Examples of the the word, restrain , in a Sentence Context

The word ( restrain ), is the 8310 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Next generation of creativity and inspiration. Unless there is a good reason to, restrain ,it, innovation should be allowed to run free. " In computational mathematics
  2. Others lie in the ground to ambush the player. Other enemies can shoot nets to, restrain ,the player, or steal and use weapons from the player. There are four different
  3. I fear, overturn the whole system and drive the princes into using force to, restrain ,good men and bad alike. The gospel, the word of God, faith,Christ, and Holy
  4. You are perfectly right when you say in your letter that it is not possible to, restrain ,oneself, despites all vows, from one’s weaknesses. " Musicologist and historian
  5. Sources, he wanted to produce only work of enduring value. And through his wise, restrain ,he succeeded in this. " Edith Stein was Husserl's student at Göttingen while
  6. Class and representatives of all municipalities. He also made laws intended to, restrain ,the upper classes from abusing the least favored part of the population.
  7. Of one ", from,` Arab or ` AAV," seize by the heel "," circumvent ",", restrain ,", a wordplay upon, ` Iqbal or ` Iqbal," heel" ). The boys displayed very
  8. Of his left eye, which swelled to the size of an egg; five attendants had to, restrain ,him from tearing out his eye. He went a whole year without uttering a word. "
  9. Bullets and electroshock weapons. Police officers often carry handcuffs to, restrain ,suspects. The use of firearms or deadly force is typically a last resort only
  10. Suited to military activity. Lucius' biographer suggests ulterior motives: to, restrain ,Lucius' debaucheries, to make him thrifty, to reform his morals by the terror
  11. Our territory to be used as a bridgehead for the invasion of Cuba, and will, restrain ,those who would plan to carry an aggression against Cuba, either from US
  12. Stones were stored in the Grand Gallery and the slots held wooden beams to, restrain ,them from sliding down the passage. This, in turn, has led to the proposal that
  13. Beverages, and aircraft) and an import licensing regime for alcohol still, restrain ,demand for imports. Frequent and unpredictable changes in customs regulations
  14. And French revolutions, the question was open whether a democracy, in order to, restrain ,unchecked majority rule, should have a elite upper chamber, the members
  15. The League. On 23 June 1936,in the wake of the collapse of League efforts to, restrain ,Italy's war against Abyssinia, British Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin told the
  16. The smaller German states to join Prussia. Bismarck took steps to silence or, restrain ,political opposition, as evidenced by laws restricting the freedom of the press
  17. Illness burst into the cockpit of the Boeing 747. As three crew fought to, restrain ,the man, the autopilot became disengaged and the jet dropped with 398
  18. Government had long opposed this kind of migration, but was no longer able to, restrain ,it. In the decades after 1945,the Liberian government received hundreds of
  19. Gave Menzies a scare after an ill-judged squeeze on credit an effort to, restrain ,inflation caused a rise in unemployment. At the 1961 election Menzies was
  20. The Cultural Revolution, the PRC's leaders aimed to develop a legal system to, restrain ,abuses of official authority and revolutionary excesses. In 1982,the National
  21. And immunities of the aircraft commander who on international flights may, restrain ,any person (s) he has reasonable cause to believe is committing or is about
  22. And Hephaestus. Zeus himself took note of Achilles' rage and sent the gods to, restrain ,him so that he would not go on to sack Troy itself, seeming to show that the
  23. Became known as" Clemency Canning" as a term of derision for his efforts to, restrain ,revenge against the Indians during the Indian Mutiny. When the Government of
  24. Of other faiths),and forced (March 1909) to accept the annexation and, restrain ,anti-Habsburg agitation among Serbian nationalist groups, the Serbian
  25. As the First Barons' War. With the failure of Magna Carta to achieve peace or, restrain ,John, the barons reverted to the more traditional type of rebellion by trying
  26. Of winning independence and not speculation about India's future, he did not, restrain ,the Congress from adopting socialism as its goal. Gandhi had a clash with
  27. Lantern Ring. When deputy Violet Lantern Wonder Woman uses her magical lasso to, restrain ,Author, under its spell of truth, Luthor is forced to confess that he secretly
  28. And dissemination, and biotechnological defense strategies developed to, restrain ,phages are of interest. The dairy fermentation industry has openly acknowledged
  29. The Crescent ii. In 1022,he held a synod at Pa via with the Emperor to, restrain ,simony and incontinence of the clergy. The reformation effected by the
  30. Secretory and enter glands; a portion are inhibitory their function being to, restrain ,secretion. Thus, nerves carry impulses outward and sensations inward. The
  31. Of the clay to escape freely. The coarser particles in the clay also acted to, restrain ,shrinkage within the bodies of the wares during cooling which was carried out
  32. The Kidneys control the heart along the KE cycle, so the Kidneys are said to, restrain ,the heart. Many of these interactions can nowadays be linked to Western
  33. Of National League president Warren Giles, appealed to fans in left field to, restrain ,themselves. The next day the series was extended to a fifth game when Rose
  34. By its nature Judaism is averse to formal creeds which of necessity limit and, restrain ,thought" and asserted in his book Basic Judaism (1947) that" Judaism has
  35. And French revolutions, the question was open whether a democracy, in order to, restrain ,unchecked majority rule, should have an upper chamber – the members perhaps
  36. And granted Alexander Peter's Pence and other financial help, enabled him to, restrain ,somewhat the arrogance of the Teutonic Order. Alexander Jagiellon never felt at
  37. Of it and adding an amendment to prohibit Congress from passing laws that, restrain ,freedom of trade. *Ben Nearly is a railroad contractor whom Deign Haggard hires
  38. United v. Federal Election Commission as having drastically weakened efforts to, restrain ,the effect of money in government. In his dissenting remarks Justice Stevens
  39. Mary is seated on the knee of her mother, St Anne. She leans forward to, restrain ,the Christ Child as he plays roughly with a lamb, the sign of his own impending
  40. Be completely depleted in two years. One had been counting on the Navy to, restrain ,the Army from its aggressive designs. Now, however,the Navy Chief of Staff
  41. That he isn't fully healed and that he must spend more time recuperating and, restrain ,himself from exerting his full strength or powers, or his health might fail
  42. Fair use is an affirmative defense against an infringement suit; it does not, restrain ,anyone from suing. The copyright holder may legitimately disagree that a given
  43. Killed by a process known as constriction; after an animal has been grasped to, restrain ,it, a number of coils are hastily wrapped around it. Then, by applying and
  44. Would grant it, but not private individuals, a right to use physical force to, restrain ,aggressors. Also, if competition in security provision were allowed to exist
  45. Distinction. ” Rosenthal also described Mather’s guilt about his inability to, restrain ,the judges during the trial. And John Demos considered Mather a moderating
  46. Children comes from the vices of their parents. *lines 14.38-58 – People should, restrain ,themselves from vice for the sake of their children. It is unjust for a father
  47. Today because the process would be very costly. Giraffes are difficult to, restrain , and their use for food could cause the species to become endangered.
  48. Is used to constantly remain in the right view. This will help the practitioner, restrain ,greed, hatred and delusion. Once these support and requisite conditions have
  49. Or refusing to perform any work or remain in any relation of employment, or to, restrain ,acts generally constituting component parts of strikes, boycotts,and picketing
  50. Battle and has victory within his grasp when a group of civilians attempts to, restrain ,him. Rogers realizes that he is endangering the very people he has sworn to

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