Examples of the the word, cfr , in a Sentence Context

The word ( cfr ), is the 7397 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Perfection, as understood by Catholics, is essentially negative asceticism (, cfr , Se berg in Herzog-Hauck," Realencyklopädie fur plot. Theologies ", III,138)
  2. Half-tribe occupied north Galahad, all Basin and Argos (Joshua 13:30-31;, cfr , Deuteronomy 3:13) — an immense tract of land extending east of Jordan to the
  3. Bull of John XXII was ratified by some later popes in the sixteenth century (, cfr , Bulgar. Carmelite., II,47,141),neither the Bull itself in its wording nor
  4. Can' ) PA (bread) (CFR. The western Lombard 'pan' ) carbs (coal) (, cfr , The western Lombard 'carbon' ) The plural of feminine nouns always ends in -e
  5. Of the town of Gemology, Arrondissement of Namur, province of Namur, Belgium (, cfr , ). Belgians emigrated from there between 1850 and 1860. Most Belgian-American
  6. In a general manner" that all bishops or other religious of the Latin sect, cfr , Millet (Ottoman Empire) who are subjects of France, whatever their condition
  7. Is regulated in parliament bills include: * Italy (Regional Level,2002 -, cfr , P. L. Utrillo," I Krupp DI pressing Ella Region Tuscany ", in WWW.
  8. In a general manner" that all bishops or other religious of the Latin sect, cfr , Millet (Ottoman Empire) who are subjects of France, whatever their condition
  9. 21 July 1751) ordering them under obedience to leave the seven Reductions. (, cfr , the film The Mission). It is likely that Viscount, hardly one month in office
  10. Word in its other official language, Dutch,is Resident-generaal) * Burundi (, cfr , German above; there were Belgian Residents): 1960 – 1 July 1962 Jean-Paul
  11. In the local Lombard slang) is not certain. Some maintain it comes from Navy (, cfr , English navel) meaning the valley basin in which Nave sits, others think it
  12. New York Times and Foreign Affairs. " Website It has an extensive website, www., cfr , Org, featuring links to its history, fellows ' biographical information, think
  13. A vowel. This usually happens where a historical -n has dropped: CA (dog) (, cfr , The western Lombard 'can' ) PA (bread) (CFR. The western Lombard 'pan' )
  14. Full style Castellano e provveditore, the first part referring to the citadel, cfr , Infra- 1698-1799 Venetian coastal fortresses in Greece (mainly continental)
  15. St. Allende is considered to be the first Dutch cryptographer (, cfr , The Code breakers). For Stadtholder William the Silent, he deciphered secret
  16. On the mapping of the provinces of Conan, Kiang-nan, Che-kiang and Funkier (, cfr , Du HALDE," Description de la Chine ", The Hague,1736,I, pref., xliii; and
  17. It was originally coined by the German former Social Democrat August Winning, cfr , His Was Reich ALS Republic 1918–1928,(Stuttgart and Berlin: Gotta,1928)
  18. Sees in Guido his mentor: his meter, his language deeply inspire his work (, cfr , De Divine Eloquent),though Guido's esthetic materialism would be taken a
  19. Even allow boys to enroll in it, even if they do not intend to become priests (, cfr , Borden et al., p. 179) It is statistically true that from the Minor Seminary
  20. Et grammatologie. Entertain Alec Julia Kristen », pp. 25-50; 25-46,CFR, B 1968 (d) #«Positions. Entertain Alec Jean-Louis Housewife Pee and diaries
  21. Is said that the Milanese Viscount had their origins in a family of capitate (, cfr , The modern surname Castanet) whom archbishop Gandalf of Milan (978-998) had
  22. Of Qatar" ( from 1871 also Kayak,i.e. Ottoman district administrator, cfr , Above, till 3 November 1916,thereafter under British protectorate),since
  23. N has dropped: CA (dog) (CFR. The western Lombard 'can' ) PA (bread) (, cfr , The western Lombard 'pan' ) carbs (coal) (CFR. The western Lombard 'carbon
  24. In the imperial army of Qatar Persia: *Amir al-Omari," Amir of Airs" (, cfr , Supra) or 'Commander of Commanders' In the former Kingdom of Afghanistan
  25. See, bishops being successors of the Apostles (see apostolic succession;, cfr , Sirius Apollinaire, Epp., lib. VI, i,etc.). By the sixth century the term
  26. Valid = Walk was often maintained or even revived in oriental successor states;, cfr , Valeria (rendered as Governor-general, as he is appointed above several
  27. To obtain others, England and France had recourse to arms. The war (1858–1860,CFR, Second Opium War),which showed China its weakness, was ended by the treaties
  28. Etc.),along with the development of /MB/ as /mm/ (e.g. - Tammuz (drum),CFR, Italian Hamburg),also consistently reflected in spelling. Other effects of
  29. Barro" clay, mud ". According to the DRAW, pre-roman origin, maybe Celtic (, cfr , Gaulish Barros" thicket ", Mid. Irish Brock" litter" ) *Becerra" yearling
  30. Texts. The Spanish era is calculated from 38 BC, perhaps because of a tax (, cfr , Indiction) levied in that year, or due to a miscalculation of the Battle of
  31. La philosophic. Colloquial con Lynette Final », pp. 119-135 (Ella sold ed. it. ), cfr , B 1972 (b) Notes Editions *original 1972
  32. d. 1977); during his term on 4 April 1959 this Sudanese Republic and Senegal (, cfr , Above) united to form the Mali Federation; his office ceased at the 20 June
  33. Philosopher and theologian, often regarded as the founder of nominalism (, cfr , Scholasticism). Biography Rosellini was born in Complete, France. Little
  34. Brescia was the scene of the martyrdom of Saints Faustino and Jo vita (, cfr , ACTA Sanatorium,15 February). From the time of the persecutions tradition
  35. Or. Three maces, probably a canting device (Golden means mace in German, cfr , Columbaria the Latin name of the city) appear on a 1214 seal. The arms in a
  36. The previous summary approved on 1 December 1866,is no longer referred to (, cfr , " Prescript. Authentic. S. Cong reg. Indulge. ", Ratisbon,1885,p. 475). Among
  37. Another possibility is it comes from Latin Davis meaning ship (, cfr , Italian nave with the same meaning) due to the overall shape of the town when
  38. Books. Ventura maintained the lawfulness of the Sicilian Revolution (, cfr , His" Sub riconoscimento Della Sicilian, etc. ", Palermo,1848;" Benzene
  39. Album feat. Rico Rodriguez and Eddie" Tan" Thornton, rec in London (, cfr , Zoning 2004,p. 115) Compilations/Reissues *"Dial Africa (live) " on: V.
  40. Detailed to the Maurice R. Greenberg Center for Geoeconomic Studies. (See www., cfr , Org for recent publications. ) Ms. Leroy was Consul General at the United
  41. Jean-Louis Housewife Pee and diaries et Guy Scarlett », pp. 51-133; 47-117,CFR, B 1971 (a) #«Aver a law snoop doggie dog l'orchid per la philosophic.
  42. By an Apostle of Christ, as were those of Ephesus, Philippi, Corinth etc. (, cfr , Tertullian, De præscript., xxxvi ). Rome being the only Apostolic Church of
  43. In 2009,an inventarisation project was set up. For more details (Dutch),CFR, http://kwlinie.be/ WWW. Kwlinie. Be" Lockstep Hall" is a poem written by
  44. Same root as" infant," but this means simply" child" in Romance languages (, cfr , French Infants de France),and in this case indicates that the Infant or
  45. Equivalent to Latin sites est. This would be the PIE root *k´a- 'to lie' (, cfr , Greek Kama, Sanskrit set) with a suffix equal to that of the Hittite type
  46. Upon labor, both manual and mental, as an ascetic means of no small value (, cfr , Caspian," De inst it. Coenob. ", X,24; St. Benedict's Rule, xlviii, li; Basil
  47. Contents #« Implications. Entertain Alec Henri René », pp. 9-24; 9-23,CFR, B 1967 (d) #«Semiologist et grammatologie. Entertain Alec Julia Kristen »
  48. Shift from a certain kind of periodicity to another (such as period-doubling, cfr , Logistic map). In just one sentence, the qualitative behavior of such a
  49. They can be associated with an office or court sinecure (, cfr , Arch offices) that enjoys the privilege to carry, present/or at use it at the
  50. Bahawalpur, Mukhlis ud-Daula 'Devoted Servant of the State ', Saif ud-Daula (, cfr , Infra),Wei Moon ud-Daula (? ) and Run ud-Daula 'Pillar of the State' were

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