Examples of the the word, endeavour , in a Sentence Context

The word ( endeavour ), is the 7420 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Other laws of nature" ). * The first Law of nature is that every man ought to, endeavour , peace,as far as he has hope of obtaining it; and when he cannot obtain it
  2. The various poems and songs spread over most of Finland. He hoped that such an, endeavour , would incite a sense of nationality and independence in the native Finnish
  3. Schema of the two ways, which leaves the decision to do what is right to human, endeavour , and promises a reward for those who make the effort, and punishment for those
  4. With the bourgeois liberalism which all but smothered radical artistic, endeavour , in Europe, Romanticism in music was surely past its prime—giving way, rather
  5. The foundations of the transition from the 19th century conception of artistic, endeavour , to a new and radically different world of art in the 20th century. Cézanne can
  6. Route to Jewish spirituality. Hasidim did not seek to replace the essential, endeavour , of study, but rather to infuse and connect it with devious. Common folk, too
  7. And to the constitution of the realm, and he who would, by force or by fraud, endeavour , to prostrate that law and constitution, though he may retain his affection for
  8. To cultivate" his garden" symbolizes Voltaire's great support for this, endeavour , Candide and his companions, as they find themselves at the end of the novella
  9. Recorded that the story of his efforts" would contain tales of heroic, endeavour , worthy of those in the accounts of the crossing of Greenland and the great
  10. Escape from this contradiction so far as possible. Though we cannot perfect the, endeavour , we should strive for it: the will-to-live constantly renews itself, for it is
  11. Above whom there is no other God, wishes to announce to them .... I shall, endeavour , to persuade you, that He who is said to have appeared to Abraham, and to Jacob
  12. Emissions of air pollutants. The aim of the Convention is that Parties shall, endeavour , to limit and, as far as possible, gradually reduce and prevent air pollution
  13. In the universe between him and the drink, until he finally gives up on that, endeavour , and returns repentant. The hopelessness in human action is what is disputed by
  14. Fourth Law is that a man which received benefit from another of mere grace, endeavour , that he which given it, have no reasonable cause to repent him of his good
  15. Rights 1689. It listed twelve of James's policies by which James designed to ", endeavour , to subvert and extirpate the protestant religion, and the laws and liberties of
  16. Was founded to bring together natural scientists in international scientific, endeavour , .,it comprises 113 multidisciplinary National Scientific Members, Associates
  17. Mediation, solutions normally emerge from the parties themselves and mediators, endeavour , to find the most acceptable solution by bridging gaps between the parties.
  18. Considers remote viewing to be proven by the current standards of scientific, endeavour , he uses this to call for higher standard of evidence when studying the
  19. Vase painting, gems,literary descriptions and coins. Older Parthenon The first, endeavour , to create a sanctuary for Athena Parthenon on the site of the present Parthenon
  20. Not sexually active. Over time, however,the self-denial required of such an, endeavour , becomes harder and harder to maintain, leading to the state of affairs Grenades
  21. Beings are teachable, improvable and perfectible through personal and communal, endeavour , especially including self-cultivation and self-creation. Confucianism focuses
  22. Of modern phonemic were not discovered for another two centuries),their, endeavour , was marred by a lack of systematic approach and many contemporary Europeans
  23. The world at great expense and personal danger: several of them died in the, endeavour , The various results were collated by Jérôme Balance to give a figure for the
  24. Of co-operative parts, as in:" We come now to Professor Weismann's, endeavour , to disprove my second thesis — that it is impossible to explain by natural
  25. Was actually supportive to some extent, insofar as it did not obscure his true, endeavour , – a history that was not influenced and swayed by official church doctrine.
  26. Producing non-fiction. Audience is important in any artistic or descriptive, endeavour , but it is perhaps most important in non-fiction. In fiction, the writer
  27. Testifies to its success. Stanislavsky treated theatre-making as a serious, endeavour , requiring dedication, discipline and integrity, and the work of the actor as
  28. And stated: Across the way, Mr. Speaker, sit the purveyors of gloom who would, endeavour , for political purposes, to panic the Canadian people ... They had a warning ...
  29. States that the health service would be reformed away from a costly ineffective, endeavour , into a publicly regulated system where universal health insurance would
  30. Evil, according to Steiner, is dual in nature. Two spiritual adversaries, endeavour , to tempt and corrupt humanity away from thinking and doing the good. Lucifer
  31. Arose in an atmosphere of free thought and renewed vitality in spiritual, endeavour , This general cultural movement (a counter-cultural movement, in fact) is
  32. The first voyage, and had resolved that if on a similar expedition, he would ", endeavour , to carry out a person qualified to examine the land; while the officers, and
  33. Language, political stance or gender in the international scientific, endeavour , ; to facilitate interactions between different scientific disciplines and
  34. Minotaur's almost impenetrable labyrinth which made slaying the beast an, endeavour , of legendary difficulty. Additionally, Daedalus ' legend evokes the virtue of
  35. Jains compare the process of becoming a pure soul to crossing a swift river,an, endeavour , requiring patience and care. A ford-builder has already crossed the river and
  36. Athena is also a shrewd companion of heroes and the goddess of heroic, endeavour , She is the virgin patron of Athens. The Athenians built the Parthenon on the
  37. Had been branded with a not censorial, might,if he considered himself wronged, endeavour , to prove his innocence to the censors, and if he did not succeed, he might try
  38. World, in India, in Islam, and in the West - if not indeed all subsequent, endeavour , in the exact sciences - depend upon Babylonian astronomy in decisive and
  39. In England. He also told Acquaint that" there is a risk that some private, endeavour , may commit treason or use force against the King ", and urged the pope to issue
  40. Refugees, within the borders of Soviet Armenia. His main assistant in this, endeavour , was Video Quisling, the future Nazi collaborator and head of a Norwegian
  41. View, most famously Adam Smith in 1776,argued that wealth was created by human, endeavour , and was thus potentially infinite. Since 1689,government under a system of
  42. Opening (2011) of the new Lombok International Airport will assist in this, endeavour , NASA Beggar Bart and Lombok may be considered economically depressed by
  43. Mellowing" the drink. Moving from the experimental stage to a more commercial, endeavour , he and his brother José set up shop in a Santiago de Cuba distillery they
  44. In the young Holt. This drove him to seek approval and acclaim through personal, endeavour , and career achievement, and fuelled his eagerness to please others and his need
  45. True' artistry and the modes of self-transcendence that accompany any genuine, endeavour , to create. Hoffmann's portrayal of the character Realer (a genius musician
  46. To Blackstone, are industrious to prove the pedigree of our liberties. They, endeavour , to prove that the ancient charter ... were nothing more than a re-affirmance of
  47. Solar System ". He encouraged then-graduate student Jane Lulu to aid him in his, endeavour , to locate another object beyond Pluto's orbit, because,as he told her," If
  48. Beings are teachable, improvable and perfectible through personal and communal, endeavour , especially including self-cultivation and self-creation. A main idea of
  49. Settlers. Art and architecture In Jerusalem itself the greatest architectural, endeavour , was the expansion of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in western Gothic style.
  50. Illness triggered considerations of mortality and" the futility of all human, endeavour ," or at least the futility of the diplomatic career that Crowley had

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