Examples of the the word, intimacy , in a Sentence Context
The word ( intimacy ), is the 8326 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- With tension and emotion, but also had moments of friendship, cooperation,and, intimacy , Marriages took place in English, Spanish,and French colonies between Native
- Usually involves speaking and behaving in a way that suggests a mildly greater, intimacy ,than the actual relationship between the parties would justify, though within
- To kill his wife and Iago is" asked" to kill Cassio as a duty to their, intimacy , Othello proceeds to make Desdemona's life a misery, hitting her in front of
- The Triumph of Love over Rage claims that swallowing ejaculate is high on the, intimacy ,scale. As late as 1976,some doctors were advising women in the eighth and
- To same-gender sexual practices and relationships on the grounds that" sexual, intimacy ,belongs only within the marital relationship of a man and a woman. "
- Heterosexual marriages are the only biblically ordained grounds for sexual, intimacy , Adventists do not perform same-sex marriages and practicing homosexuals cannot
- From the pulpit; many clergy preached from a distance, not admitting any, intimacy ,with temptation or sin. He was involved in his parishioners' lives, and he was
- Accents, who had before this received Lucius Various Rufus and Virgil into his, intimacy , In the" Journey to Brunssum," in 37,Accents and Marcus Conceits
- With the work of Quentin Mateys, who had introduced a greater vitality and, intimacy ,in the conception of sacred themes. David's Pietà in the National Gallery
- Sterne lived in Sutton for twenty years, during which time he kept up an, intimacy ,which had begun at Cambridge with John Hall-Stevenson, a witty and accomplished
- Has been shown to be effective in many cases of ingrained problems of, intimacy ,and relationship (cf. the many books of Otto Kornberg). As a therapeutic
- To MDMA in crystalline or powder form. MDMA can induce euphoria, a sense of, intimacy ,with others, and diminished anxiety. Many studies, particularly in the fields
- Space formed by multiple domes and pillars create a sense of privacy and even, intimacy , This atmosphere contrasts with the later Ottoman mosques (see for example the
- Smell and of fragrances, which is used to evoke feelings of nostalgia and past, intimacy , The book, however,quickly became a byword for unwholesomeness among
- Of Negroes among the Indians has all along been thought detrimental, as an, intimacy ,ought to be avoided. " In addition, in 1758 the governor of South Carolina
- Status. From his earliest days, Audubon had an affinity for birds. " I felt an, intimacy ,with them ... bordering on frenzy that must accompany my steps through life. "
- A strong inclination for natural science, and this had been fostered by his, intimacy ,with a" self-taught philosopher, astronomer and mathematician," as Sir Walter
- My partner" ). " Love" may refer specifically to the passionate desire and, intimacy ,of romantic love, to the sexual love of Eros, to the emotional closeness of
- Pronouns as well as plural second-person pronouns (vi) not marked for, intimacy , Furthermore, Ido has a pan-gender third-person pronoun LU (it can mean" he "
- Winking, etc. * Giggling, or laughing encouragingly at any slight hint of, intimacy ,in the other's behavior * Casual touches; such as a woman gently touching a
- Which are between 4 or 7 in number, and relate to ever more subtle levels of, intimacy ,with Allah. But although some Latin correspond in position to the chakras
- Or alternatively Pythagoras and Pythagoristai),according to the degree of, intimacy ,which they enjoyed with Pythagoras. Porphyry wrote" the mathematical learned
- Colours sometimes verging on the expressionistic. They often depict moments of, intimacy ,between Christ and his mother, or various saints. His sacral masterpiece and
- Skill relies on the resolution of other stages. It may be hard to establish, intimacy ,if one has not developed trust or a sense of identity. If this skill is not
- Among adolescent girls who fell ate their boyfriends to create and maintain, intimacy ,while preserving their virginity or avoiding pregnancy. Other reasons given for
- These men can no longer have intercourse, but can still participate in physical, intimacy ,with their partners. Sexual Support Following Splenectomy Sexual support
- Triangular theory of love and argued that love has three different components:, intimacy , commitment, and passion. Intimacy is a form in which two people share
- Editing shifted to include radical angles that conveyed more subjectivity and, intimacy ,within the scenes Today, the master shot is still an extremely important
- Reduction, increased immunity, and decreased risk of prostate cancer. Sexual, intimacy , as well as orgasms, increases levels of the hormone oxytocin, also known as "
- Of the associates of his pleasures, he admitted none but men of worth to his, intimacy , and when once admitted they were treated like equals. Much of the wisdom of
- Then the most. His top ten list of fears consisted of flying, heights,clowns, intimacy , death, rejection,people, snakes,success, and driving. Another common fear
- With animal (반말). This is not out of disrespect, but instead it shows the, intimacy ,and the closeness of the relationship between the two speakers. Transformations
- Prescience, a loss of vulnerability which renders him incapable of physical, intimacy , and his perception of the passage of time in great lengths (as decades may
- Because Hosea has to buy her back. He takes her home, but refrains from sexual, intimacy ,with her for many days, to symbolize the fact that Israel will be without a
- Conscious, Dorothy calls Jeffrey" My lover" and through this reveals her, intimacy ,with Jeffrey, causing an upset Sandy to slap Jeffrey, although she later
- Also be of dental origin and constitutes a significant percentage, given the, intimacy ,of the relationship between the teeth and the sinus floor. Complementary tests
- Settings and boating scenes, but also subjects portraying the comfort and, intimacy ,of family and domestic life, as did her colleagues, Pierre-Auguste Renoir and
- To experience sexual pleasure (recreational) and also as a means of emotional, intimacy ,(relational),thus deepening their bonding, making their relationship more
- Increasingly disrespectful, viewing him as incompetent, from 1963 on. The old, intimacy ,was gone. Her professional opposition began over Calico Man. Under the
- Sternberg has suggested that there are actually three components of love:, intimacy , passion, and commitment. When two people experience all three, they are said
- His work states that three factors constitute love: attachment, caring,and, intimacy , Following developments in electrical theories such as Coulomb's law, which
- As well as a natural theatrical bent. During November 1818 she developed an, intimacy ,with Keats, but it was shadowed by the illness of Tom Keats, whom John was
- It for its daring subject, while others were surprised by the lack of, intimacy ,between Lolita and Hubert. Andrew Harris panned it in The Village Voice for
- Experience sexual pleasure (recreational),but also as a means of emotional, intimacy ,(relational),thus deepening their bonding, making their relationship more
- For example. Establishing physical proximity that unconsciously signals, intimacy , # Add diversity (gender, culture,extroverts, different work specialties
- In Robertson's sample evidenced volition, constancy,uniqueness, production, intimacy , and social interest. This method of mapping the self was successfully used in
- S dilemma, Arthur Schopenhauer's analogy about the challenges of human, intimacy , Legacy From the period from 1984 to the release of Evangelist, most highly
- I cannot forget," she wrote to a close friend. After the affair any remaining, intimacy ,left their relationship. Eleanor soon thereafter established a separate house
- Book The Naked Ape that female orgasm evolved to encourage physical, intimacy ,with a male partner and help reinforce the pair bond. Morris suggested that the
- Poems reveal the culture and tastes of a man of the world, enjoying the closest, intimacy ,with the imperial family. He accompanied Charlemagne to Rome in 800 and was one
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