Examples of the the word, comrade , in a Sentence Context

The word ( comrade ), is the 7399 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In the late 1990s,Midway married Honda Al-Hakam, who was the sister of a, comrade ,from Yemen, and they had two daughters. And in late 2001,Mihdhar's
  2. Of Natasha YAR, even though he believed that a promotion due to the death of a, comrade ,was not honorable (TNG:" Skin of Evil" ). The next year he transferred to
  3. By the fact that the Chief of Police, Tiger Brown, is Macheath's old army, comrade , Still, Peachum exerts his influence and eventually gets Mac heath arrested and
  4. Over his dead body and orders an honorable funeral for his erstwhile, comrade , The Republican cause crushed, Rome rested in the hands of the Second
  5. Legacy Congressman Henry" Light-Horse Harry" Lee, a Revolutionary War, comrade , famously eulogized Washington: Lee's words set the standard by which
  6. Around the team travelling to a small town to honor and avenge a fallen, comrade , and in season two's" Water, Water Everywhere," the team came to the aid of
  7. Its final verse ('Let me hear your balalaikas ringing out/Come and keep your, comrade ,warm' ). Kusama Coheir performed a song and dance titled" Balalaika" which
  8. Lawrence's death Allen by remarked," I have lost a good friend and a valued, comrade , Lawrence was under my command, but,after acquainting him with my strategical
  9. Of them being her child's godfather: the godfather dies, having promised his, comrade ,to return to him from the other world; which he does, and tells him what sort
  10. Greek word variously translated in contemporary versions as partner, associate, comrade , companion. There were three who always walked with the Lord: Mary, his mother
  11. 21 enemy aircraft. " Athwart states that Lt. Robert Lederberg who assisted a, comrade ,being attacked by five Bf 109s,destroyed at least one German aircraft, and may
  12. Of the Cosmic Cube, drives Jones away. Rogers also reunites with his old war, comrade ,Nick Fury, who is similarly well-preserved due to the" Infinity Formula. " As
  13. On a t-shirt. The line was abridged from a passage about her dispute with a, comrade ,who claimed that" it did not behoove an agitator to dance. " *" I've just
  14. The PLO, Iraq,and Libya, who claimed that because Beyond was traveling to a PLO, comrade ,'s funeral he should receive diplomatic immunity, the French government refused
  15. Wader workers' song (" Left,2,3,4; left 2,3,4; where your place is, comrade , line up into the Workers' United Front, if you are a worker" ). ) Christian
  16. Were abolished. People were encouraged to call each other" friend" or ", comrade ," (មិត្ត; mitt),and to avoid traditional signs of deference such as bowing
  17. To retrieve it on both occasions, and the blood on his coat was from a wounded, comrade ,he may have carried over his back. The DNA evidence suggests that he was
  18. By the placing of the swordsman-thief" The Weasel" and his giant barbarian, comrade ," Brand" in the opening scenes of the first Disc world novel). Bibliography
  19. Who held influential positions in the press and government, including his old, comrade ,Khaled Noureddine, who had been allowed reentry into Egypt in 1956. Collapse of
  20. Before beginning composition of the music—the same problem that plagued his, comrade ,Mussorgsky in the composition of Khovanshchina. Both composers wrote their
  21. In December 1969,Nasser appointed Sadat and Hussein Al-Shabab, a former RCC, comrade , as his vice presidents. By then, relations with his other RCC comrade s, namely
  22. Wang),LI Xianfeng (Mr. Li),Than Huron (director Than),Zhao tonight (, comrade ,Zhao). ##The forms of addressing people with Lao, Xiǎo, Dà and A are
  23. Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1989) (TV) Epicurus (," ally, comrade ,"; 341 BCE – 270 BCE) was an ancient Greek philosopher and the founder of the
  24. For Golan Meek, a son was a mere biological appendage; to be called a, comrade , on the other hand, was the highest honor. " Meek, as an ANC insider and
  25. Afterwards gets into her father's bed and tells him all, taking him to be his, comrade , They exchange words: whereupon the good woman, apprehending the circumstances
  26. Been used with derogatory nuance, and prefer to identify themselves as Atari (, comrade ,in the Ainu language). Official documents use both names. Official recognition
  27. As missing in action, and may have been killed in Hungary (Kurtz 1992,19). A, comrade ,later reported to Warhead that he saw his father wounded in action (Machine
  28. His death in 1924,Lenin worked to counter the influence of his revolutionary, comrade , Joseph Stalin, in abuses committed in Georgia. This was in line with Lenin's
  29. So much so that a large cigar size was named in his honor. Fidel Castro and his, comrade ,Che Guevara were often seen smoking a cigar during the early days of the Cuban
  30. Иисус, Иисус Христос (Jesus, Jesus Christ): Иисусе, Иисусе Христе: другар (, comrade ,): друgарю: поп (priest): попе: жаба (frog): жабо (, Frog,): глупак (fool
  31. Was formed to crush him, and Maurice of Saxony led an army against his former, comrade , The rival forces met at Sievershausen on 9 July 1553,and after a combat of
  32. And it was here that he met Celia Sánchez, who would become a close friend and, comrade ,of Castro's. The Cuban Revolution was not however simply contained to the
  33. In 1936,when Tito stayed at the Hotel Lux in Moscow, he met the Austrian, comrade ,Lucia Bauer. They married in October 1936,but the records of this marriage
  34. A parade of officers often precedes or follows the hearse carrying the fallen, comrade , East Asian funerals In most East Asian, South Asian and many Southeast Asians
  35. The date as its first performance. In the tragedy, Iolaus, Heracles ' old, comrade , and his children, Macaria and her brothers and sisters have hidden from
  36. Bradley, stated that" The Bradley name gets heavy billing on a picture of a, comrade ,that, while not caricature, is the likeness of a victorious, glory-seeking
  37. And our splicers. "" Before dawn-damp, cold,teeth chattering- I wrap, comrade ,Silva in a third jacket. " Quotation needed Vertov's driving vision
  38. Episode Six was poised to make it big. Six's drummer Mick Underwood – an old, comrade ,of Blackmore's from his Savages days – introduced the band to Gillian and
  39. Time. The wild garlic plants, Allium Tribolium, were described by LaSalle's, comrade , naturalist-diarist Henri Route, in his journal of LaSalle's last expedition.
  40. No," said his military friend," my colonel does not live here — but my, comrade ,does, and he's worth two of the colonel, so by God, doctor,if you don't do
  41. Was buried in the Caravan common graveyard beside the grave of his life-long, comrade ,Initial Hassan, who had earlier died in Moscow and was buried in the Caravan
  42. In Anatolia at the time of the Fall of Troy, led by prince An tenor,a, comrade ,of Aeneas. In the 7th-6th centuries BC the local populations of Veneto entered
  43. Talk, a difficult problem which gives investigators much trouble. And Sulla my, comrade ,said that with a small problem, as with a tool, we were rocking loose a great
  44. Emotions. He had special lifesaving training and may have saved the life of a, comrade ,who had life-threatening shrapnel wounds. McVeigh aspired to join the United
  45. In the trenches in gaps in hostilities with the advancing Red Army with his, comrade , Cpl. Schnurrbart, in which they refer to German philosophers and their views
  46. A reporter," You must remember that Thabo Mbeki is no longer my son. He is my, comrade , " A news article pointed out that this was an expression of pride, explaining
  47. It was taking place in small magnetic pinch bottles. Annie refers to a, comrade , Foo Moses Morris, who following the revolution, co-signs much paper to keep
  48. Yours" ). As they are about to take their marriage vows, Ruiz,Manrico's, comrade , reports that Arena is to be burned at the stake. Heinrich rushes to her aid (
  49. Later in 1540. The term societal in Latin is derived from social, a partner or, comrade , They were ordained at Venice by the bishop of Are (24 June). They devoted
  50. And stone, bamboo and pine.: The moon rising over the eastern hill is a joyful, comrade ,.: Besides these five companions, what other pleasure should I ask? Ode Odes

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