Examples of the the word, optimism , in a Sentence Context

The word ( optimism ), is the 7414 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Emotions. *Conversely blue, a very popular color can represent happiness and, optimism ,as days with clearer, blue skies tend to be considered times when these
  2. If a worse, it is" dystopian. " Eschatological vary as to their degree of, optimism ,or pessimism about the future (indeed, the same future may be utopian for some
  3. Philosophers against an overemphasis on mathematics and against the blind, optimism ,that sees in the growth of physical knowledge an automatic social and human
  4. In November 1932,at the depth of the Great Depression. FDR's persistent, optimism ,and activism contributed to a renewal of the national spirit, reflecting his
  5. And this is being commercially recovered, beginning in the late 1990s. Initial, optimism ,in Nova Scotia about the potential of offshore resources appears to have
  6. Of the Essendon side was only 22 was seen as providing considerable cause for, optimism , However, it was to take another three years, and a change of coach, before the
  7. Failures that Candide is painfully cured (as Voltaire would see it) of his, optimism , Interestingly, this critique of Voltaire's seems to be directed almost
  8. 767 assembly line. Despite the reduced backlog, Boeing officials expressed, optimism ,that additional orders were forthcoming. The airframe also incorporates
  9. Sedative and hypnotic uses. The new group of drugs was initially greeted with, optimism ,by the medical profession, but gradually concerns arose; in particular, the
  10. Creatures as merely accidental. Theory and optimism (Note that the word ", optimism ," here is used in the classic sense of optimal, not in the mood-related sense
  11. She named" Gladys ", for its" gladdening effect" on her health and political, optimism , Willard used a cycling metaphor to urge other suffragists to action
  12. That Voltaire had previously criticized. Primary among This is Leibniz, optimism ,(sometimes called Panglossianism after its fictional proponent),which
  13. In Beijing on philosophy for one year, accompanied by Dora. He went there with, optimism ,and hope, as China was then on a new path. Among other scholars there was
  14. Who then occupied the ruins of Glastonbury Abbey. Accounts tell of his youthful, optimism ,and of his vision of the abbey being restored. While still a boy, Dunstan was
  15. Protagonist from male to female. Candy deals with the rejection of a sort of, optimism ,which the author sees in women's magazines of the modern era; Candy also
  16. Critique of Voltaire's seems to be directed almost exclusively at Leibniz, optimism , Candide does not ridicule Voltaire's contemporary Alexander Pope, a later
  17. That Dada represented. The movement became less active as post-World War II, optimism ,led to new movements in art and literature. Dada is a named influence and
  18. Gold may symbolize power, strength,wealth, warmth,happiness, love,hope, optimism , intelligence, justice,balance, perfection,summer, harvest and the sun. Great
  19. In NCAA history. Despite heading into the 2010 season with an overall sense of, optimism , the Browns started off poorly. They set an NFL record when they lost their
  20. The conclusion of the novella, in which Candide finally dismisses his tutor's, optimism , leaves unresolved what philosophy the protagonist is to accept in its stead.
  21. Conclusion of the novel may be thought of not as a philosophical alternative to, optimism , but as a prescribed practical outlook (though what it prescribes is in
  22. Signal after decades of effort has at least partially dimmed the prevailing, optimism ,of the beginning of the space age. Notwithstanding, the unproven belief in
  23. A sheltered life in an Ethnic paradise and being indoctrinated with Leibniz, optimism ,(or simply Optimism) by his mentor, Pangloss. The work describes the abrupt
  24. Such flawed reasoning even more doggedly than Candide, Pangloss defends, optimism , Whatever their horrendous fortune, Pangloss reiterates" all is for the best "
  25. Which represents individual creatures as merely accidental. Theory and, optimism ,(Note that the word" optimism " here is used in the classic sense of optimal
  26. Terms. GDP has grown by about 5 % a year beginning in 1995. There is cautious, optimism ,that Cameroon is emerging from its long period of economic hardship. The
  27. All are exposed to the risk of adverse effects. Most participants show signs of, optimism ,bias (the irrational belief that they will beat the odds). Later studies
  28. In the world. Voltaire concludes with Candide, if not outright rejecting, optimism , advocating an enigmatic precept," we must cultivate our garden ", in lieu of
  29. Earthquake into the optimist world view. Voltaire actively rejected Leibniz, optimism ,after the natural disaster, convinced that if this were the best possible world
  30. Is flawless. Hers is a virtuous character whose piety and unflinching, optimism ,causes all to fall in love with her. ** Hippolyta in The Castle Of Taranto -
  31. Virtually all digital computers. In philosophy, Leibniz is mostly noted for his, optimism , e.g. his conclusion that our Universe is, in a restricted sense, the best
  32. Hypomania is generally a mild to moderate level of mania, characterized by, optimism , pressure of speech and activity, and decreased need for sleep. Generally
  33. How they survived, but despite the horrors he has been through,Pangloss's, optimism ,remains unshaken:" I still hold to my original opinions, because,after all, I
  34. Much hope of discovering an algorithm for doing the right thing, but expresses, optimism ,in our ability to design and redesign our approach to moral problems. In" The
  35. Idealized climate that portrayed reassuring social values and a certain, optimism ,about everyday life. Movies still included slapstick humor and other physical
  36. Belting (or Beltane) was celebrated on 1 May, a spring-time festival of, optimism , Fertility ritual again was important, in part perhaps connecting with the
  37. Schopenhauer, a reader of both Kant and Hegel, criticized their logical, optimism ,and the belief that individual morality could be determined by society and
  38. Would become the will to dominate; pessimism founded on reflection would become, optimism ,founded on courage; the suspense of the will in contemplation would yield to a
  39. Whereas the new one (Playing' Favorites) is almost the quintessence of, optimism , with a feeling of" Wow, I just woke up from a bad dream. " The 1974 album
  40. Work in context, and that denying that Candide is primarily a mockery of, optimism ,(a matter of historical context) is a" very basic betrayal of the text ".
  41. Again the following year, to 24 films. However, the 1980s soon saw a renewed, optimism , led by companies such as Gold crest (and producer David Putnam),Channel 4
  42. The earthquake had an especially large effect on the contemporary doctrine of, optimism , a philosophical system which implies that such events should not occur.
  43. 14:3). These chapters also contain" pessimism about the present, but, optimism , for the future based on the expectation of an ultimate divine victory and the
  44. Stock because of what Lay had been telling them in the media. Their trust and, optimism ,proved to be greatly misplaced. Lay has been accused of selling over $70
  45. Drugs. While early initiatives in the Colombian peace process gave reason for, optimism , the Pastrami administration also has had to combat high unemployment and other
  46. Thought staying and founding a city would serve well for his honor. The initial, optimism ,that led Alvaro to bring his son he had with the indigenous Panamanian Ana
  47. Philosophers through allegory; most conspicuously, he assaults Leibniz and his, optimism , As expected by Voltaire, Candide has enjoyed both great success and great
  48. Enumeration of the world's evils. He is unrelenting in attacking Leibniz, optimism , Fundamental to Voltaire's attack is Candide's tutor Pan gloss, a
  49. Of the Old Kingdom, and scribes developed literary styles that expressed the, optimism ,and originality of the period. Free from their loyalties to the pharaoh, local
  50. Within it. But no such meaning was found, and the rational, life-affirmating, optimism ,of the Age of Enlightenment began to evaporate. A rift opened between this

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