Examples of the the word, differentiation , in a Sentence Context

The word ( differentiation ), is the 8317 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Because. The quotient rule The chain rule can be used to derive some well-known, differentiation ,rules. For example, the quotient rule is a consequence of the chain rule and
  2. Cd, the Internet domain of the Democratic Republic of the Congo * Cluster of, differentiation ,in cell surface markers * Córdoba Durchmusterung, a star catalog of the
  3. Such as decision-making processes in cell cycle progression, cellular, differentiation , and apoptosis. It is also involved in loss of cellular homeostasis associated
  4. Fundamental theorem The fundamental theorem of calculus states that, differentiation ,and integration are inverse operations. More precisely, it relates the values
  5. Of bacterial molecular biology and cytology, and the organism is a model for, differentiation , gene/protein regulation, and cell cycle events in bacteria. Clinical
  6. The signaling to ciliary motility or alternatively to cell division and, differentiation , " * Eukaryotes can move using motile cilia or flagella. The flagella are more
  7. Has the appendages free and not fused to the body as in a butterfly pupa. The, differentiation ,into queens and workers (which are both female),and different castes of
  8. An infinitesimally small change DX applied to x. We can also think of d/DX as a, differentiation ,operator, which takes a function as an input and gives another function, the
  9. Imprecise) prototype of an (ε, δ)-definition of limit in the definition of, differentiation , In his work Weierstrass formalized the concept of limit and eliminated
  10. Of B cells and facilitates the activation of these cells and their subsequent, differentiation ,into either antibody factories called plasma cells, or memory B cells that will
  11. Transcriptional activities in vivo, as well as retinoid acid-induced neuronal, differentiation , Thus, calreticulin can act as an important modulator of the regulation of gene
  12. Built in the Victorian era, often as a technical college. The term is used as, differentiation ,from older, more classics-oriented universities. Colombian architect Rogelio
  13. Or indefinite integration) and its opposite function is called, differentiation , which is the process of finding a derivative. Antiderivative are related to
  14. Based such features as the shape of the lacrimal horns, and the proposed, differentiation ,of" A. jimmadseni" based on the shape of the Jubal. A. Europeans was found in
  15. Many portions of the Applejack system have direct analogs in XNS. One key, differentiation ,for Applejack was it contained three protocols aimed at making the system
  16. Express; different types of cell express different combinations of cluster of, differentiation ,molecules on their surface, and produce different intracellular and secretable
  17. Rare dogs found mostly in Japan. The presence of the GLIB suggests an ancient, differentiation ,of the Arawak from other dog populations near the base of the dog family tree
  18. Sum_OK \franc TDI. The derivative of \minor can be calculated by logarithmic, differentiation ,:: \franc \bin om = \bin om \sum_^ \franc\, Binomial coefficients as a basis for
  19. Passage of muscles to work the lower jaw, the zygotic arch also allows for, differentiation ,of separate muscle groups to be involved in biting and chewing. Masseters
  20. However, in the vernacular many of these terms are interchangeable and little, differentiation ,is made. Other concerns Marriage The age at which a person can be legally
  21. The energy released by the decay of 26Al was responsible for the melting and, differentiation ,of some asteroids after their formation 4.55 billion years ago. Natural
  22. The basic insights that both Newton and Leibniz provided were the laws of, differentiation ,and integration, second and higher derivatives, and the notion of an
  23. Such as the Taylor series, infinite series approximations, early forms of, differentiation , term by term integration, iterative methods for solutions of non-linear
  24. A vector field whose curl is zero is called rotational. The curl is a form of, differentiation ,for vector fields. The corresponding form of the fundamental theorem of
  25. General, confers advantages during an organism's life cycle. For example,the, differentiation ,of fingers and toes in a developing human embryo occurs because cells between
  26. To a high-pass filter, which means that high-frequency noise is amplified;, differentiation ,also risks instability. Limitations In general, analog computers are limited by
  27. A reorganization of administrative units, and a complex system of social, differentiation ,by class and religious affiliation. " High Austro-Hungarian military
  28. Maturity, oneness ), referred with the figures for the driving forces of, differentiation ,(emergence of consciousness and opposites),Helios God-the-Sun, and the Devil
  29. Slope of this line is: \franc = -\franc. This can also be found using implicit, differentiation , When the center of the circle is at the origin then the equation of the
  30. Of modern psychological astrology. History Ancient world Astrology, before its, differentiation ,from astronomy, began when humans started to measure, record,and predict
  31. Due to the popularity of Egyptian films and other media). One factor in the, differentiation ,of the dialects is influence from the languages previously spoken in the areas
  32. Library, an open-source library for reading NL files and performing automatic, differentiation ,*Anti-Saloon League, once the leading organization lobbying for Prohibition in
  33. Of macrophage colony-stimulating factor by osteoblasts, which promotes the, differentiation ,of progenitor cells into osteoclasts, and decrease secretion of osteoprotegerin
  34. Integrals. It can also be interpreted as a precise statement of the fact that, differentiation ,is the inverse of integration. The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus states: If a
  35. Flatness of its overall natural geography, generally exhibiting only slight, differentiation ,otherwise. The average land elevation is above sea level. The lowest points are
  36. That promote reabsorption of bone by stimulating osteoclast activity and, differentiation ,from progenitor cells. Vitamin D, parathyroid hormone and stimulation from
  37. Developmental biology: gamete — spermatid — ovum — zygote — embryo — cellular, differentiation ,— morphogenesis — homeboy **Animal development: stem cell — blastula —
  38. Of an entire economy that is the sum of each individual's demand * Automatic, differentiation , a way to speedily compute derivatives in computer programming * Axiom of
  39. Growth are usually still preserved. With succeeding generations of tumor cells, differentiation ,is typically lost, growth becomes less regulated, and tumors become less
  40. While fathers often exercised enormous power over their children. A similar, differentiation ,was applied to other relationships. Now filial piety is also built into law.
  41. Ironwood (Lyonothamnus floribundus). Many other endemics originated through, differentiation ,or adaptive radiation, whereby multiple species develop from a common ancestor
  42. Of the environment (decreasing community structure and reduction of strata, differentiation ,as the environment becomes less favorable). * Trends in diversity of structure
  43. That the physical differences between males and females and the derived role, differentiation ,in their respective social functions and lives would not make drafting males
  44. On a curved path on a planar surface can be written using the chain rule of, differentiation ,and the derivative of the product of two functions of time as:: \begin \math bf
  45. Frac\int T\ DS. Combining gives: c \tan \var phi = \int \sec \var phi\ DS and by, differentiation ,: c = \rho \cos \var phi where ρ is the radius of curvature. The solution to this
  46. The derivative of a function. The process of finding the derivative is called, differentiation , Given a function and a point in the domain, the derivative at that point is a
  47. Independently, with Leibniz starting first with integration and Newton with, differentiation , Today, both Newton and Leibniz are given credit for developing calculus
  48. No variables could be allowed to exceed the computer's limits, and, differentiation , was to be avoided, typically by rearranging the" network" of interconnects
  49. In modest numbers to the north and south helps explain this relative lack of, differentiation , which was maintained by the national reach of radio, and now television, which
  50. person's simultaneous fear of – and desire for – separation, individuation and, differentiation , The theologian Paul Tillich characterized existential anxiety as" the state

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