Examples of the the word, commend , in a Sentence Context

The word ( commend ), is the 8313 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Father, this is he that shall come to deem and judge the living and the dead, I, commend , thee Nathans that thou abide him in this place till he come. Then thou shalt
  2. Relativists, by contrast, cannot condemn theft, rape or genocide (nor, commend ,generosity, marriage,or the preservation of life) without relying on the
  3. Creationist. According to the recent 2004 LCMS synovial resolution 2-08A" To, commend ,preaching and teaching Creation," all LCMS churches and educational
  4. Senior year during the annual CHI Burning, a large bonfire held on campus to, commend ,members of the Longwood community for their selfless acts. In October 2009
  5. With Francesco Vector, a friend of Machiavelli who he wanted to pass it and, commend ,it to the Medici. The book had originally been intended for Giuliano di Lorenzo
  6. PIP" ( praise, improve,praise) method, or the" CRC" ( commend , re commend , commend , ) method. After completing the ten Competent Communication projects, a member
  7. Statements of Protestant belief (confessional documents) of various Reformers, commend ,the Athabaskan Creed to their followers, including the Augsburg Confession, the
  8. Turtle dirt" in the bathtub. In" Cleaning Up Beaver ", June and Ward, commend ,Wally on his neat appearance and chide Beaver for his untidiness. When Wally
  9. Told him to (“ Tear down this wall” ). In early 2010,he went to Honduras to, commend ,the election of the new president. His entourage included a group of
  10. Their sacrifice, those of our body who fell in the Wars; and into thy hands we, commend ,them, thou God with whom do live the spirits of just men made perfect. And we
  11. The repairs were completed by these men with speed and efficiency. I hereby, commend ,them for their willingness, zeal,and capability. " On 13 November, aviators
  12. Or to governors, who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to, commend ,those who do right. " (1 Peter 2:13,14) Pro-polygamists argue that, as long
  13. Standard of morality by which to condemn evil thoughts and actions (or to, commend ,good ones). The argument further states that meta-ethical relativists, by
  14. Of" legalism "," legalist ", or " legalistic ", leading C. E. B. Canfield to, commend ," the possibility that Pauline statements which at first sight seem to
  15. Gym teacher ain't supposed to rap. " (LL Cool J would later compliment and, commend ,Hammer's abilities/talents on VH-1's 100 Greatest Songs of Hip Hop, which
  16. Apply to the situation pertaining in the Diocese of New Westminster. We, commend ,the report of that Conference in its entirety to all members of the Anglican
  17. Treat the urgency of courtship, making much of the carpe diem theme. Others, commend ,Celia through simile, conceit,and cliché. The physical pleasures of love are
  18. Fact a type of competition that was far ahead of its time. ”“ I would like to, commend ,you for having organized the first Alpine ski races in the history of our sport
  19. Community are mixed. Some support the project of Jewish redevelopment, others, commend , living in peace with Heroine Arabs, while a third group re commend a full
  20. Re-assuring him: You will find nothing in my will that should displease you. I, commend ,the Dauphin to you, serve him as loyally as you have served me. Do your utmost
  21. A proclamation on December 12, 2002. I would like to take this opportunity to, commend ,you for your hard work and efforts," said Assembly Speaker Albion Sires. "
  22. Upon his steed, He wafts his hand to me and cried aloud: 'Richard, commend ,me to my valiant son ', And still he cried 'Warwick revenge my death '
  23. Was so enamored that he offered to buy the island, a proposition which did not, commend ,itself to George Lauder. The King appears to have accepted the situation with
  24. Bonaparte, the First Consul and de facto sole ruler, to create a reward to, commend ,civilians and soldiers and from this wish was instituted a Legion d'Conner, a
  25. On Manhattan. In a stark departure from common practice, Washington failed to, commend ,Burr's actions in the next day's General Orders (the fastest way to obtain a
  26. Fact a type of competition that was far ahead of its time. ”“ I would like to, commend ,you for having organized the first Alpine ski races in the history of our sport
  27. Individual and the financial means of the assembly. Some Exclusive assemblies ", commend ," men who are dedicated to the work of preaching. Although they usually do not
  28. Within the letter suggest a genuine private letter, composed to Gains to, commend ,a party of Christians led by Demetrius, who were strangers to the place where
  29. Which were here too long to be deduced) I cannot but greatly praise and, commend ,your common desire to prevent in time the assignments of our enemies for the
  30. To praise God, give pleasure to angels, strengthen the just, convert sinners, commend ,the humble, confirm the good, confound the proud and rebuke the stubborn ".
  31. Of pride for students, teachers,administrators and the entire community. I, commend ,all of this year’s recipients," said Commissioner of Education D. Kent King
  32. Of the crowd a mistress or a friend, And all the rest, though fair and wise, commend ,To cold oblivion ... Free love has this, different from gold and clay, That to
  33. Was assumed by Aristas in order“ to strengthen the force of the argument and, commend ,it to non-Jewish readers. Even Gutman, who rightly recognizes that the Letter
  34. Yet he also put forward arguments that suggested that polytheism had much to, commend ,it in preference to monotheism. In his works, he attacked many of the basic
  35. His active dismantling of Rome's traditional cults and priesthoods could, commend ,his heirs to its overwhelmingly Hellenic senate in traditional Hellenic terms.
  36. Of Benedetto and Liutprand, that of Soweto were coaxed by Pope Stephen to, commend ,themselves to the Franks and thus separate themselves again from monarchy. They
  37. So by giving them the opportunity of slandering me by saying that I defend and, commend ,pederasty. " Intellectual interests and affinities Ideology Schopenhauer read
  38. Support of Sir George Grey, then governor of Cape Colony, but his view did not, commend ,itself to the British government, and was not adopted. In the same year, the
  39. Position of postmaster until 1970. The town was not incorporated until 1908. To, commend ,the centennial anniversary of the Village of Organza, U. S. Congressman Rodney
  40. Containers,5x20 gallon water jugs, etc. Pros and cons Cargo bikes have much to, commend ,them. They have some advantages over motorized vehicles such as: *don't create
  41. Leading the former Australian captain, John Males (who retired in 2001),to, commend ,his display as 'among the best ever by a lock forward '. They took this into
  42. French TV network France Televisions was read out on air by Carol Alderman to, commend ,Channel 4 on its success of Countdown. On 26 March 2010,Queen Elizabeth II
  43. With dew. Say she is mute and will not speak a word, Then I'll, commend ,her volubility And say she uttered piercing eloquence. If she does
  44. Price at which bows were to be sold. The objects of the book are twofold, to, commend , the practice of shooting with the long bow as a manly sport and an aid to
  45. Her final prayer consisted of her repeating continually," To Jesus Christ I, commend ,my soul; Lord Jesus receive my soul. " Her ladies removed her headdress and
  46. And FAA Security, is one of the most outspoken critics of FAA. Rather than, commend ,the agency for imposing a 10.2 million dollar fine against Southwest Airlines
  47. Psalm: Psalm 31 (30): 1–7 with the response:" Into your hands, Lord,I, commend ,my spirit. " Epistle: James 1: 2–4,12. Alleluia Verse: Alleluia. Holy Olav, you
  48. Said that her works had a few great sentiments," but as a whole they must, commend ,themselves mainly by their vigor of thought and habitual fearlessness rather
  49. Sandwich," the" PIP" ( praise, improve,praise) method, or the" CRC" (, commend , re commend , commend ) method. After completing the ten Competent Communication
  50. Disliked the film because it was a poor portrayal of Straiten, although he did, commend ,Eric Roberts for" an excellent portrayal of the sick husband who murdered her.

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