Examples of the the word, spherical , in a Sentence Context
The word ( spherical ), is the 12636 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Cloud extends from the nucleus. However, this assumes the atom to exhibit a, spherical ,shape, which is only obeyed for atoms in vacuum or free space. Atomic radii may
- Of graphite),and fullerenes (where the carbon atoms are bonded together in, spherical , tubular, or ellipsoidal formations). The term allotropy is used for elements
- Proportional to the radius of the tip, given a projection directly onto a, spherical ,screen, the following equation can be obtained geometrically.: M = \franc. Where
- Phi) are the spherical harmonics. Thus, a particle whose wave function is the, spherical ,harmonic Y_ has an orbital angular momentum:: L = \sort with a z-component::
- Application in optics is to solve the problem," Given a light source and a, spherical ,mirror, find the point on the mirror where the light will be reflected to the
- Value, since ψ is a complex number). | ψ|2 orbital graphs tend to have less, spherical , thinner lobes than ψ graphs, but have the same number of lobes in the same
- M \rang where:: \Lang \theta, \phi | l, m \rang = Y_ (\theta, \phi) are the, spherical ,harmonics. Thus, a particle whose wave function is the spherical harmonic Y_
- Marine and soil habitats as well. Each actinophryid are unicellular and roughly, spherical ,in shape, without any shell or test, and with many pseudopodia supported by
- Field equations, which describes the gravitational field of a point mass and a, spherical ,mass. A few months after Schwarzschild, Johannes Wrote, a student of Hendrik
- Medium apertures than the secondary spectrum of par-axial rays; consequently, spherical ,aberration must be eliminated for two colors, and if this be impossible, then
- Stop to be reproduced in the centers of the entrance and exit pupils without, spherical ,aberration. M. on Ruhr showed that for systems fulfilling neither the Airy nor
- By him. He also made investigations into refraction, catoptrics, dioptrics, spherical ,mirrors, and magnifying lenses. Astrophysics In astrophysics and the celestial
- Common alternative coordinate systems include cylindrical coordinates and, spherical ,coordinates. Equations of curves In analytic geometry, any equation involving
- Constant, the universe could be an eternal static sphere. Einstein believed a, spherical ,static universe is philosophically preferred, because it would obey Mach's
- S mobility in the fluid. George Stokes had shown that the mobility for a, spherical ,particle with radius r is \mu 1/ (6\pi\eta r),where \eta is the dynamic
- Ancient and medieval view of the cosmos, including an explanation of how the, spherical ,earth influenced the changing length of daylight, of how the seasonal motion of
- The field may be approximated or obtained analytically. The magnification for a, spherical ,emitter is inversely proportional to the radius of the tip, given a projection
- Under an angle u2 in the axis point O'2. If there is refraction at a collective, spherical ,surface, or through a thin positive lens, O'2 will lie in front of O'1 so long
- Between the gravitational field of such a black hole and that of any other, spherical ,object of the same mass. The popular notion of a black hole" sucking in
- Since its accuracy does not generally suffice. In order to render, spherical ,aberration and the deviation from the sine condition small throughout the whole
- Operators usually occur when solving a problem with spherical symmetry in, spherical ,coordinates. Then, the angular momentum in space representation is::: L^2 =
- Analog computer capable of working out several kinds of problems in, spherical ,astronomy. An astrolabe incorporating a mechanical calendar computer and
- The shapes of atomic orbitals in one-electron atom are related to 3-dimensional, spherical , harmonics. These shapes are not unique, and any linear combination is valid
- Optical systems using mirrors) centered on spherical and parabolic mirrors and, spherical ,aberration. He made the observation that the ratio between the angle of
- With participants actually owning specific players. A ball is a round, usually, spherical , but sometimes ovoid, object with various uses. It is used in ball games, where
- A disk of confusion; this is similar to the confusion caused by two zones in, spherical ,aberration. For infinitely distant objects the radius Of the chromatic disk of
- Superior achromatic, and,subsequently, by many writers to denote freedom from, spherical ,aberration. Both the aberration of axis points, and the deviation from the sine
- Pole, and bisected by a line around the equator. Bipyramid faces, projected as, spherical ,triangles, represent the fundamental domains in the dihedral symmetry DNS.
- To humans, the word" ball" is used to refer to, or to describe, anything, spherical , or near- spherical . Etymology The first known use of the word ball in English in
- Molecule, which consists of 60 carbon atoms, very closely resembles a, spherical ,version of Fuller's geodesic dome. The 1996 Nobel Prize in chemistry was given
- The dummy warhead was destroyed by the impact of 18,000 tungsten-carbide, spherical ,impactors 140 seconds after launch, at an altitude of. The V-1000 missile
- Feature black holes without singularities. Photon sphere The photon sphere is a, spherical ,boundary of zero thickness such that photons moving along tangents to the
- Becomes sin u'1/h1 sin u'2/h2. A system fulfilling this condition and free from, spherical ,aberration is called Atlantic (Greek a-, privative, plann, a wandering).
- Spherical. For non-rotating (static) black holes the geometry is precisely, spherical , while for rotating black holes the sphere is somewhat oblate. Singularity At
- 1893,7,p. 221),cemented objectives of thin lenses permit the elimination of, spherical ,aberration on the axis, if,as above, the collective lens has a smaller
- Simplest cases of aberration will now be given. Aberration of axial points (, spherical ,aberration in the restricted sense) Let S (fig.5) be any optical system
- In cathartics (the study of optical systems using mirrors) centered on, spherical ,and parabolic mirrors and spherical aberration. He made the observation that
- Sometimes termed the atom’s“ electron cloud” ) tends toward a generally, spherical ,zone of probability describing where the atom’s electrons will be found.
- The existence of a point towards which all things fall in order to derive the, spherical ,shape.: In the second part, he calculates the equilibrium positions of sections
- Be neglected. The Gaussian theory is only an approximation; monochromatic or, spherical ,aberrations still occur, which will be different for different colors; and
- The shape of the event horizon of a black hole is always approximately, spherical , For non-rotating (static) black holes the geometry is precisely spherical
- It is this structure that gives the phylum its name. A further group of, spherical ,organelles are distributed throughout the cell rather than being localized at
- BC: daggers with metal hilt, flanged axes, halberds,pins with perforated, spherical ,heads, solid bracelets) and phases Hallstatt A and B (Ha A and B). South
- Also, the p+1 and p-1 are not the same shape as the p0,since they are pure, spherical ,harmonics. Understanding why atomic orbitals take these shapes The shapes of
- Of a lens it can be made chromatic or achromatic at will, without altering its, spherical ,effect. If its chromatic effect (DF/f) be greater than that of the same lens
- Sign. Of thin positive lenses with n=1.5,four are necessary to correct, spherical ,aberration of the third order. These systems, however,are not of great
- One-half. J is non-negative and MJ takes values between PJ and j. Relation to, spherical ,harmonics Angular momentum operators usually occur when solving a problem with
- Harmonics Angular momentum operators usually occur when solving a problem with, spherical ,symmetry in spherical coordinates. Then, the angular momentum in space
- Or skins, stuffed with various materials. As balls are one of the most familiar, spherical ,objects to humans, the word" ball" is used to refer to, or to describe
- Formulations. Most models for reconstruction assume that the tip is a, spherical ,object, and utilize empirical corrections to stereo graphic projection to
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