Examples of the the word, chore , in a Sentence Context

The word ( chore ), is the 8308 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Produce more, but Spencer expressed impatience, and professed that they were a, chore , Nevertheless, these landscapes of Cook ham and its environs are still favored by
  2. Food sources The gathering of plants and other foods was primarily a female, chore , However, in certain activities, such as the gathering of heavy agave crowns
  3. Would have been my last year. I was full of aches and pains, and it had become a, chore ,for me to play. When baseball is no longer fun,it's no longer a game, and so
  4. Called a" Brillo" ( actual Brillo pads contain soap, and are not used),or ", chore ,", named for Chore Boy brand copper scouring pads, serves as a reduction base
  5. And feeds this first group of larvae. These become workers and will assume the, chore ,of expanding the nest — done by chewing up wood which is mixed with a starch in
  6. This is a godless world,' populated by persons 'for whom murder is a casual, chore , '" Gifford's use of the term noir in this context resulted in a term that is
  7. Community. They are also incredibly fast, so catching them with the net is a, chore ,in itself while conducting maintenance. Evolution research The surface and cave
  8. In her own car, a distance of each way, because,she said," it was an awful, chore ,for my daddy to delegate some person from his business to take me in and out. "
  9. Advanced to the final. The third-place game, widely perceived as an unnecessary, chore , was dropped. As usual at the time, a win was credited with two points only
  10. Provided with no belongings. Eventually Olaf informs the children by way of the, chore ,list that his 10-man theater troupe will be coming over in the evening, when
  11. She fervently denied. Rowling later admitted that writing the book was a, chore , " I think Phoenix could have been shorter ", she told LEV Grossman," I knew
  12. 4. Duns tan continues his weekly visits with Mary Dumpster, but it is becoming a, chore ,to him. Next he compiles his first book, A Hundred Saints for Travelers, which
  13. Interrupted by Elmo, who wants to ask him a question; or Blondie, who has a, chore ,she wants him to do. * Dagwood singing in the bathtub, or interrupted (usually
  14. Supercharger spraying and recorded Grendel challenges - make them almost a, chore , The terrestrial fish are gone, and will not be reintroduced, forcing the
  15. But we were getting tired with each other. There was an element of the, chore ,creeping in. We were coasting, and this whole other thing was a challenge. " The
  16. For example, is a children's virtual world that tracks chore s via customizable, chore ,charts and lets children get involved in their household duties offline. They
  17. Heard the ballplayers were coming over. And John Steinbeck, just back from a, chore ,as war correspondent, ... also applauded show business as part of the war effort
  18. This feature is taken for granted now, but at the time setup was a huge, chore ,for ISA systems. POS was a simple system that included device IDs in firmware
  19. Boss, as a" job" which turns a potentially enjoyable task into a meaningless, chore , for the degradation imposed by systems of work-discipline, and for the large
  20. And distant acquaintances, potentially making the sending of cards a multi-hour, chore ,in addressing scores or even hundreds of envelopes. The greeting in the card
  21. About than heard, a persona completely uprooted in substance, and a fucking, chore ,to listen to ". Humanities professor Camille Paglia chimed in on Phair's
  22. BRE it is a normal and well-used term for a cigarette, for hard work, or for a, chore , while a faggot itself is a sort of meatball. In AME the word pissed means
  23. Led to his success. He tried to make shopping a fun adventure instead of a, chore , He put merchandise on display, so customers could examine it, put the highly
  24. Having maintaining the Eiffel Tower. Even keeping it painted was an expensive, chore , and the tower was becoming somewhat run down. Lusting saw the possibilities
  25. Without threat of capture. The use of census in a macro definition is a manual, chore , but macros can be written which simplify the instantiation and use of census.
  26. Published books with sections about the problem. Martin Gardner introduced the, chore ,division form of the problem. Ian Stewart has popularized the fair division
  27. A score of 8.5. Nintendo Power stated that" while playing Final Fantasy V is a, chore ,on the PlayStation,it's good fun on the GBA because of the vastly improved
  28. Sanding a wooden floor, refinishing a fence, and painting Miyagi's house. Each, chore ,is accompanied by a specific movement, such as clockwise/counter-clockwise
  29. Mouse, playing The Sorcerer's Apprentice, brings a broom to life to do his, chore ,of filling a well full of water. The broom overdoes its job and when chopped
  30. Amputation of two-thirds of his right middle finger. Garcia was given the, chore ,of steadying wood while his elder brother chopped, when he inadvertently put
  31. Out whether he still enjoys making movies, or if it's becoming more of a, chore , An entire episode (“ Curses” ) dealt with swearing and adult themes. The
  32. Work preparing for their third album. As time went on, writing music became a, chore ,and Jet with nothing to fall back on, needed to concentrate on a day job to
  33. A severe attack of jaundice. Whereas Darrell often claimed to find writing a, chore , this book was different: his first wife Acquire recalled" Never have I known
  34. The string. The Steinway device was adjustable, an advance that simplifies the, chore ,of modifying a piano's action to a pianist's liking. Henry Z. Steinway called
  35. Managed by the compiler, freeing the programmer of the potentially error-prone, chore ,of manually allocating and releasing storage. However, many data structures can
  36. Was not danceable and changed it slightly. And liberated the player from the, chore ,of playing repetitive keyboard patterns. Whereas Radio-Activity had featured a
  37. VII Sides, took the throne after his brother's capture. He faced the titanic, chore ,of restoring a rapidly crumbling empire; one facing threats on multiple fronts.
  38. The playful or self-serving lies the parent tells him to get, for example,a, chore ,done or simply to stop the incessant questions. Cutler recited his poems in a
  39. Novel),a 1989 novel by Larry Brown Other *Dirty work is another name for, chore ,division, a part of the theory of fair division Roll Duke of Normandy, also
  40. This way of life and learn a bit from them. Living as a couple, without the, chore ,support of a traditional New England farm family, meant they had to get needed
  41. Piano or show tunes. Fun exercises making learning the piano seem less like a, chore ,and more like playing a video game. Instead of using the traditional NEW
  42. And named the community for the capital of Switzerland. They began the, chore ,of preparing for farming by clearing the land. However, farm markets were
  43. Doing everything, including clearing the land. Clearing the land was an immense, chore ,since the Native Americans rotated fields frequently. There is a tradition that
  44. Been infected by a fungus and Sal announces an emergency Rice Run - a regular, chore ,wherein a few community members are required to head to the mainland discreetly
  45. Scores a triumph of charm and reserve. Hepburn turns in a feverish acting, chore ,of proud loneliness. " Laura Bushel of Channel 4 rated the film four out of
  46. Hereditary. You can catch it from your kids. " *" My second favorite household, chore ,is ironing. My first one being hitting my head on the top bunk bed until I
  47. For everyone has what he needs to live happily; *Work is not regarded as a, chore , but as a source of growth and well-being; *Nature is considered to be the most
  48. As annoying at his job. The four fishermen decide to have Nathaniel do another, chore , which having him being dragged two miles behind for a week to spot any sign of
  49. Up rarely, as did frequent guest Pamela Austin. In the 1969/1970 season,the, chore ,was handled briefly by new cast members Teresa Graves and Pamela Rodgers
  50. Separation from Christianity began when he started to view his religion as a, chore ,and as a duty; around this time, he also gained an interest in the occult, as

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