Examples of the the word, saying , in a Sentence Context

The word ( saying ), is the 8323 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Its own military aircraft and helicopters, but quoted a military expert as, saying ,that it would be impossible to do so for the next five years. International
  2. Scored 19 wins,21 losses, and 104 draws in 144 games. Karol is on record, saying ,that had he had the opportunity to fight Fischer for the crown in his twenties
  3. Panel joins the team of volunteer workers and preaches another sermon, saying ,that the death of the innocent child is a test of faith. Since God willed the
  4. Support for terrorism, none object when students express hate of Jews ", saying ,that it says in" the Quran that you shall kill Jews, all true Muslims hate
  5. Petitioned Chief Justice Roger Taney to issue a writ of habeas corpus, saying ,Lincoln's action of holding Ferryman without a hearing was unlawful. Taney
  6. Schweitzer speaking these lines in 1960: China Achebe has quoted Schweitzer as, saying ,:" The African is indeed my brother but my junior brother," which Achebe
  7. Experiments and constructed experiments as tools applicable to economics, saying ,that while it is appropriate in the natural sciences where factors can be
  8. In a famous exception Tchaikovsky praised the blockbuster film The Terminator, saying ,its" vision of the future and the relation between man and its destiny is
  9. Not succeeded. Proponents prefer" America the Beautiful" for various reasons, saying ,it is easier to sing, more melodic, and more adaptable to new orchestrations
  10. And gothic music. Life Hand of The Irish Independent reported The Edge as, saying ,that Burgess' original conception was" a score written by a novelist rather
  11. Order was later found to be a Soviet spy. The publisher then wrote to Orwell, saying ,: Becker and Warburg published the first edition of Animal Farm in 1945 without
  12. His ethic of Reverence for Life, not his Hospital, his most important legacy, saying ,that his Nazarene Hospital was just" my own improvisation on the theme of
  13. However, enjoyed warm reviews from American press. Cash box went as far as, saying ,that" there is a recurrent thread of taste and artistry inherent in Abba's
  14. Hospitals and see doctors. His family sued the hospital for inadequate care, saying ,that the arrhythmia was caused by improper care and water intoxication. Warhol
  15. Wrong with the moral code that is destroying society and would never dream of, saying ,he is in business for any reason other than the good of society. Deign Haggard
  16. Israel in the Arab-Israeli War of 1973 as" civilized men fighting savages ", saying ,European colonists had the right to take land from American Indians, and
  17. We were. Young, exuberant,full of energy and ambition. I remember Robert Plant, saying ,Led Zeppelin were a cover band now because they cover all their own stuff. I
  18. In the conflict. Similarly, Admiral Augustus Koppel turned down a command, saying ," I cannot draw the sword in such a cause. " The Earl of Effing ham publicly
  19. S capital. Justice Commandos Against Armenian Genocide claim responsibility, saying ,they are avenging the massacre of 1.5 million Armenians in the 1915 Armenian
  20. Interview with CBS, Agassi justified himself and asked for understanding, saying ,that" It was a period in my life where I needed help. " He also revealed that
  21. Of opposing both slavery and abolitionism. He first articulated this in 1837, saying ," Institution of slavery is founded on both injustice and bad policy, but the
  22. Congregations, including Buddhism, Confucianism and Hinduism. Although the, saying ," Lee fen last even" or" Live and let live" summarizes the Dutch and
  23. From a given number to the mean, one way to interpret this property is as, saying ,that the numbers to the left of the mean are balanced by the numbers to the
  24. And personal character through one's father. Schopenhauer quotes Horace's, saying ," From the brave and good are the brave descended" ( Odes, iv,4,29) and
  25. Lyrics at rallies. The band had threatened to file a lawsuit against the DF, saying ,they never allowed their music to be used politically and that they had
  26. Heartily sick of him it is difficult to assess. There is certainly a case for, saying ,that Crooked House (1949) and Ordeal by Innocence (1957),which are not
  27. Concealed. I have done so by giving them the opportunity of slandering me by, saying ,that I defend and commend pederasty. " Intellectual interests and affinities
  28. To the Republican Party's free-soil platform. Lincoln rejected the idea, saying ," I will suffer death before I consent ... to any concession or compromise
  29. Fellow crime writer Anthony Berkeley Cox was an admitted fan of her work, once, saying , that nobody can write an Agatha Christie novel but the authoress herself.
  30. Postulate” disappears. The postulates of Euclid are profitably motivated by, saying ,that they lead to a great wealth of geometric facts. The truth of these
  31. His mind. He decides to stay in the city and continue to help fight the plague, saying ,that he would feel ashamed of himself if he pursued a merely private happiness.
  32. Face former champion Boris Spas sky in the semifinal round. Karol was on record, saying ,that he believed Spas sky would easily beat him and win the Candidates' cycle
  33. A prophet began earlier than that of Moses. Hillel held Aaron up as an example, saying ,:“ Be of the disciples of Aaron, loving peace and pursuing peace; love your
  34. Using integers perhaps extending to infinity. " Thus Builds and Jeffrey are, saying ,that an algorithm implies instructions for a process that" creates" output
  35. Radio Oslo, pleading for the abolition of nuclear weapons. He ended his speech, saying ,: In 1955 he was made an honorary member of the Order of Merit by Queen
  36. Kids are poor and oppressed, and we have made them hate. They are, in effect, saying ,the behavior of these kids is in some way our fault. " Judith Polanski, an
  37. But he did not live long enough to complete it. Einstein refused surgery, saying ,:" I want to go when I want. It is tasteless to prolong life artificially. I
  38. As an homage to Andrei Tchaikovsky in 2000. Ingram Bergman was quoted as, saying ,:" Tchaikovsky for me is the greatest of us all, the one who invented a new
  39. Of Bell's death, Canadian Prime Minister Mackenzie King cabled Mrs. Bell, saying ,: The Government expresses to you our sense of the world's loss in the death of
  40. In the war against Fascism. During his July 1936 visit he wrote letters, saying ,that there was" more intelligent leadership in Germany than is generally
  41. Between whites and blacks. Later in his life, Schweitzer was quoted as, saying ,:" The time for speaking of older and younger brothers has passed. " It is also
  42. At the 43rd Academy Awards ceremony. Scott described it as a 'meat parade ', saying ,'I don't want any part of it. " The third winner, Marlon Brando, refused his
  43. Ginsberg claimed he developed such a long line because he had long breaths (, saying ,perhaps it was because he talked fast, or he did yoga, or he was Jewish). The
  44. Follows from the other axioms of set theory. In that case it is equivalent to, saying ,that if we have several (a finite number of) boxes, each containing at least
  45. Grieved at hearing this wicked taunt, told Muhammad what the local people were, saying , In reply, the prophet said:" They lie, I bade thee remain for the sake of
  46. Agatha disappeared from her home, leaving behind a letter for her secretary, saying ,that she was going to Yorkshire. Her disappearance caused an outcry from the
  47. Memory completely after replacing the chip),the result will be the Newton OS, saying ,that this is version 2.2.00. Also, the Original Messaged and the Messaged
  48. Performance. Lambert finally has a chance to escape, but he decides to stay, saying ,that he would feel ashamed of himself if he left. Towards the end of October
  49. To combat it. When these do not work, he tries to avoid responsibility, saying ,he will ask the government for orders. After this, he does take responsibility
  50. With the desires, needs,and impulses in us that we name" will," what he is, saying ,is that we participate in the reality of an otherwise unachievable world

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