Examples of the the word, swamp , in a Sentence Context

The word ( swamp ), is the 8167 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of habitats, including: dry savanna, evergreen rainforest, montane forest, swamp ,forest, and dry woodland-savanna mosaic. At TAI, chimps can be found in the
  2. And many islands. Northwest is Store Videos (" Greater Wild bog" ),a, swamp ,where a mirage is sometimes seen in summer. Southeast lies the similar Lille
  3. Iran. The border with Iran runs generally southward from the Hard River across, swamp ,and desert regions before reaching the northwestern tip of Pakistan. Its
  4. Central Sudan, the White Nile passes through a wide, flat plain covered with, swamp ,vegetation and slows almost to the point of stagnation. The Blue Nile, which
  5. A giant octopus of Dr. Vornoff's own creation which lives in the surrounding, swamp , The Octopus (referred to as simply" the monster" ) has been responsible for
  6. Most of Europe, prehistoric Britain and Ireland were covered with forest and, swamp , Clearing began around 6000 BC and accelerated in medieval times. Despite this
  7. The ancient name, Balcia, meaning a supposed island in the Baltic Sea, as ", swamp ,", he reports that he followed the local use of Baltics from belt (" belt "
  8. Atlatls rather than bows. The oldest bows known so far come from the Homeward, swamp ,in Denmark. Bows eventually replaced the Atlanta as the predominant means for
  9. William Baltimore to look for a site. The absolute center of the state was a, swamp , which forced the group to look close by for a new capital. After surveying
  10. Finger Lake, as the waterline is just below the surface. It used to be a, swamp , Geology The lakes originated as a series of northward-flowing rivers. Around
  11. For the first time. According to The Muppet Movie Kermit returned to the, swamp , where a passing agent (DOM Demise) noted he had talent and, thus inspired
  12. To its muddy water colors. Another explanation is that the name was related to, swamp ,and originally meant" enclosed sea, bay " as opposed to open sea. Other
  13. S Swamp Years, at the age of 12,he was the first of his siblings to leave the, swamp , and one of the first frogs to talk to humans. He is portrayed as encountering
  14. Of the island, with an area of. Other lowland ecoregions are the Borneo peat, swamp ,forests, the Verandas or Sunderland heath forests, the Southwest Borneo
  15. From Central Europe and they had difficulties moving over a roadless terrain of, swamp ,and forest. Troops managed to advance some distance with heavy casualties, but
  16. Named Solomon Bun yip who is controlled by an evil earth spirit that lives in a, swamp , The Australian children's animated movie Dot and the Kangaroo features the
  17. Reality. With the discovery of the first batch of dodo bones in the Mauritian, swamp , the Mare aux Songs, and the reports written about them by George Clarke
  18. Lego Agents sets included cyborg animals Remote controlled crocodiles (8632, swamp , raid ) and laser guided cyborg sharks (8633 Speedboat Rescue) A Caesar salad
  19. In years with summer frosts. Most farmland had originally been either forest or, swamp , and the soil had usually required treatment with lime and years of cultivation
  20. Fully, however. Coal, a fossil fuel formed over vast tracts of time in, swamp ,ecosystems, is one example. Natural selection Contemporary evolutionary theory
  21. Assigned Constantine to lead an advance unit in a cavalry charge through a, swamp ,in the middle Danube, made him enter into single combat with a lion, and
  22. At the outlet of Cayuga Lake west of Syracuse),over 1,000 workers died of, swamp ,fever and construction stopped. Work continued on the downhill side towards the
  23. Scenes were censored. The scene depicting a Brontosaurus killing sailors in the, swamp ,was trimmed. Scenes completely excised were the" Ann's dress" scene
  24. Operating it in May 1796. For some time sickness and mortality were high, but, swamp , reclamation and extensive forest clearance continued. The Andaman colony
  25. Deciduous and broadleaves predominate (> 75 % of canopy cover). # Freshwater, swamp ,forest - Natural forests with > 30 % canopy cover, composed of trees with any
  26. Area of today's Berlin, and be related to the Old Plain stem Bell-/bill- ", swamp ,". Folk etymology connects it to the German Bar, a bear, and a bear appears in
  27. Series starts with the OK Oil Company learning of oil in Jed Clampett's, swamp ,land and paying him a fortune to acquire the rights to drill on his land.
  28. Grassland and forest. Much of the city was built on forested land, marshes, swamp , or prairie, which are all still visible in surrounding areas. Flatness of the
  29. More than an impression: slaves outnumbered those of citizen stock but did not, swamp ,them. Citizenship in Athens Only adult male Athenian citizens who had completed
  30. Edition, Kermit commented to Ty Pennington," You know, as a tadpole in the, swamp , I had 3,265 brothers and sisters! " According to the 2002 film Kermit's Swamp
  31. Front line, but made the fatal mistake of pursuing their fleeing enemy into the, swamp , where they were ambushed and routed. The immense slaughter marked one of the
  32. Email was poor white trash whose family lived on three meager acres along the, swamp ,bottoms. * Beatrice Carleton – was a busy woman, having on her hands not only a
  33. Coolers In very dry climates, evaporative coolers, sometimes referred to as, swamp ,coolers or desert coolers, are popular for improving coolness during hot
  34. Were quite extensive. Fossils and even preserved remains of trees such as, swamp ,cypress and dawn redwood from the Eocene have been found on Ellesmere Island in
  35. Vegetation that defines the region. Extreme conditions, such as flooding in a, swamp , can create different kinds of communities within the same biome. ***Desert
  36. Divided his forces into three units, with one of these parts concealed behind a, swamp , Jordanes and Aurelius Victor claim that Harris Etruscan was killed by an
  37. Are kept in. Mangroves Another important brackish water habitat is the mangrove, swamp ,or manual. Many, though not all, mangrove swamp s fringe estuaries and lagoons
  38. Flora of the eastern Mediterranean, the Himalaya and Indochina. In the, swamp ,regions of north-east Africa papyrus and associated plants, including the
  39. Known as green trout in south Louisiana) **Crawfish (crevasse)- either wild, swamp ,or farm-raised Also included in the seafood mix are some so-called trash fish
  40. And is extremely loyal to his family and kinfolk. The huge oil pool in the, swamp ,he owned was the beginning of his rags-to-riches journey to Beverly Hills.
  41. The Verandas or Sunderland heath forests, the Southwest Borneo freshwater, swamp ,forests, and the Sunday Shelf mangroves. The Borneo mountain rain forests lie in
  42. Boogie Chilled ", reached #1 on the R&B charts in 1949. By the late 1950s,the, swamp ,blues genre developed near Baton Rouge, with performers such as Lightning' Slim
  43. Constant. Thus, a single perfect program cannot immediately, swamp ,the next generation with its children; if it did, this would lead to a rapid
  44. Above altitude, with any seasonality regime and leaf type mixture. # Freshwater, swamp ,forest - Natural forests with > 30 % canopy cover, below altitude, composed of
  45. Riding, Robert attempted to escape from Cardiff, but his horse bogged down in a, swamp ,and he was recaptured. (A story was later circulated that, to prevent further
  46. Ecosystem ## Aquatic ecosystem ### Lentil, the ecosystem of a lake, pond or, swamp , ### Logic, the ecosystem of a river, stream or spring. # Artificial
  47. Hunters of large mammals. Waterfowl hunters can have camouflage that resembles, swamp ,reeds. Console may refer to: Computing and video games * System console, a
  48. And gap forests and the terra firma forests of the Amazon Basin; the peat, swamp ,forests and moist dipterocarp forests of Southeast Asia; and the high forests
  49. M (1969-10,853 ft) in elevation. Western gorillas live in both lowland, swamp ,forests and montane forests and live in elevations ranging from sea level to
  50. The typical tree is the mangrove, which flourishes wherever the soil is of a, swamp ,character. The dense forests of West Africa contain, in addition to a great

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