Examples of the the word, evacuation , in a Sentence Context

The word ( evacuation ), is the 7400 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Neutralized by the reverses of Babelsberg, Landshut and ECHL but, after the, evacuation ,of Vienna, the archduke won a strong victory at the Battle of Aspern-Essling
  2. Structures, triage and first aid. In the longer term, CERTs may assist in the, evacuation ,of residents, or assist with setting up a neighborhood shelter. While
  3. Bases throughout the world. It can also perform tactical airlift, medical, evacuation , and airdrop missions. The C-17 carries the name of two previous, but unrelated
  4. I battlefield as troops became mired in mud and flooded roads greatly inhibited, evacuation ,of wounded to the rear. Troops lived on a field sodden by rain, part garbage
  5. On Germany. Again an Expeditionary Force was sent to France, Only the Dunkirk, evacuation ,saved the entire Expeditionary Force from capture. And in the D-Day invasion of
  6. Features A distinguishing feature of most Compaction is the placement of the, evacuation ,tip on the bottom end, rather than the top end as was customary with "
  7. Holds the C-130 record for taking off with the most personnel on board, during, evacuation , of SVN,29 April 1975,with 452. Returned to USAF,185 TAS,105 TAS; gate guard
  8. Of all inhabitants, however the governor, Captain Arnaud, declared that, evacuation ,was not necessary. The French rebuilt the island's lighthouse and settled a
  9. Destruction of the encircled armies, but aerial operations did not prevent the, evacuation ,of the majority of Allied troops (which the British named Operation Dynamo);
  10. And career Sakharov entered Moscow State University in 1938. Following, evacuation ,in 1941 during the Great Patriotic War (World War II),he graduated in
  11. Built during later extensions were required by law to be staffed, in case, evacuation ,is needed). First stage extensions (1991–1994) The initial system had little
  12. Zone of Alienation are stationed in the city on a long term basis. Prior to its, evacuation , the city was inhabited by about 14,000 residents. The city of Slavutych was
  13. That would mark a turning point in the development of Chinese communism. The, evacuation ,from Jiangxi was difficult, because the Army of the Republic had taken
  14. India and Pakistan. Internet Timothy L. Thomas claims that in the wake of its, evacuation ,from Afghanistan, al-Qaeda and its successors have migrated online to escape
  15. That Pol Pot had conceived. Thousands starved or died of disease during the, evacuation ,and its aftermath. Many of those forced to evacuate the cities were resettled
  16. British casualty ferries in the estuary of the River Plate. British casualty, evacuation ,Hydra worked with Henley and Herald, to take casualties from Uganda to
  17. Houses, Aldwych tube station, the National Library of Wales and a quarry. The, evacuation ,was timely, for in 1940 the Queen Gallery was severely damaged by bombing. The
  18. It, provided that he align his foreign policy with the British. The British, evacuation ,of Afghanistan was settled on the terms proposed, and in 1881,the British
  19. Khmer Rouge Era) Immediately after its victory, the CPK ordered the, evacuation ,of all cities and towns, sending the entire urban population into the
  20. Operations: prevention, mitigation,preparation, response,or emergency, evacuation , and recovery. Programs of this sort were initially discussed at least as
  21. Takeoffs and landings, the C-130 was originally designed as a troop, medical, evacuation , and cargo transport aircraft. The versatile airframe has found uses in a
  22. Seven-across seating and two aisles on the upper deck. However, concern over, evacuation ,routes and limited cargo-carrying capability caused this idea to be scrapped in
  23. State symbols for is adopted for the whole country. *2005 – The first forced, evacuation ,of settlers, as part of the Israel unilateral disengagement plan, starts. *
  24. Cruise vessels. Maraca is primarily a cargo port but played a big part in the, evacuation ,of foreign nationals from Lebanon in 2006,and in the subsequent humanitarian
  25. The US Navy warship Lexington visited the atoll in late 1915 and advised, evacuation ,of all inhabitants, however the governor, Captain Arnaud, declared that
  26. The first ICE train through the Channel Tunnel arriving in St. Pancreas after, evacuation ,tests in the tunnel were a success. Service locomotives Diesel locomotives for
  27. Access to the eastern third of the country and forcing the emergency, evacuation ,of many communities. The heavy rainfall, flooding,and mudslides caused by
  28. By" curettage" ( suction-aspiration, Dilation and curettage, Dilation and, evacuation ,),7.7 % by" medical" means (mifepristone),0.4 % by" intrauterine
  29. On the method chosen. A 2008 Cochrane Library review found that dilation and, evacuation ,was safer than other means of second-trimester abortion. Medical abortion with
  30. Recently NATO radar installations have been placed on the island. After the, evacuation ,of its forces from Bornholm, the Soviets took the position that" The
  31. For the corridor between Western Germany and Berlin in the event that a mass, evacuation ,of allied personnel may be required. In order to maintain secrecy, frequencies
  32. Airport. Subsequent investigations criticize Ryanair's handling of the, evacuation , * 2002 – Godfrey train burning: a Muslim mob kills 59 Hindu pilgrims returning
  33. To Britain intact with minimal casualties. During Operation Dynamo — the, evacuation ,of 330,000 BEF and French troops to Britain — Montgomery assumed command of the
  34. Bridge during morning rush hour, requiring a shutdown of the entire system and, evacuation ,of the involved passengers by ladder. One of the two trains was travelling
  35. And equipment rooms, to provide fresh-air ventilation, and for emergency, evacuation , The Service Tunnel Transport System (STTS) allows fast access to all areas
  36. Film, Pinocchio,premieres. *1943 – Imperial Japanese naval forces complete the, evacuation ,of Imperial Japanese Army troops from Guadalcanal during Operation KE, ending
  37. Includes roughly 50,000 French (this number may be inaccurate due to the, evacuation ,of roughly 8,000 Frenchmen in November 2004) and possibly 30,000 Lebanese. The
  38. White, liberal,gay, queer and digital diasporas. Some observers have labeled, evacuation ,from New Orleans and the Gulf Coast in the wake of Hurricane Katrina the New
  39. Of the British Expeditionary Force into the Dunkirk pocket resulted in a hasty, evacuation ,of that part of the B. E. F following the abandonment of their equipment. The
  40. Began evacuating their employees from the upper floors of the South Tower. The, evacuation ,of Aon's offices, ordered by Eric Eisenberg, was carried out quickly as 924 of
  41. STOP). From the 15th week until approximately the 26th,dilation and, evacuation ,(D&E) is used. D&E consists of opening the cervix of the uterus and emptying
  42. Primary mission, assist the search and rescue team or triage team; assist in, evacuation ,and transport as needed; assist in the triage or treatment area as needed
  43. Of the city. London Bridge, which had fallen into ruin following the Roman, evacuation ,and abandonment of Londinium, was rebuilt by the Saxons, but was periodically
  44. Assured Response in Liberia in 1996 and in Operation Silver Wake in 1997,the, evacuation ,of American non-combatants from Albania. The AC-130U model gunship set a new
  45. 1943 and Umiak on either 25 January meant an end to air supplies and to the, evacuation ,of the wounded. The third and last serviceable runway was at the
  46. At Dorset Chambers, Chagford Street, Marylebone. It was the time of the Dunkirk, evacuation ,and the death in France of Eileen's brother Lawrence caused her considerable
  47. Of first aid under conditions where the arrival of emergency responders or the, evacuation ,of an injured person may be delayed due to constraints of terrain, weather,and
  48. He was in a hospital with tuberculosis. Many themes of his childhood - the, evacuation , his mother and her two children, the withdrawn father, the time in the
  49. Cousteau visited with his team of divers, plus a survivor from the 1917, evacuation , to film a television special called Clipper ton: The Island that Time Forgot.
  50. Of Cologne had been reduced by 95 %. This loss was mainly caused by a massive, evacuation ,of the people to more rural areas. The same happened in many other German

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