Examples of the the word, orthodoxy , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Bishops. " None of these attempts were acceptable to the defenders of Nicene, orthodoxy ,: writing about the latter councils, Saint Jerome remarked that the world "
  2. With barely suppressed disdain, has regarded Eugenics as one who risked his, orthodoxy ,and perhaps his character because of his zeal for the Constantine
  3. Of wording and not of doctrine; a committee of bishops appointed to study the, orthodoxy ,of the Tome using Cyril's letters (which included the twelve anathemas) as
  4. As ecumenical will be granted to these three councils, despite the acknowledged, orthodoxy ,of their decisions, so that only seven are universally recognized among the
  5. What is Orthodox Marxism? ", Lukács defined, orthodoxy ,as the fidelity to the" Marxist method ", and not to the" dogmas ": "
  6. In the first centuries CE. Christendom places emphasis on correct belief (or, orthodoxy ,), focusing primarily on response to the New Covenant that the Christian Triune
  7. Workplace democracy combined with a representative democracy. Within Marxist, orthodoxy ,there is a hostility to what is commonly called" liberal democracy ", which
  8. Upon the famous rabbi Solomon Ben Are of Barcelona to come to the aid of, orthodoxy , Ben Are, with the approval of other prominent Spanish rabbis, sent a letter
  9. In some Eastern Orthodox churches.: O Holy father Athanasius, : like a pillar of, orthodoxy ,: you refuted the heretical nonsense of Arius: by insisting that the Father and
  10. As the orthodox standard. The committee unanimously decided in favor of the, orthodoxy ,of Leo, determining that what he said was compatible with the teaching of Cyril
  11. With notable effect in his novel The Great Gatsby. All religions debate the, orthodoxy ,or heterodoxy of ambiguity. Christianity and Judaism employ the concept of
  12. Poetry. The emergence of Recent Latin in the 20th century restored classical, orthodoxy ,among Satirists and sparked a general (if still academic) interest in the
  13. And Raymond Oliver. These chefs were working toward rebelling against the ", orthodoxy ," of Escoffier's cuisine. Some chefs were students of Fernand Point at
  14. Termed the" democratic constitutional government" period by the KMT political, orthodoxy , but the Communists refused to recognize the new Constitution, and its
  15. Spoke and wrote extensively on a wide variety of issues. While she rejected, orthodoxy ,and fundamentalist thinking, she was an important contributor to several fields
  16. And controversies brought with them, preferring where possible to establish an, orthodoxy , The emperor saw it as his duty to ensure that God was properly worshiped in
  17. Of his early works, gave increasing evidence of his alienation from the strict, orthodoxy ,around him. The most important of these was the Labyrinth, a discussion of the
  18. Restore academic freedom in Russia after years of state-enforced scientific, orthodoxy , In Russia, a 16-year-old girl launched a court case against the Ministry of
  19. Establishing a link between the two. The meaning of uprightness, rectitude,or, orthodoxy , implied by his name, also positioned him as the legitimate heir of Sun Yat-sen
  20. The people. In its most prominent form, secularism is critical of religious, orthodoxy ,and asserts that religion impedes human progress because of its focus on
  21. Effects of bourgeois ideology on the thought of the proletariat. Marxist, orthodoxy ,is no guardian of traditions, it is the eternally vigilant prophet proclaiming
  22. Jonah Rankin has claimed that, despite his often stark opposition to communist, orthodoxy , Ginsberg held" his own idiosyncratic version of communism ". On the other
  23. Severe with the memory of Pope Vigils. He entreats the pontiff to prove his, orthodoxy ,and assemble a council. He says that his freedom of speech accords with the
  24. Within the realms of mathematics, philosophy and religion. Preserving the, orthodoxy ,of the relationship between God and mathematics, although not in the same form
  25. In this or that thesis, nor the exegesis of a ‘ sacred’ book. On the contrary, orthodoxy ,refers exclusively to method. It is the scientific conviction that dialectical
  26. Peter, and erected his celebrated abbey, which for centuries was stronghold of, orthodoxy ,in Northern Italy. Thither came Clothaire's messengers inviting the aged abbot
  27. Of the individual being a subject that is of concern when discussing heresy and, orthodoxy ,in relation to spiritual mysticism, such as the mysticism of Henry Corbin
  28. And Rome is the head of the whole world, and of the Churches ". If zeal for, orthodoxy ,caused him to overstep the limits of discretion, his real attitude towards Rome
  29. Theology, as was given to the apostles by Jesus Christ. These deviations from, orthodoxy ,have traditionally been called heresy, but due to the term's immediately
  30. Is designed to provide a systematic approach to maintain worldwide consistency, orthodoxy , and control of the church's ordinances, doctrines,organizations, meetings
  31. Believing in a God of Good and a God of Evil),others Gnostic, some closer to, orthodoxy ,while abstaining from an acceptance of Catholicism. The dualism theology was
  32. But was dismayed by his conclusions that contradicted both Christian and Jewish, orthodoxy , In 1677,he was promoted, at his request, to Privy Counselor of Justice, a
  33. Divinity of Jesus, Eutyches seemed to be denying his human nature. Cyril's, orthodoxy ,was not called into question, since the Union of 433 had explicitly spoken of
  34. This decision ostensibly because Etches had repented and confessed his, orthodoxy , Discords then held his own synod which reinstated Etches. The competing
  35. Spinoza's conclusions, especially when these were inconsistent with Christian, orthodoxy , Unlike Descartes and Spinoza, Leibniz had a thorough university education in
  36. In phraseology, he undoubtedly gave a thorough adhesion to the Nicene, orthodoxy , Even if he did avoid the debatable term homooussios, he expressed its sense in
  37. Claims regarding the necessity of apostolic succession to preserve Christian, orthodoxy ,are false. Continued debates regarding the doctrine would therefore be
  38. Eighth Crusade in Austria. Among the last of his labors was the defense of the, orthodoxy ,of his former pupil, Thomas Aquinas, whose death in 1274 grieved Albert us.
  39. Theism, Darwell Stone's and E. L. Mascall's Thomism and defense of Catholic, orthodoxy , and Kenneth Kirk's Moral Theology. Outside England, one sees such figures as
  40. Are viewed as being Christian, but who in varying degrees lack full theological, orthodoxy ,and orthopraxy. As such, all groups outside the Orthodox Church are not seen
  41. With Shah Jahan's spending made cultural expenditure impossible,Aurangzeb's, orthodoxy ,is also used to explain his infamous" burial" of music. The scene describing
  42. In this confusion, Ephrem wrote a great number of hymns defending Nicene, orthodoxy , A later Syriac writer, Jacob of Serif, wrote that Efren rehearsed all-female
  43. Creed, which describes the Trinity, is generally taken as a fundamental test of, orthodoxy ,for most Christian denominations. The Apostles' Creed is also broadly accepted
  44. Of Bishops (Synods) to create statements of belief and canons of doctrinal, orthodoxy ,— the intent being to define unity of beliefs for the whole of Christendom. The
  45. With an instantaneous creation, with days not meant literally. Christian, orthodoxy ,rejected the second century Gnostic belief that Genesis was purely allegorical
  46. Council decided to adjourn and appoint a special committee to investigate the, orthodoxy ,of Leo's Tome, judging it by the standard of Cyril's Twelve Chapters, as some
  47. Le Fans as part of the casebook of Dr Vessels, whose departures from medical, orthodoxy ,rank him as the first occult doctor in literature. The story is narrated by
  48. Shaping the political landscape. Instead of adhering to the party's right-wing, orthodoxy , Eisenhower instead looked to moderation and cooperation as a means of
  49. Forced to deceive him at certain points. The novel is considered a satire of, orthodoxy , veracity, and even nationalism. In going beyond mere storytelling to exploring
  50. Pope Saint Cyril I of Alexandria acted quickly to correct this breach with, orthodoxy , requesting that Nestorius repent. When he would not, the Synod of Alexandria

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