Examples of the the word, mating , in a Sentence Context
The word ( mating ), is the 12649 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Is recessive, all offspring will be heterozygous, and the offspring from that, mating ,will not be resistant to BT and therefore no longer a threat. Using this method
- Hunters, by killing only tusked elephants, have given a much larger chance of, mating ,to elephants with small tusks or no tusks at all. The propagation of the
- Are known to coordinate different behavioral patterns such as lamentation, mating , growth, and pathogenic. Behavioral coordination and production of
- In estrus for two to five days between late January and late March, during which, mating ,occurs. Once the female chooses a partner, the mated pair may remain
- Clutch. As well, a given amount of actuating force created more pressure on the, mating ,surfaces. Torque limiter Also known as a slip clutch or safety clutch, this
- They are large and strong enough to successfully compete with other males for, mating ,rights. Males, however,take no part in raising their cubs – parenting is left
- And noble members of a genuine aristocracy, a genuine nobility, achieved by, mating ,the most magnanimous men with the cleverest and most gifted women. This
- May cause reinforcement, which is the evolution of traits that promote, mating ,within a species, as well as character displacement, which is when two species
- And in prime condition could best any foe. The rutting, or, mating , season lasts from June through September, with peak activity in July and
- Their mates to ensure the parentage of the offspring that they raise. Other, mating ,systems, including polygyny, polyandry,polygamy, polygynandry, and promiscuity
- Cable. The top row of contacts are the even-numbered sockets of the connector (, mating ,with the even-numbered pins of the receptacle) and attach to every other
- Is also performed by other animals (bee dance, patterns of behavior such as a, mating ,dance). Gymnastics, figure skating and synchronized swimming are sports that
- Back and forth in front of the other male. They seek out females only during, mating ,time. When they are with a herd of females, males do not coerce them or try to
- The ears are also used in certain displays of aggression and during the males ', mating ,period. If an elephant wants to intimidate a predator or rival, it will spread
- Are attracted by specifically this odor. The orchid takes advantage of this, mating ,arrangement to get the male bee to collect and disseminate its pollen; parts of
- The Caiman has not been studied in-depth, scientists have learned that their, mating ,cycles (previously thought to be spontaneous or year-round) are linked to the
- Such as a pine tree to which other males in the area converge. Males secrete a, mating ,pheromone that females follow. Females of some species mate with just one male
- Which together with a cavernous body helps to create a ovulatory tie during, mating , locking the animals together for up to an hour. Young can ids are born blind
- Occurs to clear the vagina of other sperm in the context of a 2nd (or more), mating , thus giving the latter males a larger chance of conception. After mating , the
- That. But if the threat is long-lasting the animal needs to start eating and, mating ,again - the fact that it survived shows that the threat was not so dangerous as
- In the VME bus system can withstand 50 to 500 insertions and removals (called, mating ,cycles),depending on their quality. In addition, there are bus expansion
- Hall ". Natural History 57:248–254 *1950 The role of the antennae in the, mating ,behavior of female Drosophila. Evolution 4:149–154 *1951 Introduction and
- They stop and bury the dung ball. They will then mate underground. After the, mating , both or one of them will prepare the brooding ball. When the ball is finished
- In males of some animal species, despite traits such as cumbersome antlers, mating ,calls or bright colors that attract predators, decreasing the survival of
- Female will mate with. Thus, alternative mating strategies give females more, mating ,opportunities without losing the support of the males in their community. Care
- When food is readily available. Estrous females exhibit sexual swellings. Chimp, mating ,tends to be promiscuous, with females mating with multiple males in her
- Incorrectly regarded as the bacterial equivalent of sexual reproduction or, mating ,since it involves the exchange of genetic material. During conjugation the
- In animals requires the evolution of both genetic differences and non-random, mating , to allow reproductive isolation to evolve. One type of sympatric speciation
- Starts in late autumn and continues to the end of winter. Little is known about, mating ,behavior or breeding grounds. Females typically give birth once every two to
- Ecology and evolution * **Population ecology: population — competition —, mating ,— biological dispersal — endemic — niche — growth curve — carrying capacity
- Often dictates which males an estrous female will mate with. Thus alternative, mating ,strategies give females more mating opportunities without losing the support of
- Mating, thus giving the latter males a larger chance of conception. After, mating , the female will wash her vulva thoroughly. If a male attempts to mate with her
- Selection is sexual selection, which is selection for any trait that increases, mating ,success by increasing the attractiveness of an organism to potential mates.
- Implantation, so the young are not typically born for eight months after, mating , Most members of the genus Days give birth to four monozygotic young (that
- Making one or more nests. The males typically emerge first and are ready for, mating ,when the females emerge. Providing nest boxes for solitary bees is increasingly
- The bottom row of contacts are the odd-numbered sockets of the connector (, mating ,with the odd-numbered pins of the receptacle) and attach to the remaining
- Males (hunted disproportionately for their tusks) from hunters. Mating The, mating ,season is short and females are only able to conceive for a few days each year.
- Calls are made throughout the year, they are most common during the spring, mating ,season and in the fall when the pups leave their families to establish new
- They appeared to be hybrids between Risso's and bottlenose dolphins. This, mating ,was later repeated in captivity, producing a hybrid calf. In captivity, a
- Ants do not have wings and reproductive females lose their wings after their, mating ,flights in order to begin their colonies. Therefore, unlike their wasp
- Misery and remorse. Hordes of raucous sea lions, gathering on the beach for the, mating ,season, eventually drove him to the island's interior. Once there, his way of
- For example, when driving) and simply queuing. * The word heat meaning ", mating ,season" is used with on in the UK (Regional Variation) and with in the US
- Of individuals or genes within a species: for this reason, there exist complex, mating ,rituals, which can be very complex even if they are often regarded as fixed
- Exhibit sexual swellings. Chimp mating tends to be promiscuous, with females, mating ,with multiple males in her community during estrous, mostly during the 10-day
- For necessary minerals, tear apart vegetation, and spar with one another for, mating ,rights. Without tusks, elephant behavior could change dramatically.
- Take flight before the females. Males then use visual cues to find a common, mating ,ground, for example, a landmark such as a pine tree to which other males in the
- Body structure. Coleoptera species have an extremely intricate behavior when, mating , using such methods as pheromones for communication to locate potential mates.
- Areas while simultaneously being protected from predators. They may also find, mating ,partners as other individuals join them on the beetle. This would be a form of
- This differs from many animal communication systems, particularly in regard to, mating , For example, humans have the ability to say and do anything that they feel may
- Similar to Intel's Slot 1 cartridge used for Pentium II and Pentium III. The, mating ,motherboard receptacle was the same part used with Intel products but keyed
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