Examples of the the word, cocktail , in a Sentence Context

The word ( cocktail ), is the 8166 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Vita Design Museum in Was am Than near Basel The Black Russian is a, cocktail ,of vodka and coffee liqueur (usually three parts vodka to two parts coffee
  2. To be in The Farmer's Cabinet on April 28, 1803: The earliest definition of, cocktail ,was in the May 13, 1806,edition of The Balance and Columbian Repository, a
  3. With the palatine by means of a joint. The voter is reduced or absent. A, cocktail ,is an alcoholic mixed drink that contains two or more ingredients—at least one
  4. And gin began to make a comeback in the 2000s. Derivative usages The word, cocktail ,is sometimes used figuratively for a mixture of liquids or other substances.
  5. Although it is not used in many modern cocktail recipes. The first ", cocktail ,party" ever thrown was allegedly by Mrs. Julius S. Walsh Jr. of St. Louis
  6. The combination of light rum, brown sugar and cola is commonly ordered at, cocktail ,bars as a Cuba Libre. In Brazil, there is another variation, made with "
  7. In Brussels in honor of Perl Mesa, then U. S. ambassador to Luxembourg. The, cocktail ,owes its name to the use of vodka, a stereotypical Russian spirit, and the
  8. With warm climates and its refreshing effects, gin and tonic is a very popular, cocktail ,during the warmer months. A gimlet is a hand tool for drilling small holes
  9. Was invented or the Raffles Hotel in Singapore, where the Singapore Sling, cocktail ,was devised. A number of hotels have entered the public consciousness through
  10. Be sugar, honey,milk, cream,and various herbs. History The origin of the word, cocktail ,is not known. The earliest known printed use of cocktail is said to be in The
  11. Called" Manhattan" and served in the Manhattan area. An early record of the, cocktail ,can be found in William Schmidt's" The Flowing Bowl ", published in 1891. In
  12. Called Rye in Canada),bourbon, blended whiskey and Tennessee whiskey. The, cocktail ,is often stirred with ice and strained into a cocktail glass, where it is
  13. To name a few. In the past on via' de Tornabuoni was present the Jason, cocktail ,where the Neurons Café was invented in 1920 by Camillo Neurons. On this street
  14. Party lasted an hour, until lunch was served at 1 pm. The site of this first, cocktail ,party still stands. In 1924,the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of St. Louis bought
  15. The origin of the word cocktail is not known. The earliest known printed use of, cocktail ,is said to be in The Farmer's Cabinet on April 28, 1803: The earliest
  16. Pachuca is distilled from sugar cane and is the main ingredient in the national, cocktail , Caipirinha. Sports The most popular sport in Brazil is football (soccer).
  17. Batter and placed into deep fryer. Dish is typically served with lemon and/or, cocktail ,sauce. Linguine with Clam Sauce – A mildly spicy dish that combines Linguine
  18. Promoted to Commendatory of the Crown of Italy. A gin and tonic is a highball, cocktail ,made with gin and tonic water poured over ice. It is usually garnished with a
  19. Tennessee's whiskey. The cocktail is often stirred with ice and strained into a, cocktail ,glass, where it is garnished with a Maraschino cherry with a stem. However
  20. Dash of absinthe,2/3 portion of whiskey and 1/3 portion of vermouth. The same, cocktail ,appears listed as a" Tennessee Cocktail" in 'Shake 'em Up! ' By V. Elliott
  21. Nightclubs change names and owners frequently. Informal lobby or poolside, cocktail ,bars often offer free live entertainment. In addition, there is the beach bar
  22. Hudson, New York, in which an answer was provided to the question," What is a, cocktail , ". It replied: Compare the ingredients listed (spirits, sugar,water, and
  23. The B-52's (album),an album by the eponymous group * B-52 ( cocktail ),a, cocktail ,shooter named after the aircraft * B-52 Memorial Park, within the Orlando
  24. Largely responsible for promoting early radar development A Manhattan is a, cocktail ,made with whiskey, sweet vermouth, and bitters. Commonly used whiskeys include
  25. The Pendents Club in Louisville is the birthplace of the Old Fashioned, cocktail , Also, western Kentucky is known for its own regional style of barbecue.
  26. Of the Brouwer fixed point theorem is that no matter how much you stir a, cocktail ,in a glass some point in the liquid will remain in exactly the same place in
  27. Use of cranberries; it is usually either sweetened to make" cranberry juice, cocktail ," or blended with other fruit juices to reduce its natural severe tartness.
  28. The word has come to mean almost any mixed drink that contains alcohol. A, cocktail ,today usually contains one or more kinds of spirit and one or more mixers, such
  29. And Angostura bitters ". However, there are prior references to various similar, cocktail ,recipes called" Manhattan" and served in the Manhattan area. An early record
  30. Anesthesia. It was later revealed that the patient had been given a, cocktail ,of weak anesthetics that in combination could have a much more powerful effect.
  31. Blunt your ability to fall and stay in love," said Helen Fisher. During sex,a, cocktail ,of hormones is released that appears to play important roles in fostering
  32. Traditions On the small North Frisian island of For, the Manhattan, cocktail ,is a standard drink at almost every café restaurant, and 'get together' of
  33. Circle described him as charming and friendly, and he was a popular guest at, cocktail ,parties. He was far less well liked among fellow senators, however,who found
  34. The aircraft ** The B-52's (album),an album by the eponymous group * B-52 (, cocktail ,), a cocktail shooter named after the aircraft * B-52 Memorial Park, within the
  35. Liquid (usually gasoline) with a flaming rag attached is known as a" Molotov, cocktail ,". Combinations of antiretroviral drugs used as AIDS therapy are frequently
  36. Batter and placed into deep fryer. Dish is typically served with lemon and/or, cocktail ,sauce. Linguine with Clam Sauce – A mildly spicy dish that combines Linguine
  37. Of the Atom (early working title of Bride of the Monster) on May 11, 1955. A, cocktail ,party was held at the Gardens Restaurant at 4311 Magnolia Avenue in Burbank
  38. Libra shares the mystery of its exact origin. The only certainty is that this, cocktail ,was first sipped in Cuba. The year? 1900. 1900 is generally said to be the year
  39. Success. With Rigoletto, Verdi sets up his original idea of musical drama as a, cocktail ,of heterogeneous elements, embodying social and cultural complexity, and
  40. Complex cocktail s. The first publication of a bartender' guide which included, cocktail ,recipes was in 1862 — How to Mix Drinks; or, The Bon Vivant's Companion, by "
  41. To salads. In recent years kumquats have gained popularity as a garnish for, cocktail ,beverages, including the martini as a replacement for the more familiar olive.
  42. Or warm tea (in this case, black tea) with syrup/sugar and ice cubes into a, cocktail ,shaker. Then they would shake the shaker either by hand or by machine before it
  43. On display at the Royal Logistic Corps Museum, Deepcut, Surrey. The Montgomery, cocktail ,is a martini mixed at a ratio of 15:1,facetiously named that because
  44. Was the use of bitters as an ingredient, although it is not used in many modern, cocktail ,recipes. The first" cocktail party" ever thrown was allegedly by Mrs. Julius
  45. For example:" 120 years of industry have dosed the area's soil with a noxious, cocktail ,of heavy metals and chemical contaminants. " A makeshift incendiary bomb
  46. Museum is in Hasselt, Belgium. Classic gin cocktail s Perhaps the best-known gin, cocktail ,is the martini, traditionally made with gin and dry vermouth. Several others
  47. Time and pregnant, so the story is likely a fiction. The original" Manhattan, cocktail ," was a mix of" American Whiskey, Italian Vermouth and Angostura bitters ".
  48. Juice, pulp,or syrup to hot black or green tea, which is then shaken in a, cocktail ,shaker or mixed with ice in a blender. Cooked tapioca pearls and other mix-ins
  49. German-language areas, Korea,Spain),it is called" Gin Tonic. " History This, cocktail ,was introduced by the army of the British East India Company in India. Tonic
  50. All over the world can participate by designing their own“ inspired” martini, cocktail ,glass. The finalists (one from each participating country) are then invited

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