Examples of the the word, nea , in a Sentence Context
The word ( nea ), is the 12639 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Harrelson. To summarize the days with special names. * The last day: Lena Kai, nea , the 'old and the new '. * The 20th day:" the later 10th ". The Attic month
- Tübingen, Germany,November 7–30, 1997 pp. 4–6; ill. # Gases Mainline," the, nea , tapes ", Neue Further Dating, May 1997. # Paul Lamarre and Melissa Wolf,"
- December 2001,p. 10; ill. # Ken Miller," Witness For The Defense:" the, nea , tapes " (review),The Independent Film & Video Monthly, April 2000,vol. 23
- Lamarre and Melissa Wolf," http://www.zingmagazine.com/zing3/paul.html The, nea , papers ", Zingmagazine: A Curatorial Crossing, February 1997,no. 3. # Max
- Freely Assembled Expressions ", Art Spike, May 2003. # Susan Demand," the, nea , tapes ", Ammerman Campus Library, Suffolk County Community College, Selden, NY
- Richard C. Walls,http://www2.metrotimes.com/editorial/story.asp? Id=6925" the, nea , tapes ", Detroit Doc Film Festival, MetroTimes Detroit, November 7,2004. #
- National Theatre, the National Theatre of Northern Greece, Lefteris Vogiatzis ', nea , SKINI theater company, and the Athens Festival (a 1994 show with George
- Persons on their views on the status of American art in the late 1990s. “ the, nea , tapes ” also had the distinction of being screened in the U. S. Capitol
- And W. W. Norton published the novel in 1997. Name news hour /> name, nea , /> Phil Oman (October 7,1896 – August 8,1954) was an American film
- Three periods: Old Comedy (archaic),Middle Comedy (mere) and New Comedy (, nea , ). These divisions appear to be largely arbitrary, and ancient comedy almost
- Name of their hometown (now Many, Turkey ), hence the addition of the word, nea , which means new in Greek. NEA Moldavia hosts the Department of Fisheries &
- For Musician in 1977,and later became an editor for the magazine. Name, nea , /> Labor is also a jazz drummer. Name Lieberman />
- Ilkid=LANDEFRE01 profile The Flying Head, or KO, nea , rau neh, is a spiritual being within the traditional belief systems of the
- Anstati. ) In the case of prepositions and particles, there is nothing to drop:, nea ,'negative ', nei 'to deny '. However, occasionally other endings double up. For
- They had considerable widespread literary and social influence. New Comedy (, nea , ) The new comedy lasted throughout the reign of the Macedonian rulers, ending
- 2001,p. 44; ill. # Richard Bainbridge," From Cooking Lessons to Saving the, nea , at LIDIA House ", ( review) The Independent Film & Video Monthly, December
- The middling month" was used. The final day of the month was called Lena Kai, nea ," the old and the new ". Peculiar to Athens, this name presents the day as
- Was directed by Jeremy Mortimer. Awards and nominations; Awards NEA or, nea , may refer to: * Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs (see United States Department
- Studies (CAMS) in Athens and of the Center for Cappadocian Studies (CCS) in, nea , Karvali, a member of the scientific board of the Pan-Hellenic Union of
- Of over 200 universities, colleges,and art institutes. Based on“ the, nea , tapes ” archive, Lamarre and Wolf interviewed over 300 artists, curators,art
- 28/29, 2002. # Rena Jena," http://artforum.com/news/week=200121#news982 the, nea , tapes,The Movie ", Artforum. Com, May 22, 2001. # Elizabeth Elliott," Salad
- Came under attack from 13 May and was pushed back to the Fort du Hotelier, nea , rVerdun by 21 May, when it was attached to the 71st Infantry Division, which
- 1997,no. 3. # Max Alvarez," Creative Tools for the Culture Wars,'the, nea , tapes ' and Artistic Freedom Under Attack ", The Independent Film & Video
- September 27 & 28, 2003; ill. # Jessica Birnbaum, Behind The Red Tape," the, nea , tapes ", McGill University, McGill Daily, Montreal,Quebec, September 29, 2003
- Lidia House, New York, Septermber 27/28, 2003. # (no author) " the, nea , tapes " 'Pick of the Week ', Xavier University, CityBeat, Cincinnati,OH, June
- La pardon’ all noted ’, kiel Ankara pardon’ all ofendintar’ NIA. AJU, nea , nia Kodak’ extent ’, sedu NIA la Liberia’ de l’ carbon ’. Punjab Stadium is
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