Examples of the the word, illegally , in a Sentence Context
The word ( illegally ), is the 8306 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- And they would be unable to cooperate. On several occasions, people have, illegally ,tried to stow away onboard the train, sometimes in large groups, trying to
- Viagra Deshmukh, to donate the lands that were allegedly acquired, illegally ,in Pune. However, the Lucknow Court has put a stay on the land donation and
- Of his widow's estate, French foreign minister Roland Dumas, was convicted of, illegally ,selling Giacometti's works to a top auctioneer. The auctioneer, Jacques Trajan
- While openly hostile to what they considered an oppressive Parliament acting, illegally , colonists persisted in sending numerous petitions and pleas for intervention
- Play was actually made legal. Passes" had been carried out successfully but, illegally ,several times, including the 1876 Yale–Princeton game in which Yale’s Walter
- Their descendants live in Puerto Rico. Many Dominicans arrive in Puerto Rico, illegally ,by sea across the Mona Passage, some staying and some moving on to the mainland
- Of Jungle Brothers' " Jungle Brother" ). On the other hand, some tracks are, illegally ,remixed and released on white label (technically bootleg),often to acclaim.
- The primary election result claiming that thousands of Republicans had ", illegally ," voted in the Democratic primary for Grad dick and as a result they removed
- Concacaf the Praia, created in Bahia, already used the name capoeira Angola, illegally ,in the beginning of the 1920 decade. The name Angola was
- The Trent Affair of late 1861 threatened war with Great Britain. The U. S. Navy, illegally ,intercepted a British merchant ship the Trent on the high seas and seized two
- A vessel of power to exploit. * Many Dimensions (1931) — An evil antiquarian, illegally ,purchases the fabled Stone of Suleiman (Williams uses this Muslim form rather
- Medical use stopped, although some therapists continued to prescribe the drug, illegally , Later Charles Grow initiated an ascending-dose safety study in healthy
- John Tomes as president, played a major role in prosecuting dentists practicing, illegally , History The Indus Valley Civilization has yielded evidence of dentistry being
- Awning. * Boolean: an after-hours establishment where alcohol is served, often, illegally , * The term dépanneur, or the diminutive form dep, is often used by English
- Of Guernsey was arrested by a police officer in full diving gear when, illegally ,diving for orders. The mollusk Concholepas is often sold in the
- Tonne. There is, however,speculation that local criminal gangs barter abalone, illegally ,with Chinese nationals in exchange for chemicals used in the production of
- They have lived as neighbors with the Greek Cypriots. In the meantime Turkey, illegally ,imported Turkish colonists to populate the occupied territories, thereby
- Physicians for the treatment of tuberculosis and leprosy. Fishing Cyanides are, illegally ,used to capture live fish near coral reefs for the aquarium and seafood markets
- The jump can be seen on YouTube. * In 1990 Russell Powell (British) BASE 230, illegally , jumped from the Whispering Gallery inside St Paul's Cathedral London. It was
- Ken Manager owns Manager Coal in Pennsylvania. He helps Hank Rear den, illegally ,make Rear den Metal, then later decides to quit and join Galt's strike moments
- Of Cameroon, in which the complainants allege that the Republic of Cameroon is, illegally ,occupying the territory of Southern Cameroons. The SCNC and CAPO ultimately
- Local use in a mildly stimulating herbal tea, and,both controversially and, illegally , for the production of cocaine. Mining The Andes rose to fame for its mineral
- These are only estimates and do not account for Congolese migrants residing, illegally ,in these countries. Among African countries,Congo's diaspora is second only
- And many other sports. During grand jury testimony in December 2003 – which was, illegally ,leaked to the San Francisco Chronicle and published in December 2004 – Iambi
- Employer to the Secretary of Homeland Security. Aliens who were in the country, illegally ,would receive reimbursement only after they were deported. The proposed bill
- To CITES have made the pet trade illegally , it continues across Africa, illegally , Name "/IN"> IUCN"/> Chimpanzees are also hunted for medicinal purposes in some
- Help in purchasing a car. Smith tested the car by driving it on a back road at, illegally ,high speeds with their heads pressed tightly against the roof columns to listen
- Most notably Ian Cliff, whom the English management and media accused of, illegally ,throwing Australia to victory. Australia consolidated their status as the
- Strict, in 2004 an estimated 45 percent of Bulgaria’s timber harvest was logged, illegally ,because of corruption in the forest service. Some 7.5 percent of forests are
- Filed suit in a federal court in New York against Commit alleging that he, illegally ,claimed the band name. Commit noted that he has been the only band member for
- He was again arrested, and this time was sentenced to six months in prison for, illegally ,wearing a uniform. While Poisson's report was made before Galois' Bastille
- All range countries that are signatories to CITES have made the pet trade, illegally , it continues across Africa illegally . Name "/IN"> IUCN"/> Chimpanzees are also
- Seem to be modeled after Knight's, but at no time has Knight been known to, illegally ,recruit. Knight himself coaches against Note in the film's climactic game. In
- When alcoholic beverages were illegal, cocktails were still consumed, illegally ,in establishments known as speakeasies. The quality of liquor available during
- Who cross a border either legally, for example, through a port or airport, or, illegally , elsewhere. The drugs may be strapped to the waist or legs or hidden in bags, or
- Three brothers allied with the Pope) declared that Boniface had been elected, illegally ,following the unprecedented abdication of Pope Palestine V three years
- For sale in the country to help reduce poaching; however, much of the, illegally ,harvested meat is sold in Asian countries. As of early 2008,the wholesale
- All of that player's object balls have been pocketed *The opposing player, illegally ,pockets the 8-ball (e.g. before clearing all of that player's object balls
- In the area. It has occurred as a vagrant twice in Ireland; a juvenile was shot, illegally ,in Fermanagh on January 11, 1973 (misidentified at first as a White-tailed
- Poaching' is a major industry in New Zealand with many thousands being taken, illegally , often undersized. Convictions have resulted in seizure of diving gear, boats
- The efforts to force education to the remaining 7-9 % of students who drop out, illegally , Child labor is a contributing factor to these dropouts, but it is considered a
- The Vietnamese island of PhD Quo. Knight and Graham were caught, convicted of, illegally ,landing on Vietnamese territory, and assessed each a $10,000 fine. They were
- A taxi in New York and disappears to be never seen again. *1940 – Estonia was, illegally ,annexed by the Soviet Union. *1942 – Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands
- Cassirer's family in California, which claims with proof that it was among those, illegally ,taken by Nazis in Germany. The case is scheduled for trial by the U. S.
- Many historic buildings in Matte, the former city center of East Berlin, were, illegally , occupied and re-built by young squatters and became a fertile ground for
- For regular expulsion of Congolese diamond miners who were in Angola, illegally , Angola sent a delegation to DR Congo's capital Kinshasa and succeeded in
- Imprisoned in North Korea. Luna Lee and Laura Ling had been imprisoned for, illegally ,entering the country from China. Jimmy Carter had made a similar visit in 1994.
- Declared that several late-model applicants have escaped, and have come to Earth, illegally , These applicants are Tyrell Corporation Nexus-6 models and have a four-year
- Sought compensation for the injuries they had sustained, claiming the USAF had, illegally ,handled toxic materials, and that the EPA had failed in its duty to enforce the
- Western world. Inflated pork A 2009 trend in South China is the selling of pork, illegally ,inflated with water during off hour operations using special techniques. The
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