Examples of the the word, implied , in a Sentence Context

The word ( implied ), is the 8307 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Whereas the picture 1 shows much more pictorial detail, with the scores of, implied ,relationships as implicit in the picture rather than with the nine explicit
  2. Hippolyte et Article, printed in the Mercury de France in May 1734. The critic, implied ,that the novelty in this opera was" Du baroque ", complaining that the music
  3. It is a three-storey U-shaped brick building completed in 1726. Alexander Pope, implied ,the architecture is rather dull, lacking either the vigor of the baroque style
  4. Be positrons, and not protons. Dirac was aware of the problem that his picture, implied ,an infinite negative charge for the universe. Dirac tried to argue that we
  5. You" ( though he was not at all inclined to engage with females in the manner, implied ,). With Franc-Nohain and Claude Terrassa, he co-founded the Theater DES Panting
  6. Of Oxford and a friend of Disraeli's, spoke strongly against the measure and, implied ,that Russell was paying off the Jews for" helping" elect him. Every member of
  7. Scores often made no specific mention of the bassoon, its use was, implied , particularly if there were parts for oboes or other winds. Beginning in the
  8. The very least, similar if not identical. Although something like code books is, implied ,by the model, they are nowhere represented in the model, which creates many
  9. Omitted from names of organic compounds with only one side-group;" 1-" is, implied ,in nitro-octane. Symmetric compounds will have two ways of arriving at the same
  10. Edward II fathered five children by two different women (although is strongly, implied ,to have been at least bisexual due to his relationships with Piers Galveston
  11. They consist of thin layers of compact bone surrounding a spongy interior. As, implied ,by the name, their shapes are irregular and complicated. The bones of the spine
  12. A move which caused some concern within the Orthodox Communion as, to them, it, implied , wider papal jurisdiction. In Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox and
  13. And they benefit most from the connected global power shifts. These directives, implied ,precise emphasis on: the search for political coordination with emerging and
  14. Carbon a group is attached to, should be as low as possible, so that 1- is, implied ,and usually omitted from names of organic compounds with only one side-group; "
  15. He used the kite to collect some electric charge from a storm cloud, which, implied , that lightning was electrical. On October 19 in a letter to England explaining
  16. V, x ) is often written V ← x (or some similar notation),and fetch (V) is, implied ,whenever a variable V is used in a context where a value is required. Thus, for
  17. 525 years" since the incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ ". Thus, Dionysus, implied ,that Jesus' Incarnation occurred 525 years earlier, without stating the
  18. The Court held that a ruling that the plea was entered into voluntarily is, implied ,by the act of sentencing. In October 2008,the United States Department of
  19. At the university (though AME does allow at college and in school). When the, implied ,roles of patient or student do not apply, the definite article is used in both
  20. Methods. Some of these are of women held in servitude (as study of the society, implied ,by the content reveals). They were used in trades, such as cloth-making, and
  21. Steady state Universe, and several complained that the beginning of time, implied ,by the Big Bang imported religious concepts into physics; this objection was
  22. Quickly. Vaguely thinking over the enormous and constant destruction which this, implied , it occurred to me to ask, why do some die and some live? And the
  23. Malobabić to organize the assassination of Franz Ferdinand. Malobabić made an, implied ,confession to a priest before he was executed. Vulović's confession came at
  24. Another category invented by Daniels, in that in beads the vowel sound is, implied ,by phonology, and where vowel marks exist for the system, such as Nikki for
  25. Clove shoe. These lay agencies were not merely a question of over lordship, but, implied , the concentration in lay hands of all the rights, immunities and jurisdiction
  26. Grandson: Phineas Function Aaron’s function included the duties of speaker and, implied ,personal dealings with the Egyptian royal court on behalf of Moses, who was
  27. And Galatians is nothing more than an informal name used by Timothy, implied ,already by the fact that even though both are said to be long-term close
  28. Its implications were revolutionary during the 18th century. For example, it, implied , that both men and women—not just women—should be modest and respect the
  29. Without any memories. In the final episodes of the series, the city is, implied ,to have been an elaborate fabrication produced by an unknown power. The city is
  30. With the bytes 12 34 56 7C represents the fixed-point value +1,234.567 when the, implied ,decimal point is located between the 4th and 5th digits: 12 34 56 7C 12 34.56
  31. A few 'institutional' nouns take no definite article when a certain role is, implied ,: for example, at sea (as a sailor),in prison (as a convict),and at/in
  32. Proposed book was" political" and was a restoration of the Roman Mass and, implied ,the doctrine of Transubstantiation. Early in the year 1928 a second Measure (
  33. Athens Plutarch tells us that there was an Amazon or shrine of Amazons that, implied ,the presence of both tombs and cult. On the day before the These at Athens
  34. Under noise, or identifying the missing fundamental frequency in a signal, implied ,by its harmonic frequencies. It is often used in signal processing for
  35. A form of fixed point arithmetic since the position of the radix point is, implied , Chen-Ho encoding provides a boolean transformation for converting groups of
  36. Rotating speed can be inferred, it doesn't cause an aberration as apparently, implied ,by the relativity principle. As discussed above, aberration occurs because the
  37. To secondary schools—if one" goes to school ", this type of institution is, implied , By contrast an American student at a university may talk of" going to school
  38. Joel's" The Ballad of Billy the Kid ", the folk-music sense is generally, implied , Ballad is also sometimes applied to strophic story-songs more generally, such
  39. Present at many significant periods and places in British history. It is, implied ,in each series that the Black adder character is a descendant of the previous
  40. Was a refusal to credit the higher status of certain types, where the taxonomy, implied ,a preference for tragedy and the sublime to comedy and the Rococo. Croce
  41. Or experience in everyday life, including our bodies). Non-baryonic matter, as, implied , by the name, is any sort of matter that is not composed primarily of baryons.
  42. Of other basic axioms of set theory, they imply the axiom of choice and are, implied ,by it. One variation avoids the use of choice functions by, in effect
  43. Although commonly evaluated positively, can be considered negative if they pose, implied ,threats to one's well-being. Furthermore, affectionate behavior in positively
  44. Of a number. For example, given a six-byte signed zoned decimal value with an, implied ,decimal point to the right of the fourth digit, the hex bytes F1 F2 F7 F9 F5 C0
  45. Were in fact two separate Crowns resting on the same head (as opposed to the, implied ,creation of a single Crown and a single Kingdom, exemplified by the later
  46. One hand and Son (Al Utah' ), Siwa, and Diesel Refusal on the other. The, implied ,tree is: *Menage (which together with Tin Set constitutes Western Berber)
  47. And the region south to the Elbe (mainly Holstein),accounting for the, implied ,larger range of the Angles in later sources. Tacitus Possibly the first
  48. At the officer which amount to 'go away' will not necessarily withdraw any, implied ,permission to enter or remain. Further, when properly required to leave, the
  49. Of concerts over the years. In a 2005 interview on JJJ radio in Australia, Bo, implied ,that the design sprang from an embarrassing moment. During an early gig, while
  50. The universe of" Mirror, Mirror ", while in the original episode was just, implied ,to be a parallel universe, was in later episodes (of DS9 and Enterprise)

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