Examples of the the word, tow , in a Sentence Context

The word ( tow ), is the 8321 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Partner, Ed Delta, return from the dig with more pages of the Necronomicon in, tow , only to find the destroyed bridge. They enlist the help of Jake and Bobby Joe
  2. JPG|Barge carrying the Space Shuttle external tank for STS-119 under, tow ,to Port Canaveral, Florida,United States Image: Horse Drawing Barge on the
  3. And he returned to Trieste in January 1910 with another sister, Eileen,in, tow , Eva became very homesick for Dublin and returned there a few years later, but
  4. Measurement of knots and log are determined using a mechanical tow , electronic, tow , hull-mounted units (which may or may not be retractable),Doppler (either
  5. Quest and heads deep into the wilderness of Mexico with his exhausted men in, tow , Peckinpah's first big-budget film had a large cast, including Heston, Richard
  6. Is tow ed to maximum height behind a 4-wheel drive vehicle and then releases the, tow ,line and flies down to a target area in an accuracy competition. The sport was
  7. Are blue and/or red for police, fire,and medical-emergency vehicles; amber for, tow ,trucks, security personnel, and construction vehicles; green for volunteer
  8. Tracks would require its tracks repaired in the field or a heavy vehicle to, tow ,it out. However, tracks cannot be punctured like a tire so are more difficult
  9. P-38 deliveries to the South Pacific. Still another P-38E was used in 1942 to, tow ,a Waco troop glider as a demonstration. However, there proved to be plenty of
  10. Google),informs him that he did not kill Quin. His pistol was loaded with, tow , The duel was stage-managed to get rid of Barry, so Quin could marry Nora and
  11. Of Jersey to spend August and September recuperating, with Botham and Page in, tow , The band then reconvened in Malibu, California. It was during this forced
  12. Pedestrians. Emergency vehicles such as fire engines, ambulances,police cars, tow ,trucks, construction vehicles, and snow-removal vehicles carry beacon lights.
  13. Germania to return to Britain but, this time, with only a small retinue in, tow , Hen gist, hearing that Mortimer is dead, raises an army of three thousand or
  14. Sinking. The British destroyer picked up Dun ravens survivors and took her in, tow ,for Plymouth, but Dun raven sank at 1:30 am early on 10 August 1917 to the north
  15. Brigades have been deploying to their areas of operation with their families in, tow , *1st Brigade (integrated),human rights reports in April and August 2007
  16. Jars (Katmai or Thalia) filled with Greek fire and caltrops wrapped with, tow ,and soaked in the substance were thrown by catapults, while pivoting cranes (
  17. She appears at the rock with all forty-nine of the inmates, or “ Cookies” in, tow , intending to let them take some water. Scrub realizes that if they
  18. Hack Take and noted," Psycho-therapy ... had the misfortune to be taken in, tow ,by hypnotism. " The psychiatrist Jerome Frank defined psychotherapy as the
  19. Side mirrors, MOMO Steering Wheel, Centerless console, racing seats, racing, tow , hook,a set of lower lip spoilers (R-Package) and a newly designed "
  20. In additional length of rope spooling out rather than direct tension on the, tow ,line. Other more exotic launch techniques have also been used successfully
  21. Have in the past also converted retired buses into tow bus vehicles, to act as, tow ,trucks. With the outsourcing of maintenance staff and facilities, the increase
  22. There proved to be plenty of other aircraft, such as C-47s,available to, tow ,gliders, and the Lightning was spared this duty. Standard Lightnings were used
  23. Identification Number (VIN) plate that read," Not abandoned. Please do not, tow , Will move by April 23. (Needs battery & cable). " Both men then returned to
  24. Of use. Some large operators have in the past also converted retired buses into, tow ,bus vehicles, to act as tow trucks. With the outsourcing of maintenance staff
  25. Subdued by hand-tossed gas bombs. Den ham returns to civilization with Kong in, tow , When Kong is exhibited on the New York stage, he breaks his chains, retakes
  26. Year, when the vessel was swamped by high waves in a violent storm while under, tow ,by the tug Road Island off Cape Hatteras North Carolina. Some of her crew went
  27. Radio system so the crew could communicate with the glider crew by way of the, tow ,rope. The R-4 differed from the R-2 in the Jump 211J power plant. Like the R-3
  28. There she was again hit by several aerial bombs. It was then decided to, tow ,the battleship to a more secure port, but during the transport she suffered an
  29. Same drawbacks as the improvised armor. Unlike similar-size civilian cargo and, tow ,trucks, which typically have dual rear wheels to reduce sway, the HMMWV has
  30. Pilot to the parasail, which is connected to the boat, or land vehicle, by the, tow ,rope. The activity is primarily a fun ride, not to be confused with the sport
  31. The Hammerhead has been equipped with a claw and harpoon that can be used as a, tow ,cable. Like Spike, he too is haunted by the memory of a woman, Alisa,his
  32. With Le Grand Magic Circus, an avant-garde musical theater group. Violin in, tow , Elf man next journeyed to Africa where he traveled through Ghana, Mali,and
  33. Harry Coach and the Italian submarine. The four boats, with lifeboats in, tow ,and hundreds of survivors standing on their decks, headed for the African
  34. 12:32 attacked with bombs and depth charges. One landed among the lifeboats in, tow ,behind U-156 while others straddled the submarine itself. Hammerstein cast
  35. Further for the Pakistan Movement seeking independence. *1934 – The first ski, tow ,in the United States begins operation in Vermont. *1935 – Iceland becomes the
  36. Include foot-launching from a hill, tow -launching from a ground-based, tow ,system, aero tow ing (behind a powered aircraft),powered harnesses, and being
  37. bootstrapped in, such as when maneuvering onto a chair lift or riding a ski, tow , Whereas the upper surface of the board is smooth, the stomp pad has a textured
  38. Big enough for all the gods to travel aboard it with warfare and weapons in, tow , and that, as soon as its sail is hoisted, the ship finds good wind, and goes
  39. The operation was carried out by the Royal Navy, and it was planned to, tow ,the submarines to three areas about 100 miles north-west of Ireland and sink
  40. The present day measurement of knots and log are determined using a mechanical, tow , electronic tow , hull-mounted units (which may or may not be retractable)
  41. Operations, particularly those that make use of vehicle dispatch (i.e. taxis, tow ,trucks, police ) were quick to note the value of packet radio systems to
  42. Freight and passengers over a period of weeks before hiring a river tug to, tow ,or push the barge to its destination.
  43. Spanish Civil War which affected Gibraltar. In May 1937,HMS Aretha had to, tow ,HMS Hunter into port after Hunter hit a mine off Almeria that killed and
  44. Are considered. The builders of the four-posters -- with their traditions in, tow ,-- travelled south-west, heading for the metal-rich southern regions of Ireland
  45. And the base of the northern pylon containing the traffic management shed for, tow ,trucks and safety vehicles used on the bridge. History Early proposals There
  46. Decks with nearly 200 survivors, including five women, and had another 200 in, tow ,aboard four lifeboats. At 06:00 on 13 September, Hartenstein broadcast a
  47. Pushes one or more barges held together with rigging, collectively called 'the, tow ,'. The crew live aboard the tow boat as it travels along the inland river system
  48. Waterbird ". The Waterbird was revolutionary in its canopy design, its unique, tow ,yoke harness arrangement its construction and the use of zero porosity fabrics
  49. To protect him, two of the most skillful Birkebeiner skiers, with toddler in, tow , skied through treacherous conditions over the mountains from around
  50. Evacuation slides into the vehicles. Japanese systems use the next train to, tow ,broken down trains to the next station, but this has yet to occur. *Turnouts

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