Examples of the the word, transmitter , in a Sentence Context

The word ( transmitter ), is the 8319 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Writers included the Communist Party member Bruno Baum. A shortwave, transmitter ,hidden in Block 11 sent information directly to the Polish government-in-exile
  2. On improving the electromagnetic telephone and never used Gray's liquid, transmitter ,in public demonstrations or commercial use. The question of priority for the
  3. Was issued, Bell succeeded in getting his telephone to work, using a liquid, transmitter ,similar to Gray's design. Vibration of the diaphragm caused a needle to
  4. At 16 years of age, Newby began regularly playing records on a small spark, transmitter ,while a student at Jerrold College of Engineering and Wireless, located in San
  5. Element. The measuring function is completed by the detector, transducer and, transmitter , In practical applications these three elements are typically contained in one
  6. And then smaller areas of population. The areas on the fringes of the, transmitter ,coverage provided an opportunity for Re diffusion and other commercial companies
  7. Perforator, which allowed an operator to punch a paper tape, and a tape, transmitter ,for sending the message from the punched tape. At the receiving end of the line
  8. The famous sentence" Mr Watson—Come here—I want to see you" into the liquid, transmitter , Watson, listening at the receiving end in an adjoining room, heard the words
  9. For early radio broadcasting -- as there were many problems with studio to, transmitter ,links. Analog signals An analog representation is usually a continuous
  10. No useful information (beyond the fact that a signal is present). To increase, transmitter ,efficiency, the carrier can be removed (suppressed) from the AM signal. This
  11. Employs spread-spectrum technology and a special coding scheme (where each, transmitter ,is assigned a code) to allow multiple users to be multiplexed over the same
  12. In 1990,coming into operation in 1993. With the conversion of the Envoy, transmitter ,in Wales to digital on 31 March 2010,Channel 4 became a UK-wide TV channel for
  13. From monoamine vesicles, thereby increasing cytosol concentrations of, transmitter , This increase in concentration assists in the" reverse transport" of
  14. To Wilmington but maintains their offices in Philadelphia and their digital, transmitter ,outside that city and an analog tower in New Jersey. Philadelphia's ABC
  15. Burning) in the French language from the capital at Ouagadougou using a 100 kW, transmitter ,on 4.815 and 5.030 MHz. Attempts to develop an independent press and media in
  16. Improved bandwidth efficiency is achieved—at the expense of increased, transmitter ,and receiver complexity—by completely suppressing both the carrier and one of
  17. Similarly, in telecommunications, decibels denote signal gain or loss from a, transmitter ,to a receiver through some medium (free space, waveguide,coax, fiber optics
  18. Operation The AGM-88 can detect, attack and destroy a radar antenna or, transmitter ,with minimal aircrew input. The proportional guidance system that homes in on
  19. The following elements: # An information source, which produces a message. # A, transmitter , which encodes the message into signals # A channel, to which signals are
  20. Since old monaural FM radio receivers still could receive a signal from a new, transmitter , In programming languages, backward compatibility refers to the ability of a
  21. Of radio. Radio advertisements are broadcast as radio waves to the air from a, transmitter ,to an antenna and a thus to a receiving device. Airtime is purchased from a
  22. Mode, modulation depth greater than 100 % must be avoided. Practical, transmitter ,systems will usually incorporate some kind of limiter circuit, such as a VO GAD
  23. Vesicle, which depletes the free energy favoring vesicle accumulation so that, transmitter ,is redistributed to the cytosol. Together, these actions cause the release of
  24. In cases where a clear line-of-sight from the receiving antenna to the, transmitter ,is not available. Timeline of transition The Declaration of Approach is a
  25. Antennas are located on mountains, viewers who are too close to the, transmitter ,may find reception difficult or impossible because the strongest part of the
  26. In base-to-mobile links, where all the transmissions originate from the same, transmitter ,and can be perfectly coordinated. On the other hand, the mobile-to-base links
  27. A caveat with the U. S. Patent Office for a telephone design that used a water, transmitter , That same morning,Bell's lawyer filed Bell's application with the patent
  28. Cocaine intake causes brain cells to adapt functionally to strong imbalances of, transmitter ,levels in order to compensate extremes. Thus, receptors disappear from the cell
  29. The nature of the soul. In the Analects (), Confucius presents himself as a ", transmitter ,who invented nothing ". And it is the Chinese character for study (or learning
  30. Broadcast license holders so that their signals do not mutually interfere. Each, transmitter ,owns a slice of bandwidth, a valuable (if intangible) commodity. For
  31. Or different slots than the host computer provides. These cable sets have a, transmitter ,board located in the computer, an expansion board in the remote back plane, and
  32. The second floor of Alfred Lerner Hall on the Morning side campus with its main, transmitter ,tower at 4 Times Square in Midtown Manhattan. Columbia Television (CTV) is
  33. With acoustic telegraphy and thought of a way to transmit speech using a water, transmitter , On February 14, 1876,Gray filed a caveat with the U. S. Patent Office for a
  34. Known to be very high efficiency amplifiers. RCA manufactured an AM broadcast, transmitter ,employing a single class-C low mu trade with an RF efficiency in the 90 %
  35. Have the same bandwidth as the positive frequencies of M (\omega). \,The, transmitter ,power efficiency of DSB-AM is relatively poor (about 33 %). The benefit of
  36. Aspect of asynchronous communications is variable bit rate, or that the, transmitter ,and receiver clock generators do not have to be exactly synchronized. Physical
  37. To the relay of the public broadcast channels, which meant that as the, transmitter ,network became more comprehensive, the incentive to subscribe to cable was
  38. Station at Colchester and slaves at Swan age and Beach Head. A fourth, decoy, transmitter , was located in the Thames Estuary as part of the deception that the invasion
  39. The 5th/6th century and is traditionally credited as the leading patriarch and, transmitter ,of Zen (Chinese: Chan, Little contemporary biographical information on
  40. The 'late arrival' of the channel was that its frequency allocations at each, transmitter ,had already been arranged in the early 1960s,when the launch of an ITV2 was
  41. Of radio. Radio advertisements are broadcast as radio waves to the air from a, transmitter ,to an antenna and a thus to a receiving device. Airtime is purchased from a
  42. Still is, accused of stealing the telephone from Gray, Bell used Gray's water, transmitter ,design only after Bell's patent was granted and only as a proof of concept
  43. The guesswork out of this process. These embody a miniature, low powered radar, transmitter ,in the fuse to detect the ground and explode them at a predetermined height
  44. World War II, the BBC service was re-established in June 1946,and had only one, transmitter , at Alexandra Palace, which served the London area. From the end of 1949,new
  45. Mount a small dish to the roof of their home or office and point it to the, transmitter , Line of sight is usually necessary for Wisps operating in the 2.4 and 5 GHz
  46. ITV company would provide the content of advertising breaks, covering the same, transmitter ,area as themselves, and these breaks were often unique to that area. After
  47. Of HDTV, as part of the wider Free view HD experiment via the Crystal Palace, transmitter ,to London and parts of the home counties, including the use of Lost and
  48. Audio processing (in audio broadcasting) takes place just before the, transmitter , Studio audio processing is limited in the modern era due to digital audio
  49. Wire if each message was transmitted at a different pitch, but work on both the, transmitter ,and receiver was needed. His father helped him set up his private practice by
  50. And the other the mean brilliance (signal t) output from a single television, transmitter ,to be received not only by color television receivers provided with the

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