Examples of the the word, stimulating , in a Sentence Context

The word ( stimulating ), is the 12637 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Cells by coating the pathogen; and they trigger destruction of pathogens by, stimulating ,other immune responses such as the complement pathway. Activation of complement
  2. Process called bioturbation. Bioturbation helps to aerate the soils, thus, stimulating , hetertrophic growth and production. Biomass of soil microorganisms are
  3. Hormone in plants. It acts at trace levels throughout the life of the plant by, stimulating ,or regulating the ripening of fruit, the opening of flowers, and the abscission
  4. But inactivated during S and G2 phases, promote the initiation of mitosis by, stimulating ,downstream proteins involved in chromosome condensation and mitotic spindle
  5. Another theory is that the general environment today is much more complex and, stimulating , One of the most striking 20th century changes of the human intellectual
  6. Nitrate Nitrates cause vasodilation of the venous capacitance vessels by, stimulating ,the endothelium-derived relaxing factor (EDF). Used to relieve both
  7. 0.5 x 109/liter) can be improved with synthetic G-CSF (granulocyte-colony, stimulating ,factor, e. g., filgrastim, lenograstim). In very severe myelosuppression
  8. Performing fellatio on their male babies, placing its penis in their mouths and, stimulating ,it, since it was not considered a sexual act, while the Manchu regarded public
  9. Elaborates upon these ideas, adds a few new ones, and has immense value as a, stimulating ,collection of Nimzowitsch's own games accompanied by his idiosyncratic
  10. Inflation (especially in asset markets). By the central bank artificially ", stimulating ," the economy with artificially low interest rates (thereby permitting
  11. The central bank and has instead issued interest-free money from 1822 to 1836, stimulating , the growth of economy after Napoleon's wars without creating public debt and
  12. Ecological systems across the globe. The positive effects of fire include, stimulating ,growth and maintaining various ecological systems. Fire has been used by humans
  13. Of Franco) has been promoted, both by recovering works from the past and by, stimulating ,the creation of new works. Barcelona is designated as a world-class city by the
  14. Groups of activated neurons that maintain their activity by constantly, stimulating ,one another. *Episodic memory is the ability to remember the details of
  15. Essentially invalidates that purpose. A potential 'opposite' strategy, i. e., stimulating ,the penis to near-orgasm without a condom and then hurriedly applying the
  16. To camp. Regulation Acetylate cycle is dually regulated by G proteins (Gs, stimulating ,activity and Hi inhibiting it),and by foreskin, as well as other
  17. And receiving embassies from Indian governors, strengthening the city and, stimulating ,the marriage of Portuguese with local women. At that time, Portuguese women
  18. Iron sulfate) to certain regions of the ocean. This has the effect of, stimulating ,growth of plankton. Iron is an important nutrient for phytoplankton, usually
  19. That action is measured, and the feedback loop can run once more, every action, stimulating ,new behaviors that inch the individual closer to their goals. Reflexive
  20. Demand for a more rapid delivery of tea from China. It continued under the, stimulating ,influence of the discovery of gold in California and Australia in 1848 and 1851
  21. A sex ratio of" ten females to each male," with the women selected for their, stimulating ,sexual characteristics and the men selected for youth, health,intellectual
  22. The art, and result in a harmonious whole that is aesthetically appealing and, stimulating , The illumination of the subject is also a key element in creating an artistic
  23. Could block its degradation and allow large amounts of p53 to accumulate, thus, stimulating ,p53 activity and its antitumor effects. Drugs that utilize this mechanism
  24. With religion and science ". Generally, art is made with the intention of, stimulating ,thoughts and emotions. Evaluation Philosopher Richard William distinguishes
  25. Years. In power since 1979,the Obi ang government has made little progress in, stimulating ,the economy. Extremely serious health and sanitary conditions persist, and the
  26. Memory and dysthymia mood. Drugs may increase serotonin levels in the brain, stimulating ,neurogenesis and thus increasing the total mass of the hippocampus. This
  27. Its actions. This can also include some inhibition of pituitary functions while, stimulating ,the P450 system (the system that eliminates chemicals, hormones,drugs and
  28. Several other studies have also found lasting cognitive gains. Generally more, stimulating ,environment Still another theory is that the general environment today is much
  29. Reserves to the banking system encourage lending at lower interest rates thus, stimulating ,growth in money, credit,and the economy. Policy actions that absorb reserves
  30. Thousands of these were brought by refugees to Italy, and played a key part in, stimulating ,the Renaissance, and the transition to the modern world. The cumulative
  31. In some countries, remains an important crop for legal local use in a mildly, stimulating ,herbal tea, and,both controversially and illegally, for the production of
  32. For Aristotle's writings grew, and the Greek manuscripts returned to the West, stimulating ,a revival of Aristotelianism in Europe to the point where Renaissance
  33. And expand the mining and fishing industries have been partially successful in, stimulating ,investment and growth. Banking & finance The Cook Islands has" Home Rule "
  34. Book How We Think he emphasizes that material should be provided in way that is, stimulating ,and interesting to the student, and it encourages original thoughts and problem
  35. The two. In nature, the interfering items are said to originate from an over, stimulating ,environment. Interference theory exists in three branches: Proactive
  36. Or inhibition/suppression testing. This might involve injection with a, stimulating ,agent to test the function of an endocrine organ. Blood is then sampled to
  37. Acupuncture in the narrower sense of using metal needles to treat illnesses by, stimulating ,specific points along circulation channels (" meridians" ) in accordance with
  38. Behaviors for fixed action patterns. Such schemes are only acted when a precise, stimulating ,signal is present. When such signals act as communication among members of the
  39. Film, sculpture and painting, that deal substantively with erotically, stimulating ,or sexually arousing descriptions. The term is a modern word that describes the
  40. Of the Middle Kingdom restored the country's prosperity and stability, thereby, stimulating , a resurgence of art, literature,and monumental building projects. Amenhotep
  41. His stepmother, Seaside Studies in Natural History, a work at once exact and, stimulating , and in 1871 Marine Animals of Massachusetts Bay. Agassiz served as a president
  42. Induced to secrete a number of cytokines that promote reabsorption of bone by, stimulating ,osteoclast activity and differentiation from progenitor cells. Vitamin D
  43. Which people think were adopted and developed by Wharf. They both believed that, stimulating ,and challenging theories would attract students to this fledgling field. During
  44. With women in general, as compared to couples of other sexual orientations, but, stimulating , the anus for sexual pleasure is stated to be a part of many lesbians' sex
  45. The sinoatrial or SA node) following down the bundle of HIS and ultimately, stimulating ,the ventricles to contract forcing blood through the body. Much can be learned
  46. Get rather jammed during the summer months. For this reason, and as a means for, stimulating ,urgently needed economic growth, highways have become indispensable for the
  47. Provide a slower, more consistent source of glucose to the bloodstream, thereby, stimulating , less insulin release than high glycemic index foods, such as white bread. " The
  48. Gradually observed that this action was associated with energizing and motor, stimulating ,effects, while some antidepressant compounds appeared to have differing effects
  49. And may be caused by the smell of these plants mimicking a pheromone and, stimulating ,cats' social or sexual behaviors. Cats have relatively few taste buds compared
  50. Was excitedly discussed in the mainstream press. In 1952,learning of the, stimulating ,side effects of isoniazid, the Cincinnati psychiatrist Max Lure tried it on

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