Examples of the the word, interjection , in a Sentence Context

The word ( interjection ), is the 12644 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. 2011 at E3. Gameplay In Luigi's Mansion, Professor E. Add (derived from the, interjection ," Egad! " Which may be exclaimed when a person has just been frightened) arms
  2. Not considered profane. * Whatever! - short for" whatever you say "; sarcastic, interjection ,often emphasizing the final syllable. * Fer shut – lit. " For sure ", often
  3. Ej" used in Polish to the same effect. In Poznań dialect of Polish there is an, interjection ," ten" which is used to get attention or as an interpolation. Alternative
  4. Manuals all that often. " Uses internationally *In Catalan," Oi! " Is an, interjection ,used to call someone's attention or" Oi? " To ask for confirmation (
  5. The construction needy idea (needy + preterit) is used instead. As an, interjection ,– Neva! –" don't! " (See section on imperative mood). These particles can
  6. Surroundings over time. Two examples of consummately social capital are value, interjection ,and solidarity. Value interjection pertains to be a person or community that
  7. Service Regiment: Special Air Service Eh (or) is a spoken, interjection ,in English, Armenian,Japanese, French,Italian, Greek,Spanish, Portuguese and
  8. Russia, Autocrat " SNAFU is an. In modern usage, snafu is sometimes used as an, interjection , Snafu also sometimes refers to a bad situation, mistake,or cause of trouble.
  9. Gun dam, in the anime Mobile Suit Gun dam: Char's Counterattack * Nu, a Yiddish, interjection ,meaning" well? " Or" so? " In universities: * Niagara University, a Roman
  10. Whereas Dorothy addressed him as" Prime Minister ". In response to a sarcastic, interjection ,about" starving permanent secretaries ", Sir Humphrey patronizes her as" dear
  11. Are generally only included if the member who is speaking responds to the, interjection , Mansard also publishes written answers made by Government ministers in
  12. Quality of it or himself),yet he is friendly and good-natured. " Che" is an, interjection ,frequently used by Argentines in much the same way as" Hey! " Or" Pal! ". Che
  13. To! ". It is slightly archaic, but still in use. Can be used on its own as an, interjection ,– Lima! *дано (Dan) – expresses hope – she Doyle –" he will come "; Dan
  14. Queen. This version features improved sound quality, but removes Mercury's, interjection ," that's okay! " At about 0:53. * It also appeared on some Bowie compilations
  15. South side of Mt. UCLA (Monte Maggie). However, despite distinctions and, interjection ,of words from other languages which varies from village to village, their
  16. Sedet et sine Claude Manet. Here is Curtis' note:" Sad is the lot of the, interjection , for of all the parts of speech it has the lowest place. There is none to
  17. Go" ( in colloquial situations, haide, below,is used instead). **NEA, as an, interjection , can also be used to express judgement or even Schadenfreude – NEA mu! –" he
  18. Nanashi (anonymous) and よし Joshi (sometimes written Josh, general positive, interjection ,) derive from them. # The imperative form is extremely rare in modern Japanese
  19. Commonly used in British English. As with many expletives, it can be used as an, interjection ,or as many other parts of speech, and can carry a wide variety of meanings. It
  20. Speech: noun, verb,adjective, adverb,pronoun, preposition,conjunction, and, interjection , ( sometimes called an exclamation). Controversies Since the Greek grammarians
  21. Wilson. Definition and usage The Illuminates! Trilogy In these novels,the, interjection ," Ford" is given hypnotic power over the unenlightened. Under the Illuminati
  22. Suffix from another part of speech can be used to derive a preposition or, interjection , For example, from far (to do, to make) we get the preposition far (done by
  23. Design Systems Presto may refer to: As a common word * An incantation or, interjection ,used by some stage magicians * An exclamation to mean: to be completed right
  24. A new preposition is coined. As a bare root may indicate a preposition or, interjection , removing the grammatical suffix from another part of speech can be used to
  25. Added to The New Oxford Dictionary of English in 1998. It is defined as an, interjection ," used to comment on an action perceived as foolish or stupid ". In 2001,"
  26. Plot summary The prequel novel, New Spring (which is much more an explanatory, interjection ,whose full impact can be experienced only after the tenth volume),takes place
  27. The colloquial meaning of fudge, which itself is used to swallow the cruder, interjection ," fuck ", and hence fudge passes on an" all fucked up" sense as well. These
  28. È (variant of ex" from" or" out of" ). It might also be found on the, interjection ,ò" O ". Most frequently, it was found on the last (or only) syllable of
  29. Agreement so I can continue. " Grammatically, this usage constitutes an, interjection ,; functionally, it is an implicit request for back-channel communication. " Eh "
  30. Community. There are different expressions typical of the area, namely the, interjection ," ea! " (also present in other dialectal variants) which has no particular
  31. The food was okay" ); it also functions as an adverb in this sense. As an, interjection , it can denote compliance (" Okay, I will do that" ), or agreement (" Okay
  32. Is an" Io, Saturnalia! " —" Io" ( pronounced" renew" ) being a Latin, interjection ,related to" ho" ( as in" Ho, praise to Saturn" ). Buddhist religious
  33. To express surprise or disapproval. Its use is much rarer than the equivalent, interjection ,", versus 294.4 for" hey" in the UK and 472.5 in the US. " Oi" was added to
  34. 421 421 421 0 4 2 4 2 6 (4516)16 → (042426)8 Oi () is a slang, interjection ,used in Britain, Ireland,Singapore, Malaysia and other countries to get
  35. Of Christianization, though only a single prayer has survived without the, interjection ,of Christian references. This prayer is recorded in stanzas 2 and 3 of the poem
  36. Variety of meanings. It can be used either as a noun or as a verb. Used as an, interjection , it protests the use of misleading, disingenuous,or false language. While the
  37. Is used to get someone's attention. *In Yiddish and Hebrew," אוי" is an, interjection ,used as English" oh, my "," oh, dear ". It is used to express fear, surprise
  38. The occasion is an" Io, Saturnalia! " — Io (pronounced" e-o" ) being a Latin, interjection ,related to" ho" ( as in" Ho, praise to Saturn" ). Literature Seneca the
  39. English-language noun paradigms translated this case with a prefaced, interjection ,such as" O Mary! " * The accusative case marks the direct object of a verb. In
  40. Devanagari: स्वाहा, chi. 薩婆訶 SA PO he, jp. Sowaka, tib. Soha) is an, interjection , approximately" hail! " In mantras indicating the end of the mantra. In the
  41. Lacks the passion that would typically accompany it and is cut short by Iago's, interjection , Otello's annoyance with Iago for not directly stating his" suspicions" is
  42. Maintaining one's lead, it becomes difficult to play fast enough to prevent an, interjection , If this occurs, it is important to adapt; it's often possible to play cards
  43. But in such constructions as the above, the word shit often functions as an, interjection , Unlike the word fuck, shit is not used emphatically with -ING or as an infix.
  44. Parenthetic addition that is complete in itself, exclamation differs from, interjection ,in that it usually involves an emotional response. * Herminia: Repetition for
  45. Of Hera ". An oath invoking Hercules (Here! Or Vehicle!) was a common, interjection ,in Classical Latin. In art In Roman works of art and in Renaissance and
  46. Term Tenet, which can be translated as" hold! "," receive! " Or" take! ". An, interjection ,used as a call from the server to his opponent. It was popular in England and
  47. Languages like Polish or Russian, the word" OJ! " (or" one! ") is an, interjection ,used as English" oh, my "," oh, dear ". It is used to express fear, surprise
  48. Prussian (fl. 500 CE) modified the above eightfold system, substituting ", interjection ," for" article ". It wasn't until 1767 that the adjective was taken as a
  49. Of consummately social capital are value interjection and solidarity. Value, interjection ,pertains to be a person or community that fulfills obligations such as paying
  50. Literally meaning" a curse" or an evil spell, is occasionally used as an, interjection ,of lament or anger, but not necessarily to replace any of several Spanish

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