Examples of the the word, hypertension , in a Sentence Context

The word ( hypertension ), is the 8129 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Rest of the country in percentage of people with asthma, diabetes,cancer, and, hypertension , One of the worst states for percentage of insured people, nearly 25 percent of
  2. Acid-base disorders, electrolyte disorders, nephrolithiasis (kidney stones), hypertension , ( high blood pressure),acute kidney disease and end-stage renal disease.
  3. Short term side effects of Ketamine are: *Cardiovascular effects, including, hypertension , and tachycardia *Enhanced sense of connection with the world (beings or
  4. Lead to a number of different symptoms, including psychosis, chest pain, and, hypertension , Psychosis Abuse of amphetamines can result in a stimulant psychosis that can
  5. Renal failure, chronic kidney disease, hematuria,proteinuria, kidney stones, hypertension , and disorders of acid/base or electrolytes. Training A nephrologist is a
  6. Fibrillation leading to death. CAD is associated with smoking, diabetes,and, hypertension , A family history of early CAD is one of the less important predictors of CAD.
  7. Cadmium exposure is a risk factor associated with early atherosclerosis and, hypertension , which can both lead to cardiovascular disease. Regulations Due to the adverse
  8. Small percentage of the population with sodium-sensitive pre- hypertension or, hypertension , Based on the other results of double-blind controlled studies of sodium and
  9. ACE inhibitors have been shown to be effective for indications other than, hypertension ,even in patients with normal blood pressure. The use of a maximum dose of ACE
  10. Have been linked to a variety of diseases, including neurodegeneration, hypertension , heart failure, and inflammation. A building-block for acetyl coenzyme A. This
  11. Four or more cups of coffee per day may have a minor protective effect against, hypertension ,; however abstaining from caffeine may reduce the risks even more. Caffeine
  12. Shown that like oats, amaranth seed or oil may be of benefit for those with, hypertension ,and cardiovascular disease; regular consumption reduces blood pressure and
  13. Tubular/interstitial disorders, mineral metabolism, clinical pharmacology, hypertension , epidemiology, and nutrition. Procedures a nephrologist may learn in a training
  14. Younger persons with risk factors for coronary artery disease (for example, hypertension , diabetes, or smoking) are at increased risk for heart disease and may wish to
  15. Dysfunction still existed for different age, race,ethnicity, smoker,diabetes, hypertension , high cholesterol, coronary disease and others health problems. But due to
  16. And radiation, induction of labor, sciatica,amenorrhea, depression, hypertension , rheumatoid arthritis, and low back pain. Cupping (拔罐) is a type of
  17. In these patients and it is conceivable that risk factors such as, hypertension , hypercholesterolemia, diabetes mellitus and smoking can contribute to its
  18. Magnesia. *Sodium: increased intake of sodium may be deleterious for arterial, hypertension , heart failure and many renal diseases. Side effects from antacids vary
  19. And treatment of kidney diseases, including electrolyte disturbances and, hypertension , and the care of those requiring renal replacement therapy, including dialysis
  20. Factors, which include decreasing cholesterol levels, addressing obesity and, hypertension , avoiding a sedentary lifestyle, making healthy dietary choices, and stopping
  21. Evidence that high sodium intake leads to negative clinical conditions such as, hypertension ,in healthy persons. Clinical evidence indicates wide-population heterogeneity
  22. e. g., muscle,fat). It is common that comorbidities, such as essential, hypertension , obesity, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease (CVD) develop. *
  23. Making it dangerous for use by patients with a history of heart disease or, hypertension , Amphetamine can cause a life-threatening complication in patients taking MALI
  24. Can be classified as #Fixed: age, sex,family history #Modifiable: smoking, hypertension , diabetes mellitus, obesity,etc. There are various risk assessment systems for
  25. Antirheumatic drugs),antihypertensives (many kidney diseases feature, hypertension ,). Often erythropoietin and vitamin D treatment is required to replace these
  26. And April. Clinical use ACE inhibitors are used primarily to treat, hypertension , although they may also be prescribed for cardiac failure, diabetic nephropathy
  27. Any additional value to the conventional risk factors of smoking, diabetes and, hypertension , Angina (chest pain) that occurs regularly with activity, after heavy
  28. Include palpitations, tachycardia,arrhythmia, anxiety,headache, tremor, hypertension , and acute pulmonary edema. Use is contraindicated in people on nonselective
  29. Or without reaching consciousness to cause pallor, diaphoresis,tachycardia, hypertension , lightheadedness, nausea and fainting. Nociceptive in non-mammalian animals
  30. Operation for treatment of esophageal varices as a result of portal, hypertension ,) *Nikos Uniforms (Greek screenwriter and film director) *Pap pus of
  31. Narrowing of blood vessels) by AII may lead to increased blood pressure and, hypertension , Further, constriction of the efferent arterioles of the kidney leads to
  32. Of the heart **Angina sectors or severe chest pain, as well as pulmonary, hypertension ,(PH) **Cardiac arrhythmia or abnormal electrical activity of the heart
  33. Population growth rate is 1.9 percent. In terms of health, diabetes,cancer and, hypertension ,all present serious problems in contemporary society, due to a highly
  34. Including prevention of atherosclerosis, different types of cancer, and, hypertension , and improved immune function. And improving post exercise muscle recovery. In
  35. Support. Complications of MAS include pneumothorax and persistent pulmonary, hypertension ,of the newborn. Causes Fetal distress during labor causes intestinal
  36. In the lungs and eyes, producing various complications such as pulmonary, hypertension , an irreversible and progressive disease. Methadone/Methadone should not be
  37. Use is contraindicated in people on nonselective blockers, because severe, hypertension ,and even cerebral hemorrhage may result. Even so, administering high-dose
  38. Statistically significant results have been obtained for its role in treating, hypertension , clinical significance may be lacking. Patients with heart failure may benefit
  39. Affects 37 % of men and 51 % of women. This and other factors contribute to, hypertension , which affects 40 % of all adults. African American men are twice as likely to
  40. Uses In medicine, diuretics are used to treat heart failure, liver cirrhosis, hypertension ,and certain kidney diseases. Some diuretics, such as acetazolamide, help to
  41. Noninvasive measures of the pulse wave velocity are an independent indicator of, hypertension , Measuring the pulse wave velocity (invasively and non-invasively) is a means
  42. Dry mouth, bruxism, headache,tachycardia, bradycardia,tachypnea, hypertension , hypotension, fever,diaphoresis, diarrhea,constipation, blurred vision
  43. Loss of physical performance and mental acuity during aging and, hypertension ,in humans. Religious significance In the Bible, grapes are first mentioned when
  44. Eosinophilia. Pseudotumor cerebra, commonly known as idiopathic intracranial, hypertension ,(IIT),(also referred to as increased intracranial pressure),has been
  45. Mainly psychological but that may also include increased sensitivity to pain, hypertension , colitis or other gastrointestinal afflictions related to motility, and
  46. Designed with this in mind, and has a larger therapeutic window for, hypertension ,(without pronounced diuresis) than most other diuretics. Mechanism of action
  47. Of pharmacologic agents may be advantageous in the treatment of essential, hypertension , chronic heart failure, and nephropathy. However, more studies are needed to
  48. Based on the other results of double-blind controlled studies of sodium and, hypertension , there is no definitive evidence that high sodium intake leads to negative
  49. Have the highest rates of homicide and disease (such as obesity, diabetes,and, hypertension ,). A New York Times article reveals that the U. S. is the world's wealthiest
  50. Enzyme inhibitors are a group of drugs used primarily for the treatment of, hypertension ,(high blood pressure) and congestive heart failure. Originally synthesized

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