch, but they will not attempt to
  26. Mercator. Slow Seers like Talk are a dynasty of researchers who attempt to, glean ,information from the Dwellers' vast but disorganized libraries of knowledge
  27. And Bleary to form the" Creighton Urban Area ". This makes it difficult to, glean ,an accurate demographic picture of the area that is generally regarded as
  28. Rump stand out in contrast. They sit upright on branches, flying around to, glean ,insects. The nostril is hidden by hairs and upper mandible of the beak is has a
  29. The Society of St. Andrew, for example, is dedicated to the role. When people, glean ,and distribute food, they may be bringing themselves legal risk; in the Soviet
  30. Can be heard from almost a kilometer away during the breeding season. Females, glean ,clues regarding a male's suitability as a mate from these calls, showing a
  31. Ancient Mediterranean ship models, archaeologists have been able to, glean ,a great deal of information from these items. This information has been
  32. E-mails, supposedly from the Internal Revenue Service, have been used to, glean ,sensitive data from U. S. taxpayers. While the first such examples were sent
  33. Obtain their food by foliage glean ing and hawking. Western tanagers primarily, glean ,from foliage. In the mixed conifer-oak woodland of California,45 % of western
  34. Is the only Hellenic eyewitness account available. She had the opportunity to, glean ,events from key figures in the Byzantine elite. Her husband Lifeforms
  35. Flowers using a long extendable tongue, and catch insects on the wing or, glean ,them from flowers, leaves,bark, and even from spider's webs. Young birds are
  36. Prevents cavity formation by decay or excavation. Also, those bird species that, glean ,insects from foliage, such as warblers and vireos, have population declines
  37. Or poor-tithe, as well as Biblical practices including permitting the poor to, glean ,the corners of a field, harvest during the Smith (Sabbatical year),and
  38. Of iron mines. A recently developed process, magnetation, uses huge magnets to, glean ,waste hematite from old mine tailing in Minnesota's vast Mesabi Range iron
  39. Even after dusk. Apart from flying insects they have been noted to occasionally, glean ,crawling insects. The widespread species shows regional variations in plumage
  40. Competitive, with some listening in on unknowing subjects (" inc autos" ) to, glean ,information about picking areas. Such behavior is not considered inappropriate
  41. To be the Borg). The Romans opened communications to see if they could, glean ,the information from the Federation, who had suffered similar losses. The
  42. In order to support her mother-in-law and herself, Ruth goes to the fields to, glean , The field she goes to belongs to a man named Boat, who is kind to her because
  43. Minds of other students and get answers to the tests. Because she is able to, glean ,information, Emma becomes a tutor to other students and Ian recommends her to
  44. He wrote to vice-presidential candidate Henry A. Wallace, intending to, glean ,comedy material from Wallace’s speeches, but when Wallace responded with a warm
  45. ofSafranbolu),California, and Central Africa are microscale cultivators. To, glean ,an amount of dry saffron weighing is to harvest 50,000–75,000 flowers, the
  46. From the missionaries how to plow, sow,irrigate, cultivate,reap, thresh,and, glean , In addition, they were taught to build adobe houses, tan leather hides, shear
  47. Leaf-warblers are active, constantly moving, often flicking their wings as they, glean ,the foliage for insects along the branches of trees and bushes. They forage at
  48. Flying insects such as gnats, flies,and small moths, but will occasionally, glean ,from the ground. It will often hop along the ground and flit behind people and
  49. His work. He continued to advance message meteorology with a keen ability to, glean ,details and synthesize vast information in developing revolutionary theories.
  50. S illegitimate son. Charlie is enlisted by Van Buren's political enemies to, glean ,facts about Van Buren from Burr. He is tempted by the promise of a fortune if

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