Examples of the the word, ion , in a Sentence Context

The word ( ion ), is the 7417 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Cases the purported rat ion ale is lower current (less heat) and or matched, ion ,mobilities, which leads to longer buffer life. Borate is problematic; Borate
  2. An acid and a base; here, one molecule of water acts as an acid, donating a, ion ,and forming the conjugate base, and a second molecule of water acts as a base
  3. In water. Note that chemists often write H+ (a) and refer to the hydrogen, ion ,when describing acid-base react ion s but the free hydrogen nucleus, a proton
  4. Such as blood CO2 exists in equilibrium with carbonic acid and bicarbonate, ion ,.: CO2 + H2O H2CO3 H+ + HCO3− It is the decrease in pH that signals the brain to
  5. From an acid produces its conjugate base, which is the acid with a hydrogen, ion ,removed, and the recept ion of a proton by a base produces its conjugate acid
  6. Must be arranged around the metal ion at the. An amine ligand bound to a metal, ion ,is markedly more acidic than a free ammonia molecule, although deportat ion in
  7. Ammonia may itself diffuse across the renal tubules, combine with a hydrogen, ion , and thus allow for further acid excret ion . Excret ion Ammonium ion s are a toxic
  8. Protic substance and is capable of format ion of amides (which contain the NH2−, ion , ). For example, lithium dissolves into liquid ammonia to give a solut ion of
  9. Comprises seven members (P2X1–P2X7),which are ligand-gated Ca2±permeable, ion ,channels that open when bound to an extracellular purine nucleotide. In
  10. Atom features a lone electron pair that can bind H+ to form an ammonium, ion ,R3NH+. The lone electron pair is represented in this article by two dots
  11. Proton by a base produces its conjugate acid, which is the base with a hydrogen, ion ,added. For example, the removal of from hydrochloric acid (HCl) produces the
  12. Elements with ion s, such that the sum of the atomic numbers of the target and, ion ,elements equals the atomic number of the element being created. In general, the
  13. Nucleus, a proton, does not exist alone in water, it exists as the hydronium, ion , H3O+. Brønsted-Lowry acids While the Arrhenius concept is useful for
  14. Microfabricat ion Anisotropic etching techniques (such as deep reactive, ion ,etching) are used in microfabricat ion processes to create well-defined
  15. Propagat ion has advanced, and now includes many details about individual, ion ,channels. Injury In order of degree of severity, injury to a nerve can be
  16. Acid, which can successively lose three protons to finally form the citrate, ion , Even though the posit ion s of the protons on the original molecule may be
  17. Sometimes carbon (due to its electronegativity) Ammonium ion The ammonium, ion ,resembles the heavier alkali metals and is considered a close relative of the
  18. The presence of electron-donating group will result in a less stable oxide, ion ,formed. This will result in a scenario whereby the unstable oxide ion formed
  19. Such as oxprenolol or stall. Calcium channel blockers Calcium, ion ,(Ca++) antagonists (Calcium channel blockers) are used in the treatment of
  20. Passes through a magnetic field. The radius by which the trajectory of a moving, ion ,is turned by the magnetic field is determined by the mass of the atom. The mass
  21. It can transfer a single electron, owing to the stability of its own radical, ion ,called" semidehydroascorbate ". Dehydroascorbate. The net react ion is:: RO • +
  22. Configurat ion ),sometimes carbon (due to its electronegativity) Ammonium, ion ,The ammonium ion resembles the heavier alkali metals and is considered a close
  23. Acid and the ammonium ion while basic hydrolysis yield the carboxylate, ion ,and ammonia. Amides are also versatile precursors to many others funct ion al
  24. Through the simple dissociat ion of acids, but to removal of a hydrogen, ion ,(). The removal of a proton (hydrogen ion ) from an acid produces its
  25. Regulating other proteins such as protein kinase A and cyclic nucleotide-gated, ion ,channels. Photoactivatable acetylate cycle (PAC) was discovered in E.
  26. Studies, hydrolysis transit ion states are modeled by the bound mandate, ion , However, caut ion is warranted in interpreting the results of experiments using
  27. Electron excess). A positively or negatively charged atom is known as an, ion , An atom is classified according to the number of protons and neutrons in its
  28. Be formed, and concluded that the ligands must be arranged around the metal, ion ,at the. An amine ligand bound to a metal ion is markedly more acidic than a
  29. Ion (), the conjugate base of the acid:: → + The addit ion of to the hydroxide, ion ,(), a base, produces water (), its conjugate acid:: + → Although
  30. Form will have a neutral carboxylic acid group and a positive ammonium, ion ,(net charge +1),and above pH 9.4,a negative carboxylate and neutral amino
  31. Around. The react ion at the cathode is:: Al3+ + 3 ex → Al Here the aluminum, ion ,is being reduced. The aluminum metal then sinks to the bottom and is tapped
  32. Agents such as oxidizers, as well as odor-preventing agents such as zinc, ion ,to keep future bad breath from developing. Alternative mouthwash ingredients A
  33. Acids, but to removal of a hydrogen ion (). The removal of a proton (hydrogen, ion ,) from an acid produces its conjugate base, which is the acid with a hydrogen
  34. Arrhenius base is a molecule which increases the concentrat ion of the hydroxide, ion ,when dissolved in water. Note that chemists often write H+ (a) and refer to
  35. Of mass analyzers: magnetic-sector, quadrupole mass analyzer, quadrupole, ion , trap,time-of-flight, Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance, and so on.
  36. Residue was dissolved in perchloric acid. Further separat ion was carried out by, ion ,exchange, yielding a certain isotope of curium. The separat ion of curium and
  37. Acidic condit ion s. Acidic condit ion s yield the carboxylic acid and the ammonium, ion ,while basic hydrolysis yield the carboxylate ion and ammonia. Amides are also
  38. An unenforced way. For example, protonat ion of ammonia, a base, gives ammonium, ion , its conjugate acid:: + → The react ion of ammonia, a base, with acetic acid in
  39. Can in some circumstances behave like a halogen, forming the negative hydride, ion , Binary compounds of hydrogen with the alkali metals and some transit ion metals
  40. Example, the removal of from hydrochloric acid (HCl) produces the chloride, ion ,(), the conjugate base of the acid:: → + The addit ion of to the hydroxide ion
  41. Ion formed. This will result in a scenario whereby the unstable oxide, ion ,formed will tend to accept a proton to reform the original alcohol. With alkyl
  42. In neurons, calcium-sensitive acetylate Cyclades are located next to calcium, ion ,channels for faster react ion to Ca2+ influx; they are suspected of playing an
  43. Mass analyzer, quadrupole ion trap, time-of-flight,Fourier transform, ion ,cyclotron resonance, and so on. Electrochemical analysis Electroanalytical
  44. The potential to treat certain cancers, in a similar method currently used for, ion ,(proton) therapy. Fuel The scarcity of antimatter means that it is not
  45. Acidity of alcohols is also affected by the overall stability of the oxide, ion , Electron-withdrawing groups attached to the carbon containing the hydroxyl
  46. Base is more negatively charged. Although the subsequent loss of each hydrogen, ion ,is less favorable,all the conjugate bases are present in solut ion . The
  47. Difficult to separate when extracting from uranium ores. Solvent extract ion and, ion ,chromatography are commonly used for the separat ion . The first element of the
  48. Mass spectrometry Alkanes have a high ion izat ion energy, and the molecular, ion ,is usually weak. The fragmentat ion pattern can be difficult to interpret, but
  49. Arrhenius acid is a substance that increases the concentrat ion of the hydronium, ion , H3O+, when dissolved in water. This definit ion stems from the equilibrium
  50. Lost to yield H2PO4−,then HPO42-, and finally PO43-, the orthophosphate, ion , usually just called phosphate. An organic example of a Tripoli acid is

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