Examples of the the word, hierarchical , in a Sentence Context

The word ( hierarchical ), is the 8320 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. 1970,1980,1991 and 2000. Brazil's Demographic Census is one of the most, hierarchical ,collection of census data in the world. Its hierarchies include: Brazil (
  2. Superstars, earning enormous fees and hysterical public adulation. The strictly, hierarchical ,organization of opera serial favored their high voices as symbols of heroic
  3. But has a much greater storage capacity than processor registers. Multi-level, hierarchical ,cache setup is also commonly used—primary cache being smallest, fastest and
  4. System in which a set of devices and governing software is arranged in a, hierarchical ,tree. When the links in the tree are implemented by a computer network, then
  5. The process is generally thought to involve two primary mechanisms: (1), hierarchical , processing of sensory inputs, ( 2) memory. Signals arising from sensory organs
  6. That the soul is superior to the body. The latter statement is grounded in his, hierarchical ,classification of things into those that merely exist, those that exist and
  7. Called Toryism, emerged during the Restoration (1660–1688). It supported a, hierarchical ,society with a monarch who ruled by divine right. However, the Glorious
  8. For floppy disks) was flat; later versions (designed for hard disks) were, hierarchical , In computer science, an AVL tree is a self-balancing binary search tree, and
  9. The like. Many anarchists view capitalism as an inherently authoritarian and, hierarchical ,system and therefore reject anarcho-capitalism as a form of anarchism.
  10. Volume, such as the Apple Profile hard disk drive. Also, Apple SOS supported a, hierarchical ,file system (HFS). Some features and code base of Apple SOS made their
  11. Democracy through postal ballots of all members, so that" there should be no, hierarchical ,structure ... by which a carefully engineered elite could make decisions for
  12. Designs are vividly influenced by the Baroque furniture of Rome and Genoa, hierarchical ,tectonic sculptural elements, meant never to be moved from their positions
  13. Is no longer possible to have unlimited success in code breaking, and there is a, hierarchical ,classification of what constitutes an attack. In the mid-1970s,a new class of
  14. When the links in the tree are implemented by a computer network, then that, hierarchical ,control system is also a form of Networked control system.; Intelligent control
  15. Is not necessarily associated with support for states, governments,or other, hierarchical ,institutions. There are variants of anarchism, such as collectivist anarchism
  16. Containing one or more cycles, one must first expand it into a tree (called a, hierarchical ,digraph by the authors) by traversing bonds in all possible paths starting at
  17. Middle or upper manager in a corporation. They often appear in various, hierarchical ,layers such as Executive Vice President, Senior Vice President, Associate Vice
  18. Modulus, and ~100 GPA in strength). Initial attempts to incorporate Cuts into, hierarchical ,structures led to mechanical properties that were significantly lower than
  19. And network file sharing by Microsoft Windows products. He developed the tallow, hierarchical ,memory allocator, originally as part of Samba. For his PhD thesis, he
  20. In the discussion of homology, in particular allowing clear expression of the, hierarchical ,relationships among different homologies. It can be difficult to decide whether
  21. Are characterized by the following concepts and procedures: * The use of, hierarchical ,models and marginalization over the values of nuisance parameters. In most
  22. Units, including ROM cartridge slots and the Advanced Disc Filing System — a, hierarchical ,improvement to the BBC's original Disc Filing System. Whilst it may not have
  23. Ideas: * It keeps records in sorted order for sequential traversing * It uses a, hierarchical ,index to minimize the number of disk reads * It uses partially-full blocks to
  24. Was a flat file system without subdirectories, subsequent file systems were, hierarchical , Curiously, The IBM PC's first file system (designed for floppy disks) was
  25. Agent sits on location ". This conceptual scheme entails no specific, hierarchical ,taxonomy (such as the one mentioned involving cats and mammals),only a
  26. Open wheeled racing is commonly referred to as" Formula ", with appropriate, hierarchical ,suffixes. In North America, the " Formula" terminology is not followed (with
  27. Doi rep1&type=PDF A rapid, hierarchical ,grandiosity algorithm. Computer Graphics (Proceedings of DIGRAPH 1991) 25 (4
  28. Nanotubes are also a promising material as building blocks in bio-mimetic, hierarchical ,composite materials given their exceptional mechanical properties (~1TPa in
  29. Capitalism is a free or mixed market characterized by the dominance of, hierarchical , bureaucratic corporations, which are legally required to pursue profit. State
  30. Non-baekjeong finding such an attempt insensitive to traditional notions of, hierarchical ,advantage. Also around the same time, the baekjeong began to resist the open
  31. Improved loading speed. Apple DOS was superseded by ProDOS, which supported a, hierarchical ,file system and larger storage devices. With an optional third-party Z80-based
  32. Active Directory binaries. Structure Objects An Active Directory structure is a, hierarchical ,arrangement of information about objects. The objects fall into two broad
  33. Or local tape drives or optical jukeboxes. Such a scheme is the main concept of, hierarchical ,storage management. Web cache Web browsers and web proxy servers employ web
  34. Needed to be controlled by a single processor system. In such systems a, hierarchical ,interrupt system is coupled with process prioritization to ensure that key
  35. An example LL parsers and LR parsers. A derivation also imposes in some sense a, hierarchical ,structure on the string that is derived. For example, if the string" 1 + 1 + a
  36. Might sit in his presence, or leave it without his permission, reflecting the, hierarchical ,etiquette of families and society. The highest place was assigned to him, both
  37. OE testified:" Mass suicides were forced on Okinawa islanders under Japan's, hierarchical ,social structure that ran through the state of Japan, the Japanese armed forces
  38. A class of people who work at a common activity, generally in a structured or, hierarchical ,organization. A location in which a crew works is called a crew yard or a
  39. On a wide variety of hardware platforms and operating systems. And the rigid, hierarchical ,structure restricts the definition of external references to the Environment
  40. Belief in a doctrine of divine rewards and punishments rooted in a vision of a, hierarchical ,Christian world order in which God is the Lord to whom kings owe obedience and
  41. Systems for the Apple II series following the demise of the Apple III. This, hierarchical ,file system influenced the evolution of the Macintosh: while the original
  42. Of work by Bertrand Russell and others in mathematics * Class (social),the, hierarchical ,arrangement of individuals in society, usually defined by material wealth and
  43. Behind them. Nevertheless, Linnaeus is credited with establishing the idea of a, hierarchical ,structure of classification which is based upon observable characteristics.
  44. By classification. Usually, the term" college" is also thought of as a, hierarchical ,demarcation between the term" university ", and quite a number of colleges
  45. Scottish subjects, adopted " No Bishop, no King" as a slogan; he tied the, hierarchical ,authority of the bishop to the absolute authority he sought as king, and viewed
  46. Personal revelation from God in conducting their lives. The President heads a, hierarchical ,structure with various levels reaching down to local congregations. Bishops
  47. Gana-sangha form of government, as a political alternative to the strongly, hierarchical ,kingdoms, may have influenced the development of the Shramana-type Jain and
  48. Theory * Leonard Klein rock – ARPANET, queueing theory, packet switching, hierarchical ,routing * Donald Knuth – The Art of Computer Programming, MIX/MIX, TeX
  49. Enlightenment period taught an abstract ideal of republican government based on, hierarchical ,social orders of king, aristocracy and commoners. It was widely believed that
  50. Is one of the largest efforts in cosmology. Cosmologists study a model of, hierarchical ,structure formation in which structures form from the bottom up, with smaller

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