Examples of the the word, restart , in a Sentence Context

The word ( restart ), is the 8325 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. All four engines. The crew managed to glide the plane out of the dust cloud and, restart ,all four of its engines, although one later had to be shut down again. The
  2. Is run, the JVM is already running and starts quickly (the JVM will need to, restart ,each time the browser starts afresh). *It can move the work from the server to
  3. From the center spot to start a half (a kick-off),from the center spot to, restart ,the game after points have been scored, to restart play from the 22-metre line
  4. The referee must decide which team touched the ball last, and award a, restart ,stroke to the opposing team, just like football's throw-in. The rules do not
  5. Emit extra CLEAR codes at intervals of 2n − 2 codes or fewer to make the decoder, restart , The GIF standard allows such extra CLEAR codes at to be inserted in the image
  6. Jumps were difficult to maneuver. Upon falling off the screen, the player must, restart ,an area from the beginning. Malta found this to be a" huge annoyance "
  7. An unreliable network or file corruption. Since the runs of macro blocks between, restart ,markers may be independently decoded, these runs may be decoded in parallel.
  8. Despite this refurbishment the reactors have not performed well since the, restart , These overruns were repeated at Bruce, with Units 3 and 4 running 90 %
  9. Despite the spectators on the field, and there was no time for the Germans to, restart ,the match. Hurst still emerged the hero of the win but, as a result of the
  10. Referee. When the ball becomes out of play, play is restart ed by one of eight, restart ,methods depending on how it went out of play: If the time runs out while a team
  11. Third stage similar to the Saturn IB's second stage, with capability to, restart ,the J-2 engine. The engine would burn for approximately two and a half minutes
  12. During a program creation. The resulting documentation allows authors to, restart ,their own thought processes at any later time, and allows other programmers to
  13. Transfusion, because the metabolism of transfused red blood cells does not, restart ,immediately after a transfusion. Bloodletting In modern evidence-based medicine
  14. Bottom of the ball. Rugby leagues In rugby league,drop-kicks are mandatory to, restart ,play from the goal line (called a goal line drop-out) after the defending
  15. Referee. When the ball becomes out of play, play is restart ed by one of eight, restart ,methods depending on how it went out of play: * Kick-off: following a goal by
  16. Program would stop running. When power was turned on again, the program would, restart ,and all the memory would be available again, but the slow process of memory
  17. Off the top of the screen or window. Some old programs could disable this and, restart ,at the top of the window when scroll lock was pressed. The advantage is that
  18. A player, interference by an external party, or a ball becoming defective. This, restart ,is uncommon in adult games. The referee may" call back" play and penalize the
  19. Every center bounce, which occurs at the commencement of each quarter, and to, restart ,the game after a goal is scored. There are other rules pertaining to
  20. Degraded by hepatic lipase so that finally small HDL particles are left, which, restart , the uptake of cholesterol from cells. The cholesterol delivered to the liver is
  21. Name (e.g.," EXIF" or" Adobe" ) or some other identifying string. At a, restart ,marker, block-to-block predictor variables are reset, and the bit stream is
  22. Controversy arose over the Whitley government's actions in trying to, restart ,peace talks in Vietnam. As the North prepared to end the civil war, Whitlam
  23. From the center spot to restart the game after points have been scored, to, restart , play from the 22-metre line (called a drop-out) after the ball is touched
  24. This is followed by a final routine which is optional. Some competitions, restart ,the score from zero for the finals, other add the final score to the
  25. The command" M-x eval-buffer ". It is not necessary to recompile or even, restart ,Emacs. If the code is saved into the Emacs" unit file" ( usually a file named
  26. History,Gorbachev's attempts at economic reform were not radical enough to, restart ,the country's chronically sluggish economy in the late 1980s. The reforms made
  27. Cursed by the author and kicked out. * installments of serials that could stop, restart ,from earlier, be abandoned altogether or change direction abruptly without
  28. And occurred after the payloads had been deployed. The first operational use of, restart ,capability as part of a mission, came on 9 March 2008,when two burns were made
  29. When fatigued or in pain; when this occurs, the referee will step in and, restart ,the match, sometimes giving a warning to one or both of the fighters. Examples
  30. But refused to watch new movies, as he feared they might cause him to, restart ,his career. In the 1970s,Brown became a much-sought guest lecturer on the
  31. Namespace, the tag body label namespace, catch tag, condition handler and, restart ,namespaces. Variable capture can introduce software defects. This happens in
  32. S Cole de Pilot age is 'in near total disarray' though Belgium has offered to, restart ,the Air Force's pilot training program. Navy The 2002 edition of Jane's
  33. Ball in one half, and the team that conceded the goal has possession for the, restart , Field players may only play the ball with the face of the stick. Tackling is
  34. Code does not contain any error handling code. The whole error handling and, restart ,code is provided by the Lisp system, which can handle and repair the error
  35. Stop using the IP address granted to it in its lease. At that time, it will, restart ,the DHCP process from the beginning by broadcasting a CODISCOVER message.
  36. An interrupt which would normally cause a warm restart of the computer. A cold, restart ,is triggered by typing Ctrl+break. If a DFS ROM is installed, Shift+break will
  37. Four restart s. The user selects the Retry OPEN using a different path name, restart ,and enters a different path name (lispm-init. Lisp instead of misprint. Lisp)
  38. Although the accident was witnessed by a doctor who managed, using CPR, to, restart ,Johnny's heart, he was effectively dead. Although kept on a ventilator for
  39. Referee, whereupon the referee will briefly stop the match, award a point, then, restart , the match. Alternatively, sparring may continue with the point noted by the
  40. True, internal color support. Hypercube 3.0 Several attempts were made to, restart ,Hypercube development once it returned to Apple. Because of the product's
  41. A link to a web address that installs software on the user's computer to, restart ,the cycle. Extra features iPhone application On March 6,2008,during Apple
  42. Cargo. This was the first operational Ariane mission which involved an engine, restart ,in the upper stage. (The ES-ATV Tests EPS upper stage was restart able while
  43. Displayed, the race is restart ed from original grid positions. All drivers may, restart , provided their car is in a fit state to do so.: * If between 3 laps and 75 %
  44. Section are blocked (they save the minimum amount of information required to, restart ,the interrupt handler after all critical sections have exited). So the
  45. The Break key generates an interrupt which would normally cause a warm, restart ,of the computer. A cold restart is triggered by typing Ctrl+break. If a DFS ROM
  46. Cuts. At an ESA conference (December 2005) in Berlin there was no decision to, restart ,or cancel the program, meaning it is currently on hold. The Vinci engine, which
  47. The ball to go dead or into touch-in-goal. Drop-kicks are also mandatory to, restart ,play from the 20-metre line after an unsuccessful penalty goal attempt goes
  48. Respectively. The referees also use whistle blows to indicate infractions or, restart ,the play. The referees are supported by a scorekeeper and a timekeeper who
  49. Of its use as a source for hydropower, threatens drinking water supplies;, restart ,of Metaphor nuclear power plant without adequate (IAEA-recommended) safety
  50. Prime Minister Ismail Manila of Hamas, was briefly formed, but this failed to, restart ,international financial assistance. Tensions over control of Palestinian

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