Examples of the the word, wrought , in a Sentence Context

The word ( wrought ), is the 12643 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Forge A finery forge is a water-powered mill where pig iron is refined into, wrought ,iron. Forging equipment Anvil The anvil serves as a work bench to the
  2. Administrative and economic center by the eruption as well as the damage, wrought ,by the tsunami to the coastal towns and villages of Crete precipitated the
  3. Prosperous West, to which East Germans compared their nation. The changes, wrought ,by the Communists were most apparent in ending capitalism and transforming
  4. Bronze swords while foot soldiers had iron, but,for many purposes, the weaker, wrought ,iron was found to be sufficiently strong. Archaeologists suspect that a serious
  5. Towards the beginning of the 19th century displaced brick in favor of cast and, wrought ,iron and later steel and concrete. Some early 'skyscrapers' were made in
  6. War to the Axis nations and entered the conflict. The destruction of Europe, wrought ,by the war vaulted all North American countries to more important roles in
  7. According to this time it shall be said of Jacob and of Israel, What hath God, wrought , ). The Horsetail telegraph was quickly deployed in the following two decades.
  8. Claimed that union would enable Scotland to recover from the financial disaster, wrought ,by the Darren scheme through English assistance and the lifting of measures put
  9. Led by Belarus. De Camp's work is concerned with the historical changes, wrought ,by his time traveler, Martin Pad way, thereby making the work an alternate
  10. Man Jesus in the likeness of a dove. Therefore, wonders (dynamic) were not, wrought ,in him until the Spirit (which Herodotus called Christ) came down and was
  11. Blacksmith, where the metal to be forged is placed. Anvils are made of cast or, wrought ,iron with a tool steel face welded on or of a single piece of cast or forged
  12. Of Sicily, a tradition was preserved that the Greeks had seized cult images, wrought ,by Daedalus from their local predecessors, the Scan. Innovator Such anecdotal
  13. The substance of sermons preached at Boyle's lectures. It happened that they, wrought ,an effect on me quite contrary to what was intended by them; for the arguments
  14. That turns into potassium hydroxide, or sodium hydroxide, which will corrode, wrought ,iron or steel gun barrels. Black powder arms must be well cleaned both inside
  15. For the Stockton and Darlington Railway, however,Stephenson would use only, wrought ,iron rails, notwithstanding the financial loss he would suffer from not using
  16. As ironworking improved, iron became cheaper; and as cultures advanced from, wrought ,iron to forged iron, they learned how to make steel, which is stronger than
  17. Of social order (e.g. Shivers, Rabid ). In his middle period, the chaos, wrought ,by the scientist is more personal, ( e.g. The Brood, Scanners,Velodrome).
  18. The Middle Ages, pig iron was able to be produced in much higher volumes than, wrought ,iron. Because pig iron could be melted, people began to develop processes of
  19. Throughout Egypt, including the pyramids; and the traces of the quarry men who, wrought ,in these 3,000 years ago are still visible in the native rock. They lie on
  20. The place ". With the new relative viewpoint that the Copernican revolution had, wrought , he suggested" our world's sunny / Becomes a starred elsewhere ". Fontanelle
  21. Loosened from the stalk is clear and radiant, just as an adornment of red gold, wrought ,in a crucible by a skilled goldsmith, deftly beaten and laid on a yellow-cloth
  22. Deeply-felt style which is individualistic, beautiful,exotic, and emotionally, wrought , Although Romanticism and Neoclassicism were philosophically opposed
  23. S standards. The echoes of World War II are very strong, and the devastation, wrought ,by Godzilla (played by Hard Natalia) is not sugar-coated; it eerily mirrors
  24. Of a besieged city. Nonetheless, the written sources do not mention damages, wrought ,by fire, save the Gardens of Sallust, which were situated close to the gate by
  25. Those of Hagia Sophia at Constantinople, of the 8th and 9th century, are, wrought , in bronze, and the west doors of the cathedral of Aix-la-Chapelle (9th century
  26. 0.30 % and 1.2 % by weight. Alloys with less carbon than this, such as, wrought ,iron, cannot be heat treated to a significant degree and will consequently be
  27. Insistence on absolute truth, he disavows the child. Seeing the damage he has, wrought , Refers determines to repair things, and suggests to Hedwig that she sacrifice
  28. On the theatrical poster of All the King’s Men (1949). The film shoot was, wrought ,with difficulties stemming from Crawford’s alcoholism. Savaged by critics at
  29. Arranging his men into a half-moon formation. The vigor of the assault, wrought ,terror and confusion amongst the Turks, and by nightfall the battle was won.
  30. In the abbey church at Bobbie, and many miracles are said to have been, wrought ,there through his intercession. In 1482 the relics were placed in a new shrine
  31. Blister steel during the Middle Ages. This method introduced carbon by heating, wrought ,iron in charcoal for long periods of time, but the penetration of carbon was
  32. Famous. Other characteristic elements are decorative (and functional), wrought , iron gratings, and the tiles known as amulets. Landscaping—both for common
  33. Other materials may be printed to encourage the faithful to pray for a miracle, wrought ,by his or her intercession as a sign of God's will that the person be
  34. Phoenicia in the Eastern Mediterranean. Though bronze is generally harder than, wrought ,iron, with Kickers hardness of 60–258 vs. 30–80,the Bronze Age gave way to the
  35. Severn. With the Industrial Revolution in the 19th century, truss systems of, wrought ,iron were developed for larger bridges, but iron did not have the tensile
  36. Clad Virginia, formerly the Merrimack. This immense RELIC WEIGHS 1,340 POUNDS, wrought ,iron, and as a sovereign of the war, and an object of interest as a revolution
  37. Construction of Adelaide Jail commenced in 1841. Adelaide's early history was, wrought ,by economic uncertainty and incompetent leadership. The first governor of South
  38. The B&O Railroad Museum) in Baltimore. The famous message was: What hath God, wrought ,(from the Biblical book of Numbers 23:23: Surely there is no enchantment
  39. Often acting as a Greek chorus commenting on the unfolding disasters Donald, wrought ,upon himself. Yet while seemingly defeatist in tone, the humanity of the
  40. Was faced with major economic difficulties. In addition to the devastation, wrought ,by World War I, the exploitation of the Polish economy by the German and
  41. Of Judah, as the Lord’s chosen leader. The language here is not as finely, wrought ,as in some other books of the minor prophets, yet the intent seems
  42. Discovery of Christian Science. She was convinced that:" The divine Spirit had, wrought ,the miracle — a miracle which later I found to be in perfect scientific accord
  43. One of the greatest calamities which confronted Southerners was the havoc, wrought ,on the transportation system. Roads were impassable or nonexistent, and bridges
  44. Yet lightweight" web-like" trusses and arches to withstand high winds, using, wrought , iron for bridge construction because its flexibility could withstand high winds
  45. Phenomena such as earthquakes were understood by the destruction that they, wrought , One of the contributions that Lyell made in Principles was to explain the
  46. Of those histories. ... In this way we repair the major damage, wrought ,by mentalist. When what a person does is attributed to what is going on inside
  47. Referring to the Jews). " Charles Hodge writes that" The subjective change, wrought ,in the soul by the grace of God, is variously designated in Scripture" with
  48. The modes of my relief. I could only assure him that the divine Spirit had, wrought ,the miracle—a miracle which later I found to be in perfect scientific accord
  49. This emphasis on production and construction goes back to the revolution, wrought ,by Kant in philosophy, namely his focus in the Critique of Pure Reason on
  50. King of Wessex, and was described as the most effectively and artistically, wrought ,American opera ever to reach the stage. Within three weeks her publishers had

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