Examples of the the word, impoverished , in a Sentence Context
The word ( impoverished ), is the 12635 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Flows, if redeemed from the shackles of" financial repressions ", best help, impoverished ,nations to grow. The theory holds that open financial systems accelerate
- In 1851 the new governor of Timor, Solor and Flores, Lima Lopes, faced with an, impoverished ,administration, agreed to sell eastern Flores and the nearby islands to Dutch
- Punic goddess Tacit, Iuno celestas. The purpose was to obtain arable lands for, impoverished ,farmers. The Senate abolished the colony some time later, in order to undermine
- China, the United States and the Soviet Union. A civil war was imposed on, impoverished ,Cambodia that displaced 600,000 Cambodians to refugee camps along the border
- For Africa. Italy possessed only two recently obtained territories. Both were, impoverished ,and located near Ethiopia on the Horn of Africa, Eritrea and Somalia. Italy
- To call Ferdinand a wise ruler," he said to his courtiers —" he who has, impoverished ,his own country and enriched mine! ". Ballet addressed a fireman to all the
- High alcohol content. The term wino was coined during this period to describe, impoverished ,people who drank these wines solely for their inebriating effect. These wines
- From Orkney Island but is defeated by a Covenanted army. *1667 – The blind and, impoverished ,John Milton sells the copyright of Paradise Lost for £10. *1749 – First
- Linguistics. In 1972,Noam Chomsky described Saussure an linguistics as an ", impoverished ,and thoroughly inadequate conception of language," while in 1984,Marcus
- Ethnic Greeks who had fled from Turkey after the defeat of the Greek Army. The, impoverished ,Greek state was unable to take them in, Despite some controversy over the
- Nicaragua to speaking up for the rights and livelihoods of striking miners, impoverished ,farmers, oppressed minorities, and struggling families. A goad to the era's
- That Tudor had launched a smear campaign against his invention. Dr. Corrie died, impoverished ,in 1855 and the idea of air conditioning faded away for 50 years. Early
- Maiden name was Eagle, belonged to the Roman Catholic Church and came from an, impoverished ,but genteel County Cork family. (The name de Burma, anglicised as Burke, is
- The Republic of Albania is a fictional country in Dilbert and, where the, impoverished ,citizens, who suffered under corrupt government, were perpetually seen in
- His father died in 1892,when he was eight years old, and Auchinleck grew up in, impoverished ,circumstances, but he was able, through hard work and scholarships, to graduate
- Without transfers, then this would create a bigger population of genetically, impoverished ,bongo. These animals would be less able to adapt to a dynamic environment.
- Both devote a great deal of attention to the oppressed and downtrodden. The, impoverished ,are generally honored. A great deal of attention is devoted to women in general
- Baez (in the character of Joanne Phone, a wealthy folksinger who offers an, impoverished ,orphanage ten thousand dollars' worth of" protest songs" ). The sequence
- Drive and south of the Red River. *Kelly land - largely African-American, impoverished ,neighborhood *Grundy Cooper – older middle class subdivision behind the Rapids
- City. Even in October 2005,there was perceived bias against the comparatively, impoverished ,North West of the province, with a major civil service job contract going to
- But affluent middle class can afford to shop at the former, while the large, impoverished ,rural community resorts to buying small amounts of daily essentials from
- From diamonds, oil,gold, copper,as well as a rich wildlife (dramatically, impoverished ,during the civil war),forest, and fossils. Since independence, oil and
- In the New England area. Attending three of them in rapid succession,the, impoverished ,Camp was thrown out of each for nonpayment of tuition—the Boston Museum School
- Such as habitat destruction, hunting or other overexploitation, and an, impoverished ,gene pool). While cloning technologies are well-established and used on a
- Learning. The nativist position argues that the input from language is too, impoverished ,for infants and children to acquire the structure of language. Linguist Norm
- Millions of dollars in the government accounts, which should have gone to help, impoverished ,Equatorial Guineans, were instead funneled to offshore tax shelters, with help
- And published anonymously by Jonathan Swift in 1729. Swift suggests that, impoverished ,Irish might ease their economic troubles by selling their children as food for
- Their" first love ". ###. (2:8-11) #### Praised for being" rich" while, impoverished ,and in tribulation. #### Admonished not to fear the" synagogue of Satan ", nor
- Biography Early years Melamine was born at Montepulciano to a noble if, impoverished ,family, the son of Vincenzo Bernardino and his wife India Serving, who was
- E & J Gallo Winery, to stop providing such products to liquor stores in, impoverished ,areas. In 2005,the Seattle City Council asked the Washington State Liquor
- It is a relatively uncomplicated and sentimental love story dealing with an, impoverished ,postwar couple trying to enjoy, within the devastation of postwar Tokyo, their
- The schools are located in a wide variety of communities and cultures: from the, impoverished ,favelas of São Paulo to the wealthy suburbs of New York City; and has been
- During the first season and the Chicago Fire left that city's White Stockings, impoverished , unable to field a team again until 1874. Cleveland was thus the NA's
- Knight, the adventurer was a realistic figure, often lower class or otherwise, impoverished , who is forced to make his way to fortune, often by deceit. The picaresque
- Widely by geographic region and profession. The Central Valley is the most, impoverished , with migrant farmworkers making less than minimum wage. Recently, the San
- That," Treason must be made odious ... traitors must be punished and, impoverished ,... their social power must be destroyed. " However, when he succeeded Lincoln
- To be small, fragmented and vulnerable to extinction. Animal populations with, impoverished ,genetic diversity are inherently less able to adapt to changes in their
- Lentiscus. Where grazing is excessive this covering is soon reduced, and an, impoverished ,bath remains, consisting principally of Thymus capitates, Sarcopoterium
- As a series of letters between two friends, struggling to cope with their, impoverished ,circumstances and life in pre-revolution Russia. * The Moonstone (1868) by
- In 83 BC. Thus, the Oracle fell in decay and the surrounding area became, impoverished , The sparse local population led to difficulties in filling the posts required.
- Liquor Control Board to prohibit the sale of certain alcohol products in an, impoverished ," Alcohol Impact Area. " Among the products sought to be banned were over two
- As a danger to their rule. Many newly independent states thus found themselves, impoverished , with minimal administrative capacity in a fragmented society, while faced with
- Sequence, lasting over eight minutes, shows the detective, disguised as an, impoverished ,veteran, wandering the streets in search of the gun thief; it employed actual
- Toward the end of Friedrich’s career proved invaluable to the ailing and, impoverished ,artist. Zhukov sky remarked that his friend's paintings" please us by their
- On the island of Provide or Ischemia in the Kingdom of Naples into a noble but, impoverished ,family. Initially he followed a military career, taking part in the
- Heroine, orphaned heiress Christina Parsons, comes to live at Lombards,the, impoverished ,Essex estate owned by her crippled and tyrannical uncle, William Russell, and
- The first of 11 unsolved brutal murders of women committed in or near the, impoverished ,Whitechapel district in the East End of London, occurs. *1895 – Trial of the
- The production of crocheted lace being an alternative way of making money for, impoverished ,Irish workers). Mademoiselle Diego de la Blanchardiere is generally credited
- Containing many shotgun-style homes *Sam town – largely African-American, impoverished ,neighborhood *Acadian Village - large community of middle class African
- Of capitalism, as well as the rumors and urban legends that circulate in, impoverished ,communities about child kidnapping and organ theft. Sociocultural
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