Examples of the the word, amenity , in a Sentence Context

The word ( amenity ), is the 8309 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And Wyoming. The trolley cars ran until the 1950s and were an important, amenity , making it easier for residents to go to work, to shop, to visit friends and
  2. Scheme envisaged re-watering of some features, such as locks, to increase the, amenity ,value. The Bridgewater and Taunton Canal is a canal in the south-west of England
  3. To make, directly or indirectly, for good or ill, the least difference to the, amenity ,of the world. " http://www.numbertheory.org/obituaries/LMS/hardy/page83.html
  4. For the democratic representation of the community. Responsibilities include, amenity ,support, operation of the Litter Act, contribution to tourism development
  5. To tidal stream open turbines they have little if any environmental or visual, amenity ,impact. Toledo is the fourth most populous city in the U. S. state of Ohio and
  6. Customers also are provided headphones, a large pillow, wool blanket, and, amenity , kit prior to departure. Upon arrival, BusinessFirst customers have access to
  7. To protect what remained of the canal, and restore short sections for their, amenity ,value. Their first projects included the clearing of sections at King shill
  8. In the Businesslike cabin receive free meals, refreshments,alcohol and an, amenity ,kit. All seats are equipped with a personal, on demand In-Flight-Entertainment
  9. Pleasure gardens where plants, usually with showy flowers, are grown for public, amenity ,only. Botanical gardens that specialize in trees are sometimes referred to as
  10. Residents Association. Unlike neighboring areas in Elmbridge, Residents and, amenity ,groups do not contest local elections in Cob ham, although occasionally
  11. Landscape use such as screening and roadside plantings are called, amenity ,trees. Cultivation For plants to be considered as ornamental, they may require
  12. Rental agreements. Visiting yachtsmen usually have the option of buying each, amenity ,from a fixed schedule of fees; arrangements can be as wide as a single use
  13. Also been developed into open areas. Olaf Leisure Complex is a large public, amenity , near the Grange Park and is set in 11 hectares (26 acres) of landscaped
  14. Injury claims as“ general damages” for pain and suffering and loss of, amenity ,(PSA). Solicitors quantify personal injury claims by reference to previous
  15. Which deals with refuse collection and recycling and operates five civic, amenity ,sites. The electricity distribution network operator supplying Swansea is
  16. Bear Valley Springs Property Owners Association was formed to administer the, amenity ,package. These groups acted to insure the upkeep of the facilities of Bear
  17. Is part of the county’s biodiversity and is an environmental, economic, amenity , and resource. Fauna of County Kenny includes hedgehogs, otters,badgers
  18. Cosworth Brook. The area is generally low-lying and the Riverside Fields,an, amenity ,area adjacent to St Nests Bridge, is designed as a flood buffer area, and is
  19. The specific harm suffered. This is usually termed 'pain, suffering and loss of, amenity ,'. Examples of this include physical or emotional pain and suffering, loss of
  20. The canal from Reading to Bristol as a thorough navigation and as a public, amenity , It was originally a voluntary group which had previously been known as the
  21. Golf shop and a newly remodeled, full service gourmet restaurant provide every, amenity ,for golfers and non-golfers alike. The course is also designated as an Audubon
  22. The island through the summer months or reside permanently as every necessary, amenity ,exists for people of all ages. Approximately 54 % of the island is owned by
  23. Onboard. Amenities such as pillows and headsets also are the same, but no, amenity ,kits are offered. On flights from Newark and Houston to Honolulu, Continental
  24. Sorghum, maize,sunflower, chickpeas and other crops. They also defoliate, amenity ,trees in parks and gardens, dig for edible roots and corms on sports grounds
  25. Near Reginald's Tower is the William Vincent Wallace Plaza, a monument and, amenity ,built around the time of the millennium that commemorates the Waterford born
  26. At all times as far possible to regulate and manage the forest as an, amenity ,and place of resort subject to the existing rights of common upon the forest
  27. So far in that they are seen by their builders as an exigency rather than an, amenity , ” Gated communities that exist scattered throughout the urban landscape turn
  28. To fivefold improvement in fuel economy, equal or better performance, safety, amenity , and affordability, compared with today's cars. Awards Emory Loving has
  29. Improvement projects such as the provision of rest gardens, rain shelters and, amenity ,planting. In the 2003/04 financial year,$205.6 million has been allocated for
  30. Rise of tourism and leisure, real property comes to include scenic and other, amenity ,values. Starting in the 1960s,as part of the emerging field of law and
  31. To his castle, unified by the arcades that completely surround the square,an, amenity ,of the new North Italian towns built in the 13th century. The town's main
  32. Community Forest Lands, with of mountain biking and hiking trails, are a rare, amenity ,in a city the size of Anacortes. In adjacent Mount Erie Park, a number of rock
  33. International scope. National partnerships Cole Central de Nantes is a public, amenity ,and is thus a subject to the French ministry of higher education and research.
  34. Leader Josef Stalin. It is the only U. S. Navy battleship with a bathtub — an, amenity ,installed for Roosevelt, along with an elevator to shuttle him between decks.
  35. Now become a desirable residential area. The Water of Lath has become a local, amenity , with a way marked trail, the Water of Lath Walkway, running from Salerno via
  36. Carrier, it differentiates itself in the market by offering different bundled, amenity ,options as part of its Airfares program. Warm chocolate chip cookies are served
  37. The local industries. Older disused gravel pits form useful nature reserves and, amenity ,areas at nearby Paxton Pits and at the Boston Leisure Park. Away from the
  38. Shortfall. Investment and regeneration had begun before the poll, with local, amenity ,group http://www.streathamsociety.org.uk The Stream Society leading a
  39. These taxis provide a convenient service to all town residence and are an, amenity ,to all local business. Air Dover is located approximately 15 minutes west of
  40. And security services to the residents. The cost of operations is funded by, amenity ,fees that residents pay monthly. This CDD also provides for the maintenance of
  41. And declared that in Claude’s landscape" all is lovely – all amiable – all is, amenity ,and repose; the calm sunshine of the heart ". Selected works *Landscape with
  42. A compact urban core that has gained international recognition for its" high, amenity ,and 'livable' development ". More recently, the city has been debating "
  43. Burnt in fire 1957. Subsequently, demolished. Parkland now a public park and, amenity , * Rockingham Castle. Nash may have contributed to picturesque island castle
  44. Were removed in the 1990s as part of an ambitious plan to claim the quay as an, amenity ,for the town as well as retaining it as a commercially viable waterfront.
  45. And paramedic services to the residents. The cost of operations is funded by, amenity ,and utility fees that residents pay monthly. VCCDD also provides for the
  46. And Citrus Park to the east. West chase Golf Course is a major recreational, amenity ,for the community and the course is open to the public also (WWW. Westchasegc.
  47. Available for resident use in adjacent South Lake The Water Park A new, amenity , It includes: * Three swimming pools, including a diving well and baby pool
  48. In County Kenny for the protection of trees, groups of trees and woods of, amenity ,value. These include Old court in Initiate, Keatingstown, Barna in Fresh ford
  49. Lakes Country Club was bought by the Miccosukee tribe. It originally was an, amenity ,offered to local homeowners. It is still surrounded by tree lined streets - a
  50. The High Street and restoring the old waterway as an attractive feature and, amenity ,in the town center. Maidenhead was home to the conference that agreed on the

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