Examples of the the word, lilly , in a Sentence Context

The word ( lilly ), is the 12631 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And 729 species of birds. Fauna Mammals Birds Flora The world's the smallest water, lilly , Nymphet therm arum, was endemic not only to Rwanda, but to the damp mud formed
  2. Gallery File: Blue water Lilly from promote lake Dayana. JPG|Blue water, lilly , flowers from promote lake File: Pookkottu_lake_summer. JPG|Pookkottu lake in
  3. JPG|Among the green paths of the arboretum Image: ArbLillyPond. JPG|The, lilly , pond surrounded by grass Image: ArbGreenCorner. JPG|Another green corner of the
  4. Floribunda is a widely grown street tree and is known as the weeping, lilly , pilly. Waterhouse species are used as food plants by the larvae of some
  5. Had hoops. For example, the 15th-century kings of France wore crowns of the, lilly , type,a collar decorated with four fillies. Name Schramm561/> The hoop
  6. In 1905. The house is a pictorial representation of the community name. The, lilly , staves are from the coat of arms of the barons of Jennings, who lorded over
  7. Extensive shallows being colonized by sedge, water horsetail and yellow water, lilly , A 16th century mine, Launchy Gill Level, was driven into the fell side below
  8. His costume. Air got into the suit and expanded it like an" obscene water, lilly ,". With a final cost of $397,023 ($ as of),Bride was more than $100,000 ($
  9. Humile can reach 25 meters (80 ft) tall. In the typical shape of the, lilly , pilly group, it may easily be confused in the field with plants of the genus
  10. Of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole on a sign composed by the main character.: The, lilly , Ladies of the flowering field, : The Flowre-deluce, her lonely Paramour: :Edmund
  11. Species are native to Males. The Australian species are commonly labelled as, lilly , pillies, along with the Australian Syzygiums Alcmena is used as a food plant by
  12. Victory. It now honors those who finish the marches. The Gladiolus or 'sword ', lilly , is so named because its leaves have the shape of a sword. A Roman sword was
  13. Spices are also available. You would love to see groups of beautiful Blue water, lilly , flowers scattered here and there in the lake. Boats are available for rent but
  14. Ones. Some representatives of the water plants include water fern, white water, lilly , and water farina. Meadow plants are represented by Lumbago, Achillea, wormwood
  15. Of sediment entering the lake from nearby fields. Aquatic vegetation, such as, lilly , pads Nymphaeaceae and cattails among other types, covers much of the lake
  16. Lasts for nine seconds. The camera is out as she appears out of a giant, lilly , flower as it opens she appears in half of her Sofia out fit. Then she spins as
  17. S sent through the crack, is airborne, and lands in a small pond underneath a, lilly , pad with a frog on top. Porky then chases the squirrel up the tree, but is
  18. Is a water lily, that is bordered on two sides by rice sheaves. Above the water, lilly , are four stars and a three connected jute leaves. The water lily is the country
  19. Survived by his son Rabbi Jacob Ferber and four daughters. His daughter Lisa (, lilly , ) married Rabbi Solomon Peach Takeoff, who first served as rabbi of Sunderland
  20. Their son. Lyrics An earthly Norris sits and sings, And aye she sings," Ba, lilly , wean,Little ken I, my bairns father, Far less the land that he STAPS in. "
  21. Banksia and macadamia family),Intercede, Myrtaceae (eucalypti and, lilly , pilly),Monimiaceae, Rutaceae,Sapindaceae, Aquifoliaceae (holly family)
  22. Books—and he coined some names based on Greek, such as" Paris" and" Phat, lilly , white. " Classical material is also alluded to or reworked by Spenser, such as
  23. In the country),common yew, European holly,Heldreich's maple, Albanian,Lilly, Medic ago carstiensis. Fauna The Fauna in Beasts are affected by two main
  24. Man made items such as buildings, docks,bridges, while in the water are weeds, lilly , pads,logs, brush,and tree stumps. This game has three internal memory save
  25. One of these was Grass Pond Colony. Grass Pond Colony was named for the large, lilly , pad filled ponds, located in the large natural grassy meadows nearby. In 1875
  26. Bush (Ervatamia angustissepala) U V W **Waterhouse Florida, Weeping,Lilly, pilly (Syzygium floribundum) X Y Z Fungi No longer classified as flora
  27. Competes in the National Championship of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The magenta, lilly , pilly (Syzygium paniculatum, syn. Eugenia manipulate),also known by the
  28. Nearly 100 other species and 1400 her barium specimens, including the epiphysis, lilly , Lilium Agricola and Longer hildebrandiana, a honeysuckle with huge flowers.
  29. Have sufficient water for his farm. These round tanks typically gather moss and, lilly , pads upon which frogs make their habitat. Observatories Due to the location of
  30. At a Disney park) and descends by people waiting in line on a winding giant, lilly , pad,before heading to the climactic scene at the Mad Tea Party. The White
  31. Myki ticket vending machines are also located at the entrance. There is a, lilly , pilly tree growing on the platform next to the toilets, which are disused.
  32. Street Theater (formerly The Cherry Pit). Pam MacKinnon (Oboe Award-winner, lilly , award winner, Clybourne Park) will direct the World Premiere production, with
  33. Nearly 100 other species and 1400 her barium specimens, including the epiphysis, lilly , Lilium Agricola and Longer hildebrandiana, a honeysuckle with huge flowers.
  34. In the lake. Boats are available for rent, but visitors are not allowed to touch, lilly , flowers while boating. Visitors may walk around the lake. There are a children
  35. The most important subdivision of the Angolans was Alnilam or the ", lilly , clan ". Vaishnavite Angolans employed Brahmins as priests. All Angolans
  36. Lies over her proper right shoulder and in her proper left hand she holds a, lilly , The north side of the monument is engraved: THOMPSON The south side of the
  37. But was for many years widely known as Alcmena smith ii. Common names include, lilly , pilly, coast satin ash, Eungella gum, and in the timber trade, lilipilli
  38. Becomes a crab, he is to swim to the flower, cut its roots, and rise with the, lilly , to the surface. Drifting with the current, he is to ascend a large stone, say "

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