Examples of the the word, grizzly , in a Sentence Context
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- Bear populations are possibly due to competitive exclusion. In certain areas, grizzly ,bears outcompete black bears for the same resources. For example, many Pacific
- Bear Woman's children, in turn, killed Grizzly Bear Woman's own cubs. The, grizzly ,bear is the state animal of both Montana and California. Brown bears often
- Cause of endangerment, followed by hunting. North American brown bears, or, grizzly , bears,seem to prefer open landscapes, whereas in Eurasia they inhabit mostly
- On Miller moths that congregate on mountain slopes. When food is abundant, grizzly ,bears will feed in groups. For example, many grizzly bears will visit meadows
- Reserve located in the western United States, contains prime habitat for the, grizzly ,bear (Ursus arctos horrible),and due to the enormous number of visitors
- And will make a claim when they lose livestock to a bear. Legal status * The, grizzly ,bear, sometimes called the silver tip bear, is listed as threatened in the
- Dutch bruin or bruin, meaning brown (the color). During the Old West,the, grizzly ,was termed" Old Ephraim" and sometimes as" Moccasin Joe ". Taxonomy and
- Has no other choice but to defend itself. The segregation of black bear and, grizzly ,bear populations is possibly due to competitive exclusion. In certain areas
- Black bear is the state animal of Louisiana, New Mexico, and West Virginia; the, grizzly ,bear is the state animal of both Montana and California. In the UK, the bear
- Very similar to the brown bears inhabiting Europe and Asia. In North America, grizzly ,bears previously ranged from Alaska to Mexico and as far east as the Hudson Bay
- Most notable in Yellowstone have been the interactions between gray wolves and, grizzly ,bears. With the reintroduction of gray wolves to Yellowstone, many visitors
- Of young or over a carcass, which is commonly an elk killed by wolves. The, grizzly ,bear uses its keen sense of smell to locate the kill. Then, the wolves and
- The wolves are too numerous or persistent). Black bears generally stay out of, grizzly ,territory, but grizzlies may occasionally enter black bear terrain to obtain
- Bear uses its keen sense of smell to locate the kill. Then, the wolves and, grizzly ,will play a game of cat and mouse. One wolf may try to distract the bear while
- He had seen in the American West" and hunting that included deer, elk,and, grizzly ,bear. His third son, Gregory Hancock Hemingway, was born on November 12, 1931
- Columbia, Northwest Territories, and Yukon Territory. Prairie populations of, grizzly ,bear are listed as extirpated in Alberta, Manitoba,and Saskatchewan. * The
- 1970s. Between 1980 and 2002,there have been only two human injuries caused by, grizzly ,bears in a developed area. Though grizzly attacks were rare in the backcountry
- Wastes during this period. In some areas where food is plentiful year round, grizzly ,bears skip hibernation altogether. Interspecific competition Most notable in
- In large quantities. In Yellowstone National Park, it has been observed that, grizzly ,bears may obtain half of their yearly caloric needs by feeding on Miller moths
- And diet of the bear species. When this happens, it is usually with the, grizzly ,being the aggressor. The black bear will only fight when it is a smaller
- This poses one of the greatest threats to the future survival of the, grizzly ,bear in the contiguous United States. In Asia, brown bears are found in most of
- Or Himalayan red bear ***** Ursus arctos various, Ussuri brown bear or black, grizzly ,********* Ursus arctos ruinous, Tibetan blue bear or Tibetan bear or
- North-facing slopes. There is some debate amongst professionals whether, grizzly ,bears technically hibernate: much of this debate revolves around body
- This is a very recent event in evolutionary time, causing the North American, grizzly ,bear to be very similar to the brown bears inhabiting Europe and Asia. In North
- Of the salmon available in Alaska and British Columbia. Although the diet of, grizzly ,bears varies extensively based on seasonal and regional changes, plants make up
- Visitors have witnessed a once common struggle between a keystone species,the, grizzly ,bear, and its historic rival, the gray wolf. The interactions of U. actor
- This creates a further depressive effect on an already endangered species. The, grizzly ,bear is officially described as" threatened" in the U. S. Though the problem
- Last one having been shot in 1922. In Canada, there are approximately 25,000, grizzly , bears occupying British Columbia, Alberta,the Yukon, the Northwest Territories
- Richness of their diet. In Yellowstone National Park in the United States,the, grizzly ,bear's diet consists mostly of whitebark pine nuts, tubers,grasses, various
- And bells, and carry whistles to ward off bears. They are told to look for, grizzly ,scat in camping areas, and be careful to carry the bells and whistles in those
- Tale tells of how the black bear was a creation of the Great Spirit, while the, grizzly ,was created by the Evil Spirit. In Kwakiutl mythology, black and brown bears
- Grizzly bear (Ursus arctos horrible),also known as the silver tip bear,the, grizzly , or the North American brown bear, is a subspecies of brown bear (Ursus arctos
- Grizzlies can weigh as little as. On the other hand, an occasional huge male, grizzly ,has been recorded which greatly exceeds ordinary size, with weights reported up
- With weights reported up to. Although variable from blond to nearly black, grizzly ,bear fur is typically brown with white tips. A pronounced hump appears
- One was shot in Tulare County. It is the official state animal. * The Mexican, grizzly ,bear is listed as an endangered species, but it may be extinct. * In Canada, it
- Only two human injuries caused by grizzly bears in a developed area. Though, grizzly ,attacks were rare in the backcountry before 1970,the number of attacks
- For the cubs for up to two years, during which the mother will not mate. Male, grizzly ,bears have large territories, up to, Canadian or Alaskan grizzlies are larger
- Their chloroplast and mitochondrial genomes to their nuclear chromosomes. The, grizzly ,bear (Ursus arctos horrible),also known as the silver tip bear, the grizzly
- Being the aggressor. The black bear will only fight when it is a smaller, grizzly ,such as a yearling or when the black bear has no other choice but to defend
- Only to the Alaska brown bear as a potential killer, more dangerous than the, grizzly ,bear. In the words of early naturalists, they were a dangerous, savage animal
- Such as pine nuts, acorns,mushrooms, and berries. When a black bear sees a, grizzly ,coming, it either turns tail and runs or climbs a tree. Black bears are not
- The southwestern states, but it has been extirpated in most of those areas. The, grizzly ,bear appears on the flag of California, though they are extinct in the state
- To attacks from grizzlies. Within Yellowstone National Park, injuries caused by, grizzly ,attacks in developed areas averaged approximately one per year during the 1930s
- And North America, as they were likely developed from a variety of studies. The, grizzly ,bear currently has legal protection in Mexico, European countries, some areas
- To the bear's slow reproductive habits. There are currently about 55,000 wild, grizzly ,bears located throughout North America. Reproduction Grizzly bears have one of
- When food is abundant, grizzly bears will feed in groups. For example, many, grizzly , bears will visit meadows right after there has been an avalanche or glacier
- Two types are generally recognized, the coastal brown bear and the inland, grizzly , and the two types could broadly define all brown bear subspecies. Grizzlies
- Including a very wide range of birds, has also long been popular. Bears (, grizzly , black, and the Erode bear or spirit bear—only found in British Columbia)
- Giving them one of the widest ranges of bear species. The ancestors of the, grizzly ,bear originated in Eurasia and traveled to North America approximately 50,000
- Bear (U. a. actor),whose mature females weigh as little as. Barely larger, grizzly ,bears (U. a. horrible) from the Yukon region (which are a third smaller
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