Examples of the the word, forgiveness , in a Sentence Context

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  1. S knowledge about homosexuality, personal morality, focus on sin instead of, forgiveness , and motivations for preaching against homosexuality. The Chadic languages
  2. An alternative reading with sound support, however,attributes the healing and, forgiveness ,of Laborious' sins to God) * Nebuchadnezzar's illness occurs in Babylon;
  3. Alone that receives these divine gifts, Lutherans confess that baptism" works, forgiveness ,of sins, delivers from death and the devil, and gives eternal salvation to all
  4. Holy Spirit, :9. The holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints, :10. The, forgiveness ,of sins, :11. The resurrection of the body, :12. And life everlasting.: Amen.
  5. In the Holy Spirit, : the holy Catholic Church, : the communion of saints, : the, forgiveness ,of sins, : the resurrection of the body, : and the life everlasting.: Amen.
  6. The martyrs, the rejoicing of the righteous, firmness of the churches and the, forgiveness ,of sins. We proclaim the Holy Trinity in One Godhead: we worship Him, we
  7. There has been no repentance. In Chapter 14,the prophet urges Israel to seek, forgiveness , and promises its restoration, while urging the utmost fidelity to God. Matthew
  8. Man is justified before God … according to the rigor of justice without any, forgiveness , " Stephen Ashby clarifies:" Arminius allowed for only two possible ways in
  9. In the Holy Spirit, the holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints,the, forgiveness ,of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting? To each question
  10. Christians remain subject to temptation, and have continued need to pray for, forgiveness ,and holiness. It is not an absolute perfection but a perfection in love.
  11. In Chaucer's day was a person from whom one bought Church" indulgences" for, forgiveness ,of sins, but pardoners were often thought guilty of abusing their office for
  12. The Holy Spirit, : :the holy Catholic Church, : :the communion of saints, : :the, forgiveness ,of sins, : :the resurrection of the body, : :and the life everlasting. Amen.
  13. To endure in a Christian manner the sufferings of illness or old age; *the, forgiveness ,of sins, if the sick person was not able to obtain it through the sacrament of
  14. Peace and greed destroys everything. Jainism recommends conquering anger by, forgiveness , pride (ego) by humility, deceit by straight-forwardness and greed by
  15. With joy that we are saved by God's grace alone; as a hymn of response to, forgiveness ,of sin or as an assurance of pardon; as a confession of faith or after the
  16. Who, if they knew themselves and the only condition upon which they can obtain, forgiveness , would beg of their brethren to shed their blood, that the smoke might ascend
  17. Christian ethics in general has tended to stress the need for grace, mercy,and, forgiveness ,because of human weakness and developed while Early Christians were subjects of
  18. Made witnesses of and partakers in the promises of God for the last days: the, forgiveness ,of sins through baptism in the name of Jesus and the outpouring of the Holy
  19. Orthodox. Most Orthodox sidearm (prayer books) have a prayer asking for, forgiveness ,for one's sins that one may have committed in this Gill or a previous one.
  20. Of the New Testament of the Bible would say that although God’s grace and, forgiveness ,abound in situations, there are consequences which result from bad decisions.
  21. The Mystery is given for healing (both physical and spiritual) and for the, forgiveness ,of sin. For this reason, it is normally required that one go to Confession
  22. And clergyman John Newton (1725–1807),published in 1779. With a message that, forgiveness ,and redemption are possible regardless of the sins' people commit and that the
  23. Church. This letter, which is one of the books of the New Testament, deals with, forgiveness , It is now generally regarded as one of the undisputed works of Paul. It is the
  24. Had little in common with that of Elijah; in particular, he preached the, forgiveness ,of one's enemies, while Elijah killed his. Miracle stories similar to those of
  25. Demonstrate its beliefs, as well as concepts of justice, vengeance and biblical, forgiveness , Other treatments have been more contentious, such as the David
  26. Empathized with Billy's all-too-human efforts to offer advice, to seek, forgiveness , to complete an unfinished life, and to bid a proper goodbye from beyond the
  27. Seeing it as a form of revenge and as contrary to Christ's message of, forgiveness , to enthusiastic support based primarily on Old Testament law. Among the
  28. Then to prepare burnt offerings and reassures them that Job will pray for their, forgiveness , Job is restored to health, gaining double the riches he possessed before and
  29. In the Holy Spirit, : the holy Catholic Church, : the communion of saints, : the, forgiveness ,of sins, : the resurrection of the body, : and the life everlasting. Amen. The
  30. To him, unlike the Roman Catholic Church, he is not the instrument of divine, forgiveness , merely a guide through the repentance process (and a judge in case
  31. The Holy Spirit, : :the holy Christian church, ::: the communion of saints, : :the, forgiveness ,of sins, : :the resurrection of the body, : :and the life everlasting. Amen. The
  32. Had dealt specifically with the issue of slavery. The statement sought, forgiveness ," from our African-American brothers and sisters" and pledged to" eradicate
  33. In the Holy Spirit, : the holy Catholic Church, : the communion of saints, : the, forgiveness ,of sins, : the resurrection of the body, : and life everlasting. Amen. Church of
  34. Combat. He watches the man die, in pain for hours. He feels remorse and asks, forgiveness ,from the man's corpse. Furthermore, he is devastated and later confesses to Kat and Albert
  35. Showing his own head on a platter, and sent it to de Agincourt as a plea for, forgiveness , Perhaps at this time he painted also a David with the Head of Goliath, showing
  36. In the Holy Spirit, the holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints,the, forgiveness ,of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting? Following each
  37. Granny fancies herself a" dunked" ( not" sprinkled" ) Christian with, forgiveness ,in her heart. She abhors" revenuers" and blue-coat Yankees. A self-styled "
  38. Policy and that true healing can only take place through repentance and, forgiveness , Other Protestants Several key leaders early in the Protestant Reformation
  39. Address the relevant god in a more personal way, asking for blessings, help,or, forgiveness ,for wrongdoing. Such prayers are rare before the New Kingdom, indicating that
  40. In pain towards the light of god. Cyril himself followed God's message of, forgiveness ,himself many times throughout his life. Most clearly seen in his two major
  41. By the Catholic Church, and is associated with not only bodily healing but also, forgiveness ,of sins. Only ordained priests can administer it, and " any priest may carry
  42. Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the, forgiveness ,of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. " This change
  43. Titles were conferred upon Persian units. The Macedonians quickly begged, forgiveness , which Alexander accepted, and that evening he held a great banquet which was
  44. Concerned to demonstrate the arias of specific terms and concepts, including, forgiveness , hospitality, friendship,the gift, responsibility and cosmopolitanism. The
  45. Matured and repentant through his experiences Himmelstoß later asks for, forgiveness ,from his previous charges. As he becomes the new staff cook, to prove his
  46. For pardon. But Elijah would not give it until the entire city had asked for, forgiveness ,for the rabbi and the rabbi had promised to mend his ways. Lilith Elijah was
  47. Members. Cyril fills his writings with great lines of the healing power of, forgiveness ,and the Holy Spirit like“ The Spirit comes gently and makes himself known by
  48. Done my soul a great harm and no one can forgive sins except You; so grant me, forgiveness ,with Your Pleasure, and have Pity on me. You are Al Shaffer, Ar-Rahim. '" In
  49. Subjective alteration in consciousness *Feelings of empathy, compassion,and, forgiveness ,toward others *The ability to discuss normally anxiety-provoking topics with
  50. Consisted in catching the Hermitian Hind alive. Heracles begged Artemis for, forgiveness ,and promised to return it alive. Artemis forgave him but targeted Eurystheus

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