Examples of the the word, commandment , in a Sentence Context

The word ( commandment ), is the 7411 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Distinction between Christian and pagan art. To this day, in obedience to the, commandment ,not to make" graven images ", Orthodox icons may never be more than
  2. The Brat Ha-Mizvot, the short blessings that are spoken every time a positive, commandment ,is to be fulfilled.: The ordinary, familiar,everyday things and occurrences
  3. The Passover Seder in Orthodox Jewish communities. The Torah contains a Divine, commandment ,to eat matzo, specifically,on the first night of Passover and to eat only
  4. Impossibility of coming face to face with God is a recurring motif, thus the, commandment ,against graven images (Exodus 20.4-5). As time passed, Jewish and early
  5. Commandments that elevate a particular spark of holiness associated with each, commandment , Once all the Sparks are redeemed to their spiritual source, the Messianic Era
  6. Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. According to the Talmud, prayer is a Biblical, commandment ,and the Talmud gives two reasons why there are three basic prayers: to recall
  7. Principles, in the attempt to realize what is implied by the central Biblical, commandment ,to" be holy as I your God am holy ". They cover what are better ways for a Jew
  8. King David introduced musical instruments into Temple worship based upon a, commandment ,from God. God commanded who was to sing, who was to play, and what instruments
  9. Sabbath was binding in Eden, and it has been in force ever since. This fourth, commandment ,begins with the word 'remember,' showing that the Sabbath already existed when
  10. The idea that Christians are bound to obey the Mosaic law, including the fourth, commandment ,of the Decalogue concerning Sabbath, although they followed Aquinas' concept
  11. Their hierarchical structure. A Super-Competent employee“ …violates the first, commandment ,of hierarchical life with incompetent leadership: namely that the hierarchy
  12. S prime sin is lack of faith, apostacy: contrary to the first and fundamental, commandment ,(" Thou shalt have no other gods before me" ) the people have entered into
  13. On the part of a father can free his children from obedience to the fifth, commandment , so no misgovernment on the part of a king can release his subjects from their
  14. Of the system development: Courage Several practices embody courage. One is the, commandment ,to always design and code for today and not for tomorrow. This is an effort to
  15. Of its Missionary Operating Committees to ensure the fulfilling of Christ’s, commandment ,to take the gospel to the entire world. In 2007,the officers of the Quorum of
  16. And Gentile alike. The 14th century Rabbi Nissan Ben Reuben Gerund added the, commandment ,of charity. The 16th century work Sarah Margaret by Rabbi Men ahem Pariah of
  17. So greatly touches us in honor .... And therefore our express pleasure and, commandment ,is that, all delays and excuses laid apart, you do presently upon the duty of
  18. Righteous, often supportable by gospel (for instance, claiming that the old, commandment ,against divination was superseded by Christ's birth, and noting that the Magi
  19. Families affiliated with other Hasidic groups. Hair Following a Biblical, commandment ,not to shave the sides of one's face, male members of most Hasidic groups wear
  20. States," Love your neighbor like yourself" ( Leviticus 19:18). The Torah's, commandment ,to love God" with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your might "
  21. Were involved in the sin of the Golden Calf. In terrible anger, Moses broke the, commandment ,tablets and ordered his own tribe (the Levites) to go through the camp and
  22. The nodule response to iconoclasm included: # Assertion that the biblical, commandment ,forbidding images of God had been superseded by the incarnation of Jesus, who
  23. Eating from this tree. In the dialogue between the two, Eve elaborates on the, commandment ,not to eat of its fruit. She says that even if she touches the fruit she will
  24. Basic credo of Judaism, and its twice-daily recitation is a mitzvah (religious, commandment ,). The schema goes on:" Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and
  25. To do so, and that he was instructed to tell Lois that," the LORD hath given a, commandment ,concerning thee, that no more of thy name be sown. " Nahum 1:14. Doctrines
  26. Is used to describe many forms of love between human beings. The, commandment ,to love other people are given in the Torah, which states," Love your neighbor
  27. Brimming with emotional content and expressive energy. Under Jaeger’s, commandment ,that Munch should“ write his life ”, meaning that Munch should explore his own
  28. In her a blemish because of which one might loathe her and thus transgress the, commandment ,: 'Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself' " (Ilyushin 41a). *"A father
  29. Execution is recommended. Christian positions on these passages vary. The sixth, commandment ,(fifth in the Roman Catholic and Lutheran churches) is translated as" Thou
  30. Is the glory of virginity. " Cyprian, Bishop of Carthage, said that the first, commandment ,given to men was to increase and multiply, but now that the earth was full
  31. In the 1530s. It reflected Martin Luther's new interpretation of the fourth, commandment ,(" Honor thy father and mother" ) and was mediated to an English audience by
  32. Are expected to participate in at least some ascetic works, in response to the, commandment ,of Christ to" come, take up the cross, and follow me. " (Mark 10:21 and
  33. Akiva commented that this is a major element of the Jewish religion. Also, this, commandment , is arguably at the center of the Jewish faith. As the third book of the Torah
  34. Since it states that they should have" no other gods before me. " The, commandment ,itself does not affirm or deny the existence of other deities per se.
  35. The early patristic writers in spiritualizing the meaning of the Sabbath, commandment , referring it to eschatological rest rather than observance of a literal day.
  36. Neighbor as yourself are the two most important things in life (the greatest, commandment ,of the Jewish Torah, according to Jesus; cf. Gospel of Mark chapter 12,verses
  37. Any other subject of this land, would have in so contemptible a sort broken our, commandment ,in a cause that so greatly touches us in honor .... And therefore our express
  38. World in six days and consecrates the seventh after giving mankind his first, commandment ,:" be fruitful and multiply ". God pronounces the world" very good ", but it
  39. They elevate each particular Spark of holiness associated with that, commandment , Once all the Sparks are redeemed to their spiritual source, the Messianic Era
  40. About 1,500 misprints (some of which, like the omission of" not" from the, commandment ," Thou shalt not commit adultery" in the" Wicked Bible" ( 1631,Herbert #444
  41. 1981: 737). Bernard Hamburger considers Leviticus 19,beginning with God's, commandment ,in verse 3—"You shall be holy, for I the Lord your God, am holy"—to be" the
  42. The wedding feast at Can. In the Sermon on the Mount he set forth a new, commandment ,concerning marriage, teaching that lustful looking constitutes adultery. He
  43. Veneration of icons was actually idolatry and thus a violation of the first, commandment , and the denial of the real presence in the Eucharist. Soon the city council
  44. You not, as you will answer the contrary at your utmost peril. Elizabeth's ", commandment ," was that her emissary read out her letters of disapproval publicly before the
  45. Reasoning:" … The decision of the author of Mage Abraham that the, commandment ,is honored best by the use of old wine is rejected. Even this authority would
  46. The Book of Common Prayer states that" it is lawful for Christian men, at the, commandment ,of the Magistrate, to wear weapons, and serve in the wars. " Therefore, the
  47. Is not the sole purpose, a Jewish marriage is also expected to fulfill the, commandment ,to have children. The main focus centers around the relationship between the
  48. Genesis 2:24,which is considered scripture by Abrahamic religions, there is a, commandment ,stating" Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall
  49. Biblical origin Called Hag Matzot (festival of Matzo) in the Torah,the, commandment ,to keep Passover is recorded in the Book of Leviticus: In the first month, on
  50. Memorial ". Jehovah's Witnesses believe that such verses as and constitute a, commandment ,to remember the death of Christ (and not the resurrection, as only the

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