Examples of the the word, harmless , in a Sentence Context

The word ( harmless ), is the 8311 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Mita) succinct, and (Priya) pleasing. In other words, to speak the, harmless ,truth *Non-stealing (Asia): Not to take anything that has not been given to
  2. In Southeast Asia and Australia * Heterodox SP., hog-nosed snakes, a genus of, harmless ,colubrid snakes found in North America * Agkistrodon consortia mouse, the
  3. Cyber warfare, claiming attacks of this kind were very common, and relatively, harmless , only reaching the news in this case due to the association with Wikileaks.
  4. Vaccines are based on cellular components of microorganisms, including, harmless , toxin components. Disorders of human immunity The immune system is a remarkably
  5. Of multiple views). * Satya (Truthfulness) – to always speak the truth in a, harmless ,manner. A person who speaks the truth becomes trustworthy like a mother
  6. There have been instances of people confusing digitalis with the relatively, harmless ,Symposium (camera) plant (which is often brewed into a tea) with fatal
  7. Intuitive children, aids him in his research. Dr. Hiragana is now seen as a, harmless ,old man who uses his scientific knowledge to satisfy his own curiosity. However
  8. They often play the role of disease-spirits. The most common, though also most, harmless ,case was various irritating skin rashes, which were called älvablåst (even
  9. Many beliefs regarding people with albinism. This folklore ranges from, harmless ,myth to dangerous superstitions that cost human lives. Cultural challenges can
  10. The cause of AIDS, and that HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) is merely a, harmless ,passenger virus. And selectively ignoring evidence in favor of HIV's role in
  11. Devour Counter-Earth. The encounter ends with Galactic being transformed into, harmless ,energy after attempting to devour the planet Popup. Galactic eventually
  12. Deuterium equivalent to five grams of heavy water, which is thought to be, harmless , Similar doses are used as non-radioactive tracers in human and animal
  13. Be harmless to survive Peter Dues berg argues that retroviruses like HIV must be, harmless ,to survive: they do not kill cells, and they do not cause cancer, he maintains.
  14. Comparable to that normally present in the body) are routinely used as, harmless ,metabolic tracers in humans and animals. Quantum properties The neutron has
  15. Conflict between the Christian kingdoms contributed to keep them relatively, harmless , Landaus coincided with La Convivencia, an era of relative religious
  16. Dr. Fred plans to resolve the issue by killing Purple Tentacle and his, harmless , friendly brother Green Tentacle, but before he can Green Tentacle sends a plea
  17. Heads that look like potatoes on small stubby bodies. Gnomes are considered, harmless ,but mischievous. They are quite durable. They are often thrown great distances
  18. Her back to her lover, are faunlike spirits similar to the see'rim, though of a, harmless ,nature. The evil spirit that troubled Saul (I Samuel 16:14 et seq. ) may have
  19. Slapstick films involve aggressive, physical and visual action, including, harmless , or painless cruelty and violence, horseplay,and often vulgar sight gags.
  20. Strife. Rather, O blessed one, give you me boldness to abide within the, harmless ,laws of peace, avoiding strife and hatred and the violent fiends of death. ";
  21. Direct hardware access. As a result, as of 2008,CIH has become essentially, harmless , at worst causing annoyance by infecting executable files and triggering alerts
  22. Excessive amounts of vitamin and mineral supplements. While this is usually, harmless , some nutrients are dangerous. Men (and women who don't menstruate) need to
  23. Assigned responsible to the pitcher). In a few cases, an error can be rendered, harmless ,while the inning is still going on. For example, a runner on first base
  24. Active working-age adults. Dues berg claims that retroviruses like HIV must be, harmless ,to survive Peter Dues berg argues that retroviruses like HIV must be harmless to
  25. Baldr's death is described. All things except the mistletoe (believed to be, harmless ,) have sworn an oath not to harm Bald, so the Æsir throw missiles at him for
  26. Of the Adware is to generate revenue for its author. Adware, by itself, is, harmless , ; however, some adware may come with integrated spyware such as keyloggers and
  27. Choice is logically independent of ZF. The assumption that ZF is consistent is, harmless ,because adding another axiom to an already inconsistent system cannot make the
  28. Server. In other words, they should not have side effects, beyond relatively, harmless ,effects such as logging, caching,the serving of banner advertisements or
  29. To perform malicious acts on users' computers. Although most are relatively, harmless , such as being kicked off the AIM service, others perform potentially dangerous
  30. Contexts, references to the relations of equality, membership and subset are, harmless ,because they can be understood implicitly to be restricted to some set in the
  31. Judge Anthony Russell stated" This was a hate crime against these completely, harmless ,people targeted because their appearance was different to yours. " He went on
  32. Exists and clearly deprived the defendant of a fair trial; 4. If subject to, harmless ,error analysis, the state has failed to demonstrate harmless ness of the alleged
  33. They come in contact with the tumour's oxygenated sides, meaning they would be, harmless ,to the rest of the body. A major problem has been that bacteria do not consume
  34. And identity. You could say the Ring is sin itself: tempting and seemingly, harmless ,to begin with, increasingly hard to give up and corrupting in the long run ".
  35. To wasps, which helps them avoid predation even though the beetles are in fact, harmless , This defense can be found to a lesser extent in other beetle families, such as
  36. Called lysogenic conversion. An eminent example is the conversion of a, harmless ,strain of Vibrato cholera by a phage into a highly virulent one, which causes
  37. Electricity with thermopiles. The decay of plutonium-238 is produced relatively, harmless ,alpha particles and is not accompanied by gamma-irradiation. Therefore and this
  38. Observers of 'horrible tortures of the infernal regions '. In reality, it’s a, harmless ,aquatic salamander. Vernacular names include" snot otter "," devil dog ","
  39. The veterans were told not to worry, and were persuaded the chemical was, harmless , After returning home, Vietnam veterans began to suspect their ill health or
  40. Similar to Kant's critique of the latter (see above);:" There are still, harmless ,self-observers who believe that there are" immediate certainties "; for
  41. Amoeba cold (not to be confused with Escherichia coli) and E. disbar are, harmless , Except Amoeba gingivitis, which lives in the mouth, and E.
  42. North interjects—he says that a woman having a lover other than her husband is, harmless , and he points out that Loki has borne children, and calls Loki a pervert. The
  43. Different hypersensitivities, in which the system responds inappropriately to, harmless ,compounds (asthma and other allergies) or responds too intensely. The most
  44. Solution is used instead of water, a purer protein is obtained, with certain, harmless ,impurities going into solution with the starch. Where starch is the prime
  45. Turn out to be reasonable, as when he prevents Gwen from approaching apparently, harmless ,child-like aliens, who are subsequently revealed to be hostile and
  46. Other impressive ambitious tense men in business suits. Definitely not the, harmless ,willowy professor type. Industrial researchers were apparently built like
  47. Lay press: 'Since no such proof is possible that genetically modified food is, harmless , the article in The New York Times was what is called a" bad rap" against the
  48. Described the bowling as fast leg theory, which sounded to many people to be a, harmless ,and well-established tactic. This led to a serious misunderstanding amongst the
  49. Of toxins during early pregnancy that could damage fetus (but which are likely, harmless ,to healthy women).: Corresponding Neurological Modules Evolutionary psychology
  50. Increased heart rate, and mood elevation, and the tea was essentially, harmless , Despite this, the DEA seized several shipments in Hawaii, Chicago,Illinois

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