Examples of the the word, usefulness , in a Sentence Context

The word ( usefulness ), is the 8327 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of liberalism" promoting scientific naturalism over theology, and praising the, usefulness ,of Darwin's ideas while expressing professional reservations about Darwin's
  2. And call it a wheel;: But it is on the space where there is nothing that the, usefulness ,of the wheel depends.: We turn clay to make a vessel;: But it is on the space
  3. Of minor modifications to permit a low-level launch at, even though its, usefulness ,in a hot war was likely limited. A stop-gap weapon (WE.177B) was quickly
  4. Clay to make a vessel;: But it is on the space where there is nothing that the, usefulness ,of the vessel depends.: We pierce doors and windows to make a house;: And it is
  5. Of course, the historic interest of the rotating bucket experiment is its, usefulness ,in suggesting one can detect absolute rotation by observation of the shape of
  6. Capp's the most popular creations were the Shoos, creatures whose incredible, usefulness ,and generous nature made them a threat to civilization as we know it. Another
  7. Dimensionally distinct from mass as a measure of inertia. As an example of the, usefulness ,of the first refinement, suppose we wish to calculate the distance a cannon
  8. As well as to expand the usage of parallelism and other methods that extend the, usefulness ,of the classical von Neumann model. Operation The fundamental operation of most
  9. Are inadequate to describe the goal of the Buddhist path, but concerning the, usefulness ,of words in the path itself, schools differ radically. In the Mahayana
  10. By a perception, almost always over-negative, of a major decline in personal, usefulness , that can sometimes be linked to guilt, shame or perceived rejection ". This
  11. Stated, was to prepare students" for discharging the Offices of Life with, usefulness ,& reputation" by providing instruction" in the Vernacular and Learned
  12. Exponentiation operators. Current usage There have always been debates over the, usefulness ,and performance of assembly language relative to high-level languages. Assembly
  13. He employs Conan as a mercenary but betrays him after he outlived his, usefulness ,*Fafnir - A mighty red-bearded Vania warrior and pirate captain. At first, he
  14. Equations to describe the control system. This demonstrated the importance and, usefulness ,of mathematical models and methods in understanding complex phenomena, and
  15. Problems didn't help; nor did Congressional debate over the missile's, usefulness ,and necessity. In June 1959,the Air Force authorized 16 Board sites with 56
  16. Work on general algebra that the Annalena has ever published. Later, after the, usefulness ,of Hilbert's method was universally recognized, Gordan himself would say:: I
  17. Theory declined during the 1960s and 1970s as molecular orbital theory grew in, usefulness ,as it was implemented in large digital computer programs. Since the 1980s,the
  18. Winding process may be done by hand, or with a ball winder and swift. A yarn's, usefulness ,is judged by several factors, such as its loft (its ability to trap air),its
  19. Combination with chlorhexidine, due to some inconsistent results regarding its, usefulness , Another study has demonstrated that daily use of an alum-containing mouth rinse
  20. Pests, bees are generally held in high regard. This is most likely due to their, usefulness ,as pollinators and as producers of honey, their social nature, and their
  21. To make a house;: And it is on these spaces where there is nothing that the, usefulness ,of the house depends.: Therefore just as we take advantage of what is, we
  22. Illustrated in graph 1 exist. That difference accounts for the ontological, usefulness ,of the word" abstract ". The word applies to properties and relations to mark
  23. Only developed an interest in Christianity after witnessing its political, usefulness , Gregory was skeptical of the authenticity of Eugenics' Vita, and postulated
  24. Example of how the design of the interface of a piece of AT is critical to its, usefulness , People with dementia or any other identified user group must be involved in
  25. A transcript of the speech, have argued that he was merely explaining the, usefulness ,of America's atomic arsenal in deterring the USSR from continuing its
  26. Designated as GV-1s replaced C-119s. After Air Force C-130Ds proved the type's, usefulness ,in Antarctica, the US Navy purchased a number of B-models equipped with skis
  27. Be transported below light speed. This makes them expensive and limits their, usefulness ,somewhat. In Richard K. Morgan's Takes hi Kovacs novels human colonies on
  28. Hypothesis. Proponents of each schema dispute the accuracy and, usefulness ,of the other's categories. However, since the 1970s the division into Insular
  29. Clozapine to cause toxic side effects, including agranulocytosis, limits its, usefulness , It had been hoped that patient adherence to antipsychotics would be higher
  30. Therefore, just as we take advantage of what is, we should recognize the, usefulness ,of what is not. (chap. 11,tr. Wales) Philosophical vacuity is a common theme
  31. Cross-examination or to answer a particular question. This obviously limits the, usefulness ,of silence as a tactic by the defense. In England the Criminal Justice and
  32. Modern writer to take note of division of labor, showing its existence and, usefulness ,in Dutch shipyards. Classically the workers in a shipyard would build ships as
  33. Questions of craftsmanship versus mass production, the relationship of, usefulness ,and beauty, the practical purpose of formal beauty in a commonplace object, and
  34. Committees for the Communist Party of China. However, many have argued that the, usefulness ,of these laws is vastly inadequate in terms of controlling government actions
  35. A player's OPS does not have a simple intrinsic meaning, despite its, usefulness ,as a comparative statistic. One fault of OPS is that it weighs on-base average
  36. Created to benefit others. It is possible that it will soon have outlived its, usefulness , " These statements caused a furor amongst Tibetans in India. Many could not
  37. The reactive mind could be" cleared" of its content having outlived its, usefulness ,in the process of evolution; a person who has completed this process would be "
  38. Nitride Cubic boron nitride (CBN or CBN) is widely used as an abrasive. Its, usefulness ,arises from its insolubility in iron, nickel,and related alloys at high
  39. On sports bicycles, are standard features on utility bicycles to enhance their, usefulness ,and comfort. Mudguards, or fenders, protect the cyclist and moving parts from
  40. Bellicose received confusing sighting reports of varying accuracy and limited, usefulness ,from light cruisers and battleships on the starboard (southern) flank of his
  41. The CPR had built a railway that operated mostly in the wilderness. The, usefulness ,of the Prairies was questionable in the minds of many. The thinking prevailed
  42. The world's renowned legal scholars specializing in comparative law. Also,the, usefulness ,of comparative law for the sociology of law (and vice versa) is very large.
  43. Aircraft was discovered and developed. The jungle environment reduced the, usefulness ,of standard level bombing, and made low level attack the best tactic. The
  44. Patterns that relate to a particular field is called a pattern language. The, usefulness ,of speaking of patterns is to have a common terminology for discussing the
  45. Charge, he summoned me to him while I was still a child, and having an eye to, usefulness ,and future convenience, desired me to stay there and receive instruction in the
  46. Have made evaluation a dedicated tool—governed by the principles of, usefulness , credibility, transparency,and independence—for greater accountability and
  47. From many officers who gave primacy to the infantry or simply doubted the, usefulness ,of the tank. Among them, Guderian claimed, was Chief of the General Staff
  48. Evaluates distributions automatically for quality assurance metrics of varying, usefulness ,and assigns them a" quality" rating. CAN. Pm and CAMPUS There is also a
  49. Position. Later in the Pacific war the distance between islands limited the, usefulness ,of the B-25,although it was used against Guam and Titian. It was also used
  50. Usefulness of attack results The results of cryptanalysis can also vary in, usefulness , For example, cryptographer Lars Knudsen (1998) classified various types of

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