Examples of the the word, untrue , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Issue of the traditional blood libel regarding the Jews, which he found to be, untrue ,http://www.jrbooksonline.com/PDFs/Roth%20Ritual%20Murder%20Libel%20JR. PDF.
  2. Andrew Jackson, halted the attempt. It is possible this is the source of the (, untrue ,) legend that Jackson believed in a Flat Earth, and was consequently the only
  3. Of Rome and soon burns completely out of control. According to a popular, but, untrue , legend,Nero fiddled as the city burned. * 711 – Umayyad conquest of Hispanic:
  4. However, the idea that only the socialist working class formed Labor is, untrue , Analysis of the early NSW Labor caucus reveals" a band of unhappy amateurs "
  5. The propaganda claims that it was intended a" terror attack" are demonstrably, untrue ,as Wolfram von Richthofen" had no time for this tactic and was at first as
  6. Sentence in a 461-page book, reviewers focused on it. But the accusation was, untrue ,: Jerry and Kiki had been invited to stay with Tate the night of the Manson
  7. Dyspnea (shortness of breath),and an aching, flu-like syndrome. A common but, untrue ,belief is that the smoking of cocaine chemically breaks down tooth enamel and
  8. One of the" theories of men ", but falling short of declaring evolution, untrue ,or evil. " It is held by some ", they said," that Adam was not the first man
  9. Of illicit opioid addiction. Origin of Dolphins name A persistent but, untrue ,urban legend claims that the trade name" Dolphins" was coined in tribute to
  10. Jodi and Diana had visited the house on the day of their death, but this was, untrue , Al-Fayed extensively refurbished and restored the 'Villa Windsor ', and for
  11. He protested to PCA enforcer Joseph Been, arguing that the film gave an ", untrue ,and distorted picture of the German people ". Gassing eventually met with
  12. Require a quantum description of the EM field, this is now understood to be, untrue , and proper proof of the quantum nature of radiation is now taken up into
  13. Hence the Cretans are liars, Epimenides is himself a liar, and what he says is, untrue , Thus, we may go on alternately proving that Epimenides and the Cretans are
  14. 1691. In 1601,Pope Clement VIII declared the legend of the female Pope to be, untrue , The famous bust of her, inscribed Johannes VIII, Femina ex Anglia, which had
  15. Of non-fiction works, and including information that the author knows to be, untrue ,within any of these works is usually regarded as dishonest. Other works can
  16. Compromised by their label. While the stories about DGC shelving the album were, untrue , the band actually was unhappy with certain aspects of Albini's mixes.
  17. The defense. Joel nevertheless proved some charges made against him were, untrue , such as the charge that he helped Hitler gain control of Germany in 1933. He
  18. A cause, while opponents argue that this is special pleading or otherwise, untrue , A brief review of the first premise in both arguments above, however,shows
  19. Gained wide circulation after the attacks, but have been later revealed as, untrue , Claims that passengers intentionally crashed United Airlines Flight 93 On
  20. When all the other equipment was stolen, but this was later proven to be, untrue , In 2006 Marshall designed new, prototype versions of" Murder One" which were
  21. S oft-repeated story of the treasure being carried by Sophia in her shawl was, untrue , Schliemann later admitted fabricating it; at the time of the discovery Sophia
  22. The streets are not getting wet is exactly as true, or perhaps exactly as, untrue , as the original proposition. The statements are logically equivalent. As Carl
  23. He or she travels on or along busy roads. Some authors have claimed this to be, untrue , showing that the pollutant and irritant count within cars is consistently
  24. XVII was forced to confess to incest with his mother, Queen Marie-Antoinette, (, untrue , ; separated early, son and mother were disallowed communication, nevertheless
  25. A Cretan; therefore he is himself a liar. But if he is a liar, what he says is, untrue , and consequently the Cretans are veracious; but Epimenides is a Cretan, and
  26. Know to be true today. Other biographical information, however,is likely to be, untrue ,(see Legends). Strands of Ephesus, a 2nd-century Greek gynecologist, was
  27. Television reports, or responsible eyewitnesses. If a story is found to be, untrue , it is disqualified, but particularly amusing ones are placed in the urban
  28. S paradox. In literature a paradox can be any contradictory or obviously, untrue ,statement, which resolves itself upon later inspection. Logical paradox Common
  29. Had played in Cleveland 1897–99. Research indicates that this legend is mostly, untrue , and that the new name was a play on the name of the Boston Braves, then known
  30. It away” (). According to Rabbinic tradition,Elijah's words were patently, untrue ,(and),and since Elijah accused Israel of failing to uphold the covenant, God
  31. Is the only state that was its own country before it became a state. This is, untrue , as the Republic of Vermont was founded in 1777 and ended in 1791 when the
  32. A response to the fact that Kyl's testimony about Planned Parenthood was, untrue ,by saying," his remark was not intended to be a factual statement. " Colbert
  33. Such as 1 0,then the original equation is called inconsistent, meaning it is, untrue ,for any values of x and y (i.e. its graph would be the empty set) An example
  34. Abuse, mind control, etc. Furthermore, unfounded allegations, when proved, untrue , receive little or no media attention. Other influences The apparent bias of
  35. Finale, rumors began to emerge of a Friends film, although all were proven, untrue , The Daily Telegraph reported in July 2008 that the main cast members had
  36. Associated with both including grok and thou art God. This was later proven, untrue ,in interviews with Manson himself as he had never heard of the book. Some of
  37. Penalty is a fine. It is generally not a requirement that the statements are, untrue , it is enough if they statements are meant to be vilifying. Article 2 regulates
  38. Who conducted interviews with SS men, considers the story about ODESSA, untrue ,and attributes the escape of notorious SS members to postwar chaos, an
  39. Said she was“ surprised and dismayed” and that" this is old, recycled, untrue , stuff,”“ I have been very critical of the Palestinian side. My conduct
  40. Of Singapore and Toulouse. Doreen Valente has shown these claims were, untrue , Meanwhile, Gardner became good friends with a group of people within the
  41. After signing such a declaration, the information is found to be deliberately, untrue ,with the intent to deceive, the applicant may face perjury charges. Affidavits
  42. The leaders of an organization know the information to be one-sided or, untrue , but this may not be true for the rank and file members who help to disseminate
  43. While the story of him throwing a silver dollar across the Potomac River is, untrue , he did throw a rock to the top of the 215 feet-tall Natural Bridge. Jefferson
  44. Theory of Relativity if you like. There is simply no way to prove such a claim, untrue , The burden of proof should be on the people who make these statements, to show
  45. The artist felt, such as Tony Bennett's Put on a Happy Face. If this were, untrue ,there would obviously be more complaints about days with clear blue skies.
  46. Restriction of alcoholic beverages on base, but the claim that he was first is, untrue , The earliest published recipe dates from 1862,found in
  47. Term and the malicious connotations of the word were a later perversion is, untrue , " He found out that the malicious connotations were present at MIT in 1963
  48. That the compression function makes no file longer) is necessarily, untrue , Any lossless compression algorithm that makes some files shorter must
  49. Books published today are fictitious stories. They are in-part or completely, untrue ,or fantasy. Historically, paper production was considered too expensive to be
  50. Allow any person to force websites to remove information that is perceived as, untrue ,or offensive without the need to provide evidence. History by subject area

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