Examples of the the word, archer , in a Sentence Context
The word ( archer ), is the 12098 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Davenport, English footballer * 1983 – Park Sung-Hyun, South Korean Olympic, archer ,*1984 – José Paolo Guerrero, Peruvian footballer * 1984 – Alok Papal
- To remain steady on aim. Consequently, it may be that such effect helps the, archer ,'s feeling of confidence on the shot, thereby contributing to accuracy.
- Gang Yong-Ho. In modern form, the archer stands erect, forming a" T ". The, archer ,'s lower trapezius muscles are used to pull the arrow to the anchor point. Some
- The Three Kingdoms of Korea, is claimed by legend to have been a near-godlike, archer , Archery features in the story of Out Kagan. In West African Yoruba belief
- One fluid motion for shooters of recurves and longbows which tends to vary from, archer ,to archer , although for a compound shooter, there is often a slightly-jerky
- To the bowstring just below the knocking point or at the D loop and permits the, archer ,to release the string by the use of some form of trigger. When such a device
- Arrow, and fletchings, have an unimpeded flight. This feature is known as the, archer ,'s paradox. It maintains accuracy, for if part of the arrow struck a glancing
- Target and the shooting line, with the feet placed shoulder-width apart. As an, archer ,progresses from beginner to a more advanced level an" open stance" is often
- As being potentially on a pivot at the pressure point of the bow-hand. If the, archer ,applies inadvertent pressure off center of the pressure point, then inadvertent
- Such as the crossbow. They are not limited by the strength of a single, archer ,and larger varieties have been used as siege engines. Types of arrows and
- 85 (September 1971),which depicted Speedy, the teen sidekick of superhero, archer ,Green Arrow, as having become a heroin addict. Jeanette Khan,a former child
- Of mangrove forests are mud skippers, fish that forage for food on land, and, archer , fish,perch-like fish that" spit" at insects and other small animals living
- Reduce the force required to hold the string at full draw, hence allowing the, archer ,more time to aim with less muscular stress. Most compound designs use cams or
- They had one breast removed to solve this problem. Roger Assam mentions one, archer , presumably with an unusual shooting style, who wore a leather guard for his
- Logo (Λοξώ),trajectory, and Louis (Οὖπις),aim. In East Asia, Yi the, archer ,features in several early Chinese myths, and the historical character of Zhou
- Archers. Earlier Greek representations of Heracles normally depict him as an, archer , The Nymph Hyperbola (Νύμφαι Ὑπερβόρειοι) were worshiped on the Greek
- Of Assyrian cavalry show saddle cloths as primitive saddles, allowing each, archer ,to control his own horse. As early as 490 BC a breed of large horses was bred
- Zebedee, Russian physicist (d. 1912) * 1866 – Hubert Van Inns, Belgian, archer , ( d. 1961) *1874 – Bonus Wagner, American baseball player (d. 1955) *1877 –
- Middle, and ring fingers under the knocked arrow. This technique allows the, archer ,to better look down the arrow since the back of the arrow is closer to the
- Motion for shooters of recurves and longbows which tends to vary from archer to, archer , although for a compound shooter, there is often a slightly-jerky movement
- Eccentrically mounted pulleys in order to provide a" let off ", such that the, archer ,is not holding against the maximum draw weight of the bow while trying to aim.
- Or shooting from horseback, it is difficult to use the sight picture. The, archer ,may look at the target but without including the weapon in the field of
- Computer expert and author (b. 1977) * 2006 – Nero Fair hall, New Zealand, archer ,(b. 1944) *2007 – Ire Friedmann, American scientist (b. 1921) * 2007 –
- Then mere riding. The cavalry acted in pairs; the reins of the mounted, archer ,were controlled by his neighbour's hand. Even at this early time, cavalry used
- Sight picture in the same position will fall on the same point. This allows the, archer ,to adjust aim with successive shots in order to achieve accuracy. Modern
- Of a shamanism religion that worships Set, a Snake God. The vengeful Conan,the, archer ,Subtotal and the thief Valeria set out on a quest to rescue a princess held
- Appeared so that it saved their lives. As the boy grew, he became a skilled, archer ,living in the wilderness of Pagan. Eventually his mother found a wife for
- A recreational activity. One who practices archer y is typically known as an ", archer ," or" bowman ", and one who is fond of or an expert at archer y can be referred
- In the 1982 film. Played by Sven-Ole Thor sen * Subtotal - Iranian thief and, archer , He is Conan's companion in the 1982 film. Played by Gerry Lopez. *Akira - A
- Guns. Muzzle loaders have to be manually reloaded after each shot; a skilled, archer ,could fire multiple arrows faster than most early muskets could be reloaded and
- Of a crossbow. A recurve crossbow is a bow that has tips curving away from the, archer , The recurve bow's bent limbs have a longer draw length than an equivalent
- Out' to one side. This is because the bowstring accelerates faster than the, archer ,'s fingers can open, and consequently some sideways motion is imparted to the
- Ground as exemplified by the Korean archer Gang Yong-Ho. In modern form,the, archer ,stands erect, forming a" T ". The archer 's lower trapezius muscles are used
- The arrow and string with their right hand. Modern form To shoot an arrow,an, archer ,first assumes the correct stance. The body should be at or nearly perpendicular
- Is moved back using the back muscles, as opposed to using just arm motions. An, archer ,should also pay attention to the recoil or follow through of his or her body
- Al Oxford, Dominican basketball player * 1986 – Alexandros Karageorghis, Greek, archer , * 1986 – Rafael Nadal, Spanish tennis player * 1986 – Adrián Valley, Spanish
- The bow will turn in the opposite direction, to correct, to some degree,the, archer ,'s error. Further, an effect that does not actually give enhanced accuracy
- Below the bow-hand on the center section, because they point back towards the, archer , they bring the C of G backwards. Consequently, they are typically used in
- Release are split-finger and three-under. Split-finger aiming requires the, archer ,to place the index finger above the knocked arrow, while the middle and ring
- Effect that does not actually give enhanced accuracy, except in the mind of the, archer , is the pleasing" forward roll" of the bow, as part of the follow-through
- Sandra Path Bose, Indian physicist (b. 1894) *1975 – Howard Hill, American, archer , ( b. 1899) * 1975 – Louis Jordan, American musician (b. 1908) *1977 – Brett
- The sultan. Alp Asian, who took great pride in his reputation as the foremost, archer ,of his time, motioned to his guards not to interfere and drew his bow, but his
- Considerably more energy can be summoned up than by using only one arm of the, archer ,as in the hand-bow. The heavy weight and bulk of the gastraphetes may have
- The hand, the arrow shaft and the arrow tip, as seen at the same time by the, archer , With a fixed" anchor point" ( where the string is brought to, or close to
- Shooting technique and form The bow is held in the hand opposite to the, archer ,'s dominant eye, though holding the bow in the dominant hand side is advocated
- Beginner to a more advanced level an" open stance" is often developed. Each, archer ,will have a particular preference, but mostly this term indicates that the leg
- A mechanical device, called a clicker, which produces a clicking sound when the, archer ,reaches the correct draw length. In contrast, traditional English Longbow
- To simple straight bows, a recurve bow has tips that curve away from the, archer ,when the bow is unstrung. The cross-section of the limb also varies; the
- Tend to angle the inner elbow toward the ground as exemplified by the Korean, archer ,Gang Yong-Ho. In modern form, the archer stands erect, forming a" T ". The
- Had boasted that they would cut off two fingers from the right hand of every, archer , so that he could never draw a longbow again. (Whether this was true is open
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