Examples of the the word, vastly , in a Sentence Context

The word ( vastly ), is the 8318 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Party of China. However, many have argued that the usefulness of these laws is, vastly ,inadequate in terms of controlling government actions, largely because of
  2. Normal" pressures. Their densities vary within a ratio of some 4:3,which, vastly ,complicates all kinds of work with the metal (particularly casting, machining
  3. Of three Nobel Laureates. In addition,ASU's Downtown Phoenix campus was, vastly ,expanded. Several of the University's colleges and schools were relocated to
  4. Mussolini, the Second Italo-Abyssinian War. This time the Italians employed, vastly ,superior military technology such as tanks and aircraft, as well as Chemical
  5. With large groups of organized voters who prefer their favorite candidate, vastly ,over all others, approval voting may revert to plurality voting. Some voters
  6. Brecbennoch, was carried to the Battle of Bannockburn (24 June 1314) by the, vastly ,outnumbered Scots army and the intercession of Columbia helped them to victory.
  7. To the tiles played. Because the number of" words" that can be formed is, vastly ,larger than in standard English, the board usually ends up tightly packed in
  8. North Asia has fewer people. It has a population density of 9 people per km², vastly ,less than the 80.5 people per km² of the continent as a whole. Languages
  9. Fibers and woolens, which dry quickly, shed water, and are warm when wet, are, vastly , preferred to cotton materials, which retain water and increase the risk of
  10. These, the formula remains the same, though the meaning of that formula may be, vastly ,different. One generalization is to manifolds. In this situation, the chain
  11. Was either underemployed or unemployed. Schools for blacks and mulattoes were, vastly ,inferior with those for whites. Afro-Cubans had the worst living conditions and
  12. Bay; on the west lay the port of Ernesto, with its inner basin Kilotons, now, vastly , enlarged to form the modern harbor. In Strabo's time, ( latter half of 1st
  13. Battled the Soviets, other warlords, and the Taliban for more than 20 years, vastly ,outnumber those of any other Afghan including those of Karma. " Dr. Abdullah
  14. III finally took action, and led 17 divisions from the St. Romanus Gate, vastly ,outnumbering the crusaders. But his courage failed, and the Byzantine army
  15. Of texture are produced in the direction of rolling, which can lead to, vastly ,different properties in the rolling and transverse directions. Some materials
  16. Earthy, marine,and Animalia. Its smell has been generally described as a, vastly ,richer and smoother version of isopropanol without its stinging harshness. In
  17. Save feature (with compatible games),additional RAM capabilities, as well as, vastly ,improved sound capabilities using the POKEY and YM2151 sound chips. The
  18. There was little conflict between the students and locals despite their, vastly ,differing lifestyles. However, a knife-incident in 1991 led to an article in
  19. Competition in the banking sector; implementation of the 1992 labor code; a, vastly ,improved judicial system; and political liberalization to boost investment.
  20. To the elementary particles of particle physics. However, even the vacuum has a, vastly ,complex structure, so all calculations of quantum field theory must be made in
  21. Cyprinids of east-central Asia, perhaps as a result of the Alpine orogeny that, vastly ,changed the topography of that region in the late Paleogene, when their
  22. Cambodia is upgrading the main highways to international standards and most are, vastly ,improved from 2006. Most main roads are now paved. And now road construction is
  23. Her strong Methodist faith immediately attracted Patrick Bronte. Though from, vastly ,different backgrounds, within three months Patrick Bronte and Maria Bran well
  24. The infield with driver Michael Walt rip, whose victory at the Daytona 500 was, vastly ,overshadowed. * Las Vegas, the 3rd race of the 2001 season, was noted for the
  25. Balance. This causes it to cross the blood-brain barrier with, vastly ,superior reinforcement than to other psychoactive chemicals. Its possession
  26. The internal components of newer missiles represent major improvements, with, vastly , increased capabilities. The warhead is of the continuous-rod type. As with
  27. The creation of the modern theory of algebraic geometry. His research program, vastly ,extended the scope of the field, incorporating major elements of commutative
  28. ABD Brahman. ABD Brahman had to act quickly. The Abbasid contingent was, vastly ,superior in size, said to have numbered 7,000 men. The emir quickly made for
  29. Rage," Rand's ethics are" a most immense achievement, the study of which is, vastly ,more fruitful than any other in contemporary thought. " In the Literary
  30. The deepest part of the trench using echo sounding, a much more precise and, vastly ,easier way to measure depth than the sounding equipment and drag lines used in
  31. Later efforts and improvements The Apple Messaged 2000/2100,with a, vastly ,improved handwriting recognition system,162 MHz Strong ARM SA-110 RISC
  32. Individual actors to respect only local rules, in relation to neighbors. A, vastly ,undervalued part of the Alexander canon, A New Theory is important in
  33. Superstitions that cost human lives. Cultural challenges can be expected to be, vastly ,higher in areas where pale skin and light hair stand out more from the ethnic
  34. Butterfly not flapped its wings, the trajectory of the system might have been, vastly ,different. A consequence of sensitivity to initial conditions is that if we
  35. They found themselves 12 points from safety with four games remaining. With a, vastly ,inferior goal difference and with the two teams directly above them (
  36. Now and again, and to be able easily to replace a body panel or window etc. can, vastly ,increase its service life and save the cost and inconvenience of removing it
  37. The terms Southeast Asia and Oceania, devised in the 19th century, have had, vastly ,different geographic meanings since their inception. Oceania has never been
  38. To become an owner. At the time, college football, played on Saturday, was, vastly , more popular than the NFL, so Bell was told a prerequisite to a franchise being
  39. And workers to build and maintain the Burns' defenses, Alfred regularized and, vastly ,expanded the existing (and, one might add, quite recent) obligation of
  40. Or possibly interstellar travel. Since the energy density of antimatter is, vastly ,higher than that of conventional fuels, the thrust to weight equation for such
  41. Younger males without access to females. The danger that bears pose is often, vastly ,exaggerated, in part by the human imagination. However, when a mother feels her
  42. Butterfly not flapped its wings, the trajectory of the system might have been, vastly ,different. While the butterfly does not" cause" the tornado in the sense of
  43. French led to the War of the Spanish Succession and the Napoleonic Wars. The, vastly ,increasing demands of imperial expansion, and the inadequacies and
  44. Used them widely, to the relative neglect of archery. Early firearms were, vastly ,inferior in rate-of-fire, and were very susceptible to wet weather. However
  45. Research is still far from clear exactly why and how the work became so, vastly ,popular in the Middle Ages. Boethius influence can be found nearly everywhere
  46. Populations. Metaphase chromatin The metaphase structure of chromatin differs, vastly ,to that of interphase. It is optimized for physical strength and manageability
  47. Concurs, noting that" plausible evidence reveals that the actual numbers..., vastly ,exceeded the official figures. " Chamberlin provides the" reasonable and
  48. Visually impaired. In terms of the worldwide prevalence of blindness,the, vastly ,greater number of people in the developing world and the greater likelihood of
  49. 6,000; 1918-20: 12,733 Experts generally agree these semi-official figures are, vastly ,understated. Pioneering historian of the Red Terror Sergei Melgunov claims that
  50. Respect each other. Each game played (and there are 18 games in 2011) is, vastly ,important between these two NL East giants, but at the end of the day, they are

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