Examples of the the word, lien , in a Sentence Context
The word ( lien ), is the 12633 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- 15, 2010,according to the lawyer. However, the Snell report states that the, lien ,relates to taxes assessed during 2009. Political campaigns Sharpton has run
- Kong's Shaw Brothers studio produced the film Boxer Rebellion (八國聯軍, Pa duo, lien ,Chen) under director Chang Chen with one of the highest budgets to tell a
- Bond payments resulting from the legal settlement, which would be added as a, lien ,on their properties. Half Moon Bay is featured in various shots of the music
- Techniques can also prevent the homestead from being lost to a Medicaid, lien , Legal asset protection can be done at any point since it is not a transfer
- The same repercussions as failing to pay any other property tax, including a, lien ,placed on the property and eventual seizure. In addition, fines can be levied
- Who currently plays for Egyptian Premier League club Amalek SC, In law,a, lien ,(;) is a form of security interest granted over an item of property to secure
- Judge ruled that such discussions were not improper. Retirement and 2010 tax, lien ,Blake has maintained a very low profile since his acquittal and his filing for
- Support obligations. Specifically, it: * automatically triggers a non-expiring, lien ,whenever child support becomes past-due. * disallows any judicial discretion
- Enforce the lien , the ship must be arrested or seized. An action to enforce a, lien ,against a U. S. ship must be brought in federal court and cannot be done in
- Many others have a lien against the ship to guarantee payment. To enforce the, lien , the ship must be arrested or seized. An action to enforce a lien against a U.
- They were unable to staunch the declining membership. In 1944,the IRS filed a, lien ,for $685,000 in back taxes against the Klan, and Prescott was forced to
- So other legal construction forms are subsequently used, such as change orders, lien ,waivers, and addenda. In construction projects, as well in other projects where
- Reported that the Internal Revenue Service had filed a notice of federal tax, lien ,against Sharpton in New York City in the amount of over $538,000. Sharpton's
- League. In the spring of 1920,Tannin finally made good on a threat to slap a, lien ,on the Red Sox. Since the lien barred Free from trading players or buying
- Time, saying it had reached an agreement with holders of 60 % of its first, lien ,secured debt that would extinguish all of its $2.7 billion in legacy debt and
- Name change is not for a fraudulent or other illegal purpose, such as evading a, lien ,or debt or for defaming someone else. The applicant may be required to give a
- Listed with a tax delinquency of $2,665,305.83 in personal income tax and a tax, lien ,was filed July 24, 1997. As of 2010,Warwick is still delinquent although now
- The property. The financial institution, however,is given security — a, lien ,on the title to the house — until the mortgage is paid off in full. If the
- Latin Dictionary denies any connection, deriving lime from *legmen, as in, lien ,from http://www.bartleby.com/61/roots/IE272.html *lag-" tie ". The threshold
- For the work. The lien is a possessor lien meaning the repair person has the, lien ,as long as he maintains possession of the car. If the title owner were to take
- Real property, for example, missing heirs, tenants,reversers, remainders and, lien ,holders all competing to get ownership to the house or land. Each of the United
- Earnings were garnished as a result. In 1961,Kovacs was served with a $75,000, lien , for back taxes; that same day he bought the California Racquet Club with the
- Who repairs a car had a lien on the car to secure payment for the work. The, lien ,is a possessor lien meaning the repair person has the lien as long as he
- Flashy, gaudy appearance. " La-la" replaces the older derogatory term" ah, lien ," that is used to describe girls who wear heavy make-up and outstanding clothes
- Of over $538,000. Sharpton's lawyer asserts that the notice of federal tax, lien ,relates to Sharpton's year 2009 federal income tax return, the due date of
- Performance of some other obligation. The owner of the property, who grants the, lien , is referred to as the lie nor and the person who has the benefit of the lien is
- Were typically structured such that AAA tranches which were to receive first, lien ,(claim) on the BBB rated loans cash flows, and losses would trickle up from
- Revenue Service investigated the team in 1994 and 1995,and nearly slapped a, lien ,on the team for $750,000 in back taxes. The situation led longtime NHL
- With the government's treatment of Louis, once paid off a $50,000 tax, lien ,held against him. These payments, along with an eventual agreement in the early
- The two mountain ranges. The U. S. Government Bonds, which constituted a, lien ,upon the railroads and all their fixtures, were repaid in full (and with
- Cases including seizure and sale of the property. Property taxes constitute a, lien ,on the property to which transfers are also subject. Mortgage companies often
- A new American LaFrance" Quad" fire engine. The county immediately places a, lien ,against the truck due to back taxes. * 1951: A new library is built on the
- Like fuel and stores, seamen who are due wages, and many others have a, lien ,against the ship to guarantee payment. To enforce the lien , the ship must be
- Government-sanctioned land registers. In some jurisdictions, rights (such as a, lien ,or other security interest) can be registered against personal or movable
- Possession. For example, states provide that a person who repairs a car had a, lien ,on the car to secure payment for the work. The lien is a possessor lien
- To purchase the property. Commercial banks, however,are given security - a, lien ,on the title to the house - until the mortgage is paid off in full. If the
- King. In November 2010,the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) filed a $498,165, lien , against Kilmer's New Mexico ranch for unpaid 2008 income taxes. Filmography
- Had a lien on the car to secure payment for the work. The lien is a possessor, lien ,meaning the repair person has the lien as long as he maintains possession of
- Off the wave entirely, then re-entering the wave. Various airs include allies, lien ,airs, method airs, and other skateboard-like maneuvers. Surfing terms: See List
- Help himself financially. On April 9,2010,the state of California filed a tax, lien ,against Blake for $1,110,878 with the Los Angeles County recorder of Deeds for
- Person to another, or the granting of an encumbrance such as a mortgage or a, lien , The term conveyancing may also be used in the context of the movement of bulk
- Wrote" ... you come up with the fact that it gives the government a prior, lien ,on all the property produced by its subjects. " The government" unashamedly
- Kasu (an ancient monetary unit) (see Cash (disambiguation) ) * French, lien ,(link) and Mandarin loan/ Vietnamese lien (link) * French papillon (
- For the debts incurred by the canceled tour as well as a significant IRS, lien , Life after the Revue In 1978,Tina released her third solo album (and her
- And received a loan for an additional million, to be repaid by means of a, lien ,on 40 % of the gate receipts. When crowds failed to appear in the anticipated
- Tannin finally made good on a threat to slap a lien on the Red Sox. Since the, lien ,barred Free from trading players or buying Fenway without Lannin's
- And 1870,legislation making provisions for payment of wages, the mechanic's, lien ,and the eight-hour day. It was said that during the last half of the nineteenth
- Real rights follow the property along with the ownership. In the common law a, lien ,also remains on the property, and it is not extinguished by a lien ation of the
- Two issues to be decided: *did the car" belong to another "? The garage had a, lien ,i.e. a" proprietary right or interest" in the car as security for the unpaid
- Debtor may have the original judgment vacated, the action dismissed, any, lien , removed,and the damaging record expunged from the judgment debtor's public
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