Examples of the the word, advent , in a Sentence Context

The word ( advent ), is the 7285 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Is the name of the APL character used for text input and output). Before the, advent ,of full-screen systems and until as late as the mid-1980s,systems were written
  2. Asia. Ge'EZ derived from a different ahead, the Sean script of Yemen; the, advent ,of vowels coincided with the introduction of Christianity about 350 CE. Other
  3. Intended to extend educational opportunity and provide for general culture. The, advent ,of paperback books in the 20th century led to an explosion of popular
  4. Take nuclear weapons to enemy targets, and had the role of deterrence. With the, advent ,of guided air-to-air missiles, bombers needed to avoid interception. High speed
  5. Such ship. There are 20 active aircraft carriers in the world. History The 1903, advent , of heavier-than-air, fixed-wing aircraft was closely followed in 1910 by the
  6. To remain living in Chill throughout the 19th and 20th centuries. Since the, advent ,of Ireland's" Celtic Tiger" economy fewer Chill people were forced to look
  7. Case in a true syllabify. Though now an abused, the Ge'EZ alphabet, until the, advent ,of Christianity (ca. 350 CE),had originally been what would now be termed an
  8. Wore a green and navy away kit in 1982–83,and since the early 1990s and the, advent ,of the lucrative replica kit market, the away colors have been changed
  9. Keeping track of stats by hand, it was popularized during the 1990s after the, advent ,of the Internet. Those who play this game are sometimes referred to as General
  10. And Szechuanosaurus. Given modern knowledge of theropod diversity and the, advent ,of cladistic study of evolutionary relationships, none of these theropods is
  11. To acetaldehyde using catalysts such as mercury (II) bromide. Before the, advent ,of the Wacker process, this reaction was conducted on an industrial scale. The
  12. Means, but animation did not really develop much further until the, advent ,of cinematography. There is no single person who can be considered the "
  13. Gandhi, assassinated by two Sikh bodyguards in 1984. Modern strategies With the, advent ,of gunpowder, ranged assassination (via bombs or firearms) became possible.
  14. Forces. The crowning achievement of naval artillery was the battleship, but the, advent ,of airpower and missiles have rendered this type of artillery largely obsolete.
  15. Of the function of art, and then again in the late twentieth century with the, advent ,of postmodernism. Clement Greenberg's 1960 article" Modernist Painting "
  16. Used by Xingu in the English version of the Chinese People's Daily since the, advent ,of the Chinese space program. The origin of the term is unclear; as early as
  17. Or" wireless" shops, they were the first to begin selling radios. With the, advent ,of wireless and radio goods, people came to be much more connected. * 1960s:
  18. Pop stars ... feel they have no choice but to seek vocal enhancement. Since the, advent ,of MTV and other video music channels, pop audiences have been fed elaborate
  19. Audiences without harsh censoring for violence and mature themes. With the, advent ,of DVD, it became possible to include multiple language tracks into a simple
  20. During the war was the use of Napoleonic tactics, such as charging. With the, advent ,of more accurate rifled barrels, Minié balls and (near the end of the war for
  21. Have to make hundreds of thousands of similar pricing decisions daily. The, advent ,of advanced computerized reservations systems in the late 1970s,most notably
  22. Typically include data from periods such as 1950–1975,which were prior to the, advent ,of the neoliberal reforms associated with globalization, and serve to make
  23. Aircraft designs – usually fixed-wing – though none had yet been built. The, advent ,of powered balloons, called dirigible balloons, and later of rigid hulls
  24. To 1960,the awards were presented at Hollywood's Vantages Theatre. With the, advent ,of television, the 1953–1957 awards took place simultaneously in Hollywood and
  25. Were somewhat ill-defined, it was frequently used for murder until the, advent ,of the Marsh test, a sensitive chemical test for its presence. (Another less
  26. Was prolific, and a manuscript with over 2,800 has been preserved. With the, advent ,of surrealism as a poetic movement, anagrams regained the artistic respect they
  27. Barrel wear. Widespread introduction of smokeless powder would wait until the, advent ,of the double-base powders, which combine nitrocellulose and nitroglycerin to
  28. And white. In the past, spotted color patterns were excluded, but now with the, advent ,of DNA testing to verify parentage, the registry accepts all colors as long as
  29. By earlier mathematicians. As of 1946 there were 390 known pairs, but the, advent ,of computers has allowed the discovery of many thousands since then. Exhaustive
  30. As the magnificent Peacock Throne of the Mughal and Persian emperors. With the, advent ,of scientific interest in birds, many paintings of birds were commissioned for
  31. And the decorative arts, Baroque architecture remained a viable style until the, advent ,of Neoclassicism in the later 18th century. In paintings, Baroque gestures are
  32. Used on an industrial scale by the Germans during World War I, Prior to the, advent ,of cheap natural gas, hydrogen as a precursor to ammonia production was
  33. Rate of publishing, sometimes called an information explosion. The, advent ,of electronic publishing and the Internet means that much new information is
  34. Its air traffic interfered with the newly built Naval Air Station. With the, advent ,of World War II, a vast stretch of the marshy area southwest of the Alameda
  35. Revealed about Ali. Persecution by the Quraish,613 For three years after the, advent ,of Islam, Muslims kept secret their faith, and prayed in secret. In 613
  36. Popular since the ten-speed bike became available many years ago. Since the, advent ,of the more robust mountain bike, trails in more rugged and wild places have
  37. The Co-operative Commonwealth and the early Social Credit splinter groups. The, advent ,of prohibition in the United States created new opportunities, and many found
  38. Dominated attention in the statistical world of baseball. However, the recent, advent ,of saber metrics has created statistics drawing from a breadth of player
  39. The Islamic Prophet Muhammad prophesied several events to occur just before the, advent ,of the Day of Judgment (Yam al-Qiyāmah). Al Jamaal (the Antichrist) will
  40. To advertising, such as QVC, Home Shopping Network, and Shop TV Canada. With the, advent ,of the ad server, marketing through the Internet opened new frontiers for
  41. His ethics, though always influential, gained renewed interest with the modern, advent ,of virtue ethics. All aspects of Aristotle's philosophy continue to be the
  42. Way. The old systems were electromechanical in nature until very recently. The, advent ,of fly-by-wire and electro-actuated flight surfaces (rather than the
  43. Is then demodulated, amplified,and used to drive a loudspeaker. Until the, advent ,of the CICAM and MTS systems, TV sound transmissions were invariably monophonic
  44. Areas against seaborne attack and controlled the passage of ships. With the, advent ,of powered flight at the start of the 20th Century, artillery also included
  45. The standard form of the song in American churches. Recorded versions With the, advent ,of recorded music and radio," Amazing Grace" began to cross over from
  46. On road cars. Car production had always been on a small scale and until the, advent ,of World War II halted work only about 700 had been made. During the war years
  47. Gide's career ranged from its beginnings in the symbolism movement, to the, advent ,of anticolonialism between the two World Wars. Known for his fiction as well as
  48. But iron did not have the tensile strength to support large loads. With the, advent ,of steel, which has a high tensile strength, much larger bridges were built
  49. Since the re-alignment and creation of the NLDS. According to Nate Silver,the, advent ,of this playoff series, and especially of the wild card, has caused teams to
  50. There have always been Arsenal supporters outside of London, and since the, advent ,of satellite television, a supporter's attachment to a football club has

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