Examples of the the word, unaware , in a Sentence Context

The word ( unaware ), is the 6506 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of the new 8A revision motherboards destined for the A500+. Many users were, unaware ,that they were purchasing anything other than a standard Amiga 500. Although
  2. Was questioned about this, however,he responded that his father was completely, unaware ,of the actions of Western intelligence services. Evgeny further declared that
  3. Unlikely" that any stockpiles of WMD would be found. Claiming that he was, unaware ,that some intelligence officials questioned the information prior to his
  4. In their language as a single distinctive sound in that language and are" both, unaware ,of and even shocked by" the allophone variations used to pronounce single
  5. Out of class settlement, though class members, despite opt-out notices, may be, unaware ,of their right to opt-out because they did not receive the notice, did not read
  6. Prevent an electrolyte deficiency identified in the crew of Apollo 15). He was, unaware ,that his microphone was still transmitting after a recent conversation with
  7. Full distances required for one day's pay. Canvasser supervisors often were, unaware ,of data omissions due to the intentional isolation of many people in the
  8. Was a civil engineer by profession, and took the idea no further. Apparently, unaware ,of Smeaton's work, the same principle was identified by Louis Vicar in the
  9. Measures to ensure ammunition handling was flash tight. The British remained, unaware ,of the weakness, to their great misfortune at the Battle of Jutland. Apart from
  10. The first Italian newspaper for children). Lorenzo died in Florence in 1890, unaware , of the fame and popularity that awaited his work: as in the allegory of the
  11. Five cities found that while only 18 percent of the HIV-infected white men were, unaware ,of their infections,67 percent of the infected black men were unaware . " It
  12. Learns the backstory of God's conversations with Satan; Job himself remains, unaware ,of the reason or source of his sufferings until the end. Finally, humbled by
  13. Services of a medical doctor in the past 12 months. Medical doctors are often, unaware ,of their patient's use of alternative medical treatments as only 38.5 % of the
  14. And is an assault if the rock misses. The fact that the person may have been, unaware ,that the rock had been thrown at him is irrelevant under this definition of
  15. How soldiers' lives are put at risk by their commanding officers who seem, unaware ,of the trauma of their charges. Main characters Paul Bäumer is the
  16. That had taken thousands of lives in its quest for energy. It may have been, unaware ,of this, however,but it was destroyed before communications could be
  17. Involves an Adoptionist scene during the Crucifixion. It appears Vonnegut was, unaware ,that this was already an existing theology, and that he came up with it
  18. On one of the soda's two ingredients, the coca leaf or the kola nut, but were, unaware ,of what either ingredient looked like. Dean and Edwards went to the Emeline
  19. The speed limit for the city is 25 mph (40 km/h) on almost every road. Many, unaware ,drivers fail to slow down after exiting the highway. Groups like Pedestrian
  20. Not only Data but the international film world, which at the time was largely, unaware ,of Japan's decades-old cinematic tradition. After Data very briefly exhibited
  21. In the Israel Museum in Jerusalem after being donated,it's donor having been, unaware ,of its pre-war provenance. During his lifetime, Camille Pissaro sold few of
  22. Men were unaware of their infections,67 percent of the infected black men were, unaware , " It has been estimated that" 184,991 adult and adolescent HIV infections
  23. Responding to public pressure order the collection and cremation of the rats, unaware ,that the collection itself was the catalyst for the spread of the bubonic
  24. Britain. In 1972,Herman Golds tine wrote that: In writing that, Goldstine was, unaware ,of Colossus, and its legacy to those projects of people such as Alan Turing (
  25. The crew, had been moved to the back of the cabin and that the hijackers were, unaware ,of her call. A minute into the conversation, the call was cut off. Theodore
  26. Alonzo Church's equivalent proof in respect to his lambda calculus, Turing was, unaware ,of Church's work at the time. Turing's approach is considerably more
  27. People vs. Larry Flint, opposite Woody Harrelson as Flint. Forman chose Love, unaware ,of her history as a musician, because she was" an extremely talented actress.
  28. S opinion is that because Austrians do not use" explicit models" they are, unaware ,of holes in their own thinking. Ca plan also argues that Austrian economists
  29. The 50 greatest British writers since 1945 ". Readers of his fiction are often, unaware ,of what Lewis considered the Christian themes of his works. His Christian
  30. The Pirate Hunter: The True Story of Captain Kidd. According to Backs, Kidd was, unaware ,that Clifford had only about 20 crew with him, and felt ill manned and ill
  31. That it was for the sake of plunder. The victorious fleet was then caught, unaware ,when attempting to leave the River Tour and was attacked by a Danish force at
  32. Not exist, to not move forward, to become a zero. Haggard struggles to remain, unaware ,that this is his goal. He maintains his pretense that he wants to live, and
  33. Conscious control, people may not realize they exist. English speakers may be, unaware ,of the differences among six allophones of the phoneme, namely unreleased as in
  34. The advertising of those goods because the target audience is not only largely, unaware ,of the forum as vehicle for foreign messaging but also willing to receive the
  35. Site was revealed to be a shrine of a local St Sixths, whose worshipers were, unaware ,of details of the martyr's life or death. They may have been native Christians
  36. That can turn humans into dust (an invention of Commodore Schmidlapp, who is, unaware ,he has been kidnapped by the felonious foursome),a World War II" Pre-Atomic
  37. Sentimentalism. While accusing the West of imperialism, he seemed quite, unaware ,of the extraordinary expansion of his own country into regions inhabited by
  38. Child, the boy was never told that Schwarzenegger was his father, and he was, unaware ,of the fact until it was revealed by the press. Schwarzenegger has taken
  39. In ways apparently governed by very complex systems, they are remarkably, unaware ,of the rules that govern their own speech. Thus, linguists must resort to
  40. The Japanese would quickly crumble since their perimeter had been broken, still, unaware , of his enemy's change of tactics. The airfield/South Ellis On the second day
  41. A soldier fighting at Beaumont Camel on November 13, 1916 was probably, unaware ,he was taking part in what the committee would call the" Battle of the Acre "
  42. Who denied Wilson said this and also claims that" the President was entirely, unaware ,of the nature of the play before it was presented and at no time has expressed
  43. Size of hand grenades) on a Soviet submarine (B-59) at the quarantine line, unaware ,that it was armed with a nuclear-tipped torpedo with orders that allowed it to
  44. Were still showing films from the silent movie era and the Hillbillies were, unaware ,of talking pictures or more contemporary movie stars. Granny's favorite actor
  45. Centre, which had been more successful against the thin Greek center. Some, unaware ,of the local terrain, ran towards the swamps where unknown numbers drowned. The
  46. Fled to the Somerset Levels, Alfred was given shelter by a peasant woman who, unaware ,of his identity, left him to watch some cakes she had left cooking on the fire.
  47. Never mentioned a special title for the kings in his list implies that he was, unaware ,of one. In 1995,Simon Keynes observed that" if Bede's concept of the
  48. His thighsand every limb ... and talk of love ", while the boy, naive and, unaware ,of Greek love practices, said that," You are deceiv'd, I am no woman, I ...
  49. Case of a future war against its rival, the Austro-Hungarian Empire. But it was, unaware ,of the Bulgarian plans over Thrace and Constantinople, territories on which it
  50. With Pole to live in California. Guilder remained in New York City and was, unaware ,of Nin's second marriage until after her death in 1977,though biographer

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