Examples of the the word, academia , in a Sentence Context

The word ( academia ), is the 8314 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of solids, using Bloch waves to describe the electrons. He remained in European, academia , studying with Wolfgang Pauli in Zürich, Niels Bohr in Copenhagen and Enrico
  2. Only five students turned up to Schopenhauer's lectures, and he dropped out of, academia , A late essay," On University Philosophy ", expressed his resentment towards
  3. Here and entered it in the annual engineering fair. Patents from, academia ,were quite unusual in the 1940s,so Professor Wilson did not patent his
  4. By" main ". Use in industry Functional programming has long been popular in, academia , but with few industrial applications. However, recently several prominent
  5. Floods, catastrophic accidents, fires,or explosions. In contemporary, academia , disasters are seen as the consequence of inappropriately managed risk. These
  6. Most prominent world leaders in government, religion,industry, finance,and, academia , The World Leaders Forum is a year-around event series that strives to provide
  7. A sacred status among the ancient Egyptians. Popular interpretation in modern, academia ,theorizes the hieroglyphic image of the beetle represents a trilateral phonetic
  8. The 1970s. Lat our suggests that about 90 % of contemporary social criticism in, academia ,displays one of two approaches which he terms“ the fact position and the fairy
  9. Of Science, or Sc. D. (an abbreviation of the Latin Scientize Doctor). Beyond, academia ,and in the classical professions, such as law and medicine, professional
  10. Diverse communities (pp 11–14). #* The sector needs to work with partners in, academia ,and beyond to create an intellectual framework supporting museums' capacity to
  11. Identity crisis people may experience when giving up their surname. People in, academia , for example, who have previously published articles in academic journals under
  12. See pp. xii and xiii of SGA1,Springer Lecture Notes 224). He returned to, academia ,a few years later as a professor at the University of Montpellier, where he
  13. Neotamias Extinct: Computer music is a term that was originally used within, academia ,to describe a field of study relating to the applications of computing
  14. Schlesinger, Jr., Jack Valenti and other representatives from the arts and, academia , In addition, Ten Moments of Significance, documenting the year’s media
  15. Although Confucian ideas prevail in these areas, few people outside, academia ,identify themselves as Confucian, and instead see Confucian ethics as a
  16. Expansion: 1960s These were fertile years for electronic music—not just for, academia , but for independent artists as synthesizer technology became more accessible.
  17. The region's position and to promote cooperation between companies and, academia , The German biotech giant Sartorius Ste dim Biotech is currently creating a
  18. Other countries, were the main requirement for an individual to be accepted in, academia ,as a professor or researcher. In the professional realm, a terminal degree
  19. Einstein to Technical Examiner Second Class in 1906,he had not given up on, academia , In 1908,he became a privatdozent at the University of Bern. In" Uber die
  20. During the 1980s and 1990s,both within major corporations and within, academia , For example, today most major corporations promote their commitment to
  21. Law, they enjoy complete freedom of speech within the ordinary constraints of, academia , Some important directorates and establishments The government also provides
  22. Levied at academic institutions and academics more broadly, arguing that, academia ,or academics are prone to undeserved and/or pernicious elitism; the term "
  23. To make it public until 1997,by which time it had no influence on research in, academia , The method was followed shortly afterwards by RSA, another implementation of
  24. Interest for The Theory of Moral Sentiments and his other works throughout, academia , After 1976,Smith was more likely to be represented as the author of both The
  25. Itself, but always targets present leadership, practices and/or policies in, academia , Description Anti-intellectuals often perceive themselves as champions of
  26. Goodwill Ambassadors – celebrities from the arts, entertainment,sport and, academia ,such as Nobel Prize winner Rita Levi Montalcini, actress Gong Li, the late
  27. Of a significant research component and are often viewed as the entry point to, academia , In the United Kingdom and various other European countries, the Master of
  28. To higher literacy rates and wider access to the once-rarefied knowledge of, academia , The subsequent spread of education and learning changed society, and initiated
  29. A professional poet for the rest of his life. Later in life, Ginsberg entered, academia , teaching poetry as Distinguished Professor of English at Brooklyn College from
  30. From reality. In the 1960s and 1970s,film theory took up residence in, academia ,importing concepts from established disciplines like psychoanalysis, gender
  31. To ignore, remove,falsify, or reexplain evidence of bisexuality in history, academia , the news media, and other primary sources. In its most extreme form, bisexual
  32. Although it has been prominent in the United States but not widely accepted in, academia , it has been making a resurgence in other countries as well. United Kingdom
  33. Has openly acknowledged the problem of phages and has been working with, academia ,and starter culture companies to develop defense strategies and systems to
  34. Origins in the British Empire, by contact with and sometimes imitation of U. S., academia , and even by modern American pop culture, the rest of the English-speaking
  35. College in his teens. He was Patriarch of the LDS Church. Dartmouth's alumni in, academia ,include Stuart Kauffman and Jeffrey Weeks, both recipients of MacArthur
  36. Is some confusion about the term 'compression ratio ', particularly outside, academia ,and commerce. In particular, some authors use the term 'compression ratio' to
  37. A preferred description, and Atlantic Archipelago is increasingly favored in, academia , although British Isles is still commonly employed. Have survived. In the 1st
  38. Founded the Church Peace Union (CPU),a group of leaders in religion, academia , and politics. Through the CPU, Carnegie hoped to mobilize the world's
  39. The pervasive presence of Marxist-inspired critical theory and similar ideas in, academia ,since the 1970s. Lat our suggests that about 90 % of contemporary social
  40. Other methods of discounting, such as hyperbolic discounting, are studied in, academia ,and said to reflect intuitive decision-making, but are not generally used in
  41. Manufacture, infrastructure ): Agents recruited from science and technology, academia , commercial enterprises, and more rarely from military technologists * Military
  42. Influenital, when it was published it was almost complete ignored by German, academia ,despite the sophisticated and intelligent disease classification system which
  43. Notably more common than in others, it is hardly ever the majority (except in, academia ,). In fact, the perceived need for some kind of graduate credential is so
  44. Being nihilistic, relativistic,a-political, or confined to the ivory tower of, academia , In fact, this infamous quote is subtly but essentially mistranslated (as
  45. Along Kim, former President of Lucent's Optical Network Group, returned from, academia ,to become the President of Bell Laboratories. In April 2006,Bell Laboratories
  46. A variety of methods, over a more extensive period than normal in many parts of, academia , In the 1990s and 2000s,calls for clarification of what constitutes a culture
  47. Scholarship, which provides grants for scholarly work on Objectives in, academia , The charitable foundation of BB&T Corporation has also given grants for
  48. Contexts while" estadunidense" ( United-Statesman) is the preferred form in, academia , The term" America" ( America) on the other hand is used almost exclusively
  49. Communists. This scuttled the discourse of business ethics both in media and, academia , Overview Business ethics reflects the philosophy of business, one of whose
  50. The key size was reduced from 128 bits to 56 bits to fit on a single chip. In, academia , various proposals for a DES-cracking machine were advanced. In 1977,Differ

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