Examples of the the word, preside , in a Sentence Context

The word ( preside ), is the 7412 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And, despite his rejection of Christianity, his first political act was to, preside ,over Constantius' Christian burial, escorting the body to the Church of the
  2. Friend Macedonia Fernández became a major influence on Borges. The two would, preside ,over discussions in cafés, country retreats, or Fernández' tiny apartment in
  3. A charitable appeal. Dickens, whose philanthropy was well-known, was asked to, preside ,by his friend, the hospital's founder Charles West. He threw himself into the
  4. He has the power to dissolve the parliament. * The prime minister will, preside ,over the council of Government, which prepares the general policy of the state.
  5. Representatives to Constance, whom he granted full powers to summon, open and, preside ,over an Ecumenical Council; he also empowered them to present his resignation
  6. Not do so, the Chairman of Committees or a Deputy Chairman of Committees may, preside ,instead. Some Select Committees are also granted the power to co-opt
  7. And appointing clergy to pastor churches, perform many administrative duties, preside ,at the annual sessions of the regional Conferences and at the quadrennial
  8. Own case would be a blatant conflict of interest. If the Vice President did not, preside ,over an impeachment (of anyone besides the President),the duties would fall
  9. Fl avian brought to the capital to be buried honorably. The emperor asked Leo to, preside ,over the council, but Leo again chose to send legates in his place. This time
  10. The impeachment of any other official, the Constitution is silent on who shall, preside , suggesting that this role falls to the Senate's usual presiding officer. This
  11. Modern Xi'an, on the Wei River, a tributary of the Yellow River, but they would, preside ,over a series of expansions into the Yangtze River valley. This would be the
  12. Tribes or clearly identified German tribes. The Germans have neither Druids to, preside ,over sacred offices, nor do they pay great regard to sacrifices. They rank in
  13. Governor were few; in Massachusetts, the lieutenant governor does not, preside ,over the state Senate, although Coolidge did become an ex officio member of the
  14. And 1 Independent (Choctaw). However, most of the Democratic sheriffs, preside ,over rural and less populated counties and the majority of Republican sheriffs
  15. In the disciplinary council, the stake preside ncy and Stake High Council, preside , Up to six of the twelve members of the high council are assigned to split in
  16. The Committee of Ways and Means, a body over which the Chairman once used to, preside ,; even though the Committee was abolished in 1967,the traditional titles of the
  17. The official religion of the Roman Empire, would be the last emperor to, preside ,over a united Roman Empire, and from thenceforth, the empire would be split
  18. Primarily because of the law of primogeniture—the right of the firstborn to, preside ,over the affairs of the family it was very important to determine who came
  19. Of Sagan's life. Not long after his death, widow Ann Ryan had gone on to, preside ,over the board of directors of NORMAL, a foundation dedicated to reforming
  20. Is divided into various realms where various avatars of Lakshmi-Narayana, preside , These include the celestial Ayodhya where Sita-Rama preside , and the celestial
  21. The Bailiwick, but Park sends no representative. The Bailiff or Deputy Bailiff, preside ,in the assembly. There are also two non-voting members: H. M. Procurer (
  22. Hindu mythology used the name Buddha for Mercury, and this god was thought to, preside ,over Wednesday. The god Odin (or Women) of Germanic paganism was associated
  23. And in Belgium, for example, the Monarch formally appoints a representative to, preside ,over the creation of a coalition government following a parliamentary election
  24. Thus, Haggai is implicitly, but not explicitly, saying that Zerubbabel would, preside ,over a restored Davidic kingdom. Liturgical commemoration On the Eastern
  25. Lakshmi-Narayana preside . These include the celestial Ayodhya where Sita-Rama, preside , and the celestial Polka where Krishna and his various consorts such as Rad ha
  26. Is often a verb derived from the same Latin root, in these cases preside (to, preside ,) and studio (to study),this -into has occasionally been proposed as a
  27. Of Saxony were Catholics during the eighteenth century, they continued to, preside ,over the corpus evangelicorum, since the state of Saxony was officially
  28. Had the Plebeian Council, the popular assembly which only Tribunes could, preside ,over, grant Mencius quasi-dictatorial powers. Famous did not attempt to fight
  29. He is responsible for any bill sent to the President from the assembly. He, preside ,over all cabinet ministers and is the first adviser of the President. Furthermore, he is the
  30. Throughout Rome, but their main function was that of a judge. They would, preside ,over trials involving criminal acts as well as grant court orders or validate "
  31. Once married, Arthur was sent to Ludo Castle on the borders of Wales, to, preside , over the Council of Wales and the Marches, as was his duty as Prince of Wales
  32. Sacrament, in the churches that have this service. Deacons are not permitted to, preside ,at the Eucharist (but can lead worship with the distribution of
  33. The Doctrine of the Faith ", as retained to. The Pope appoints a cardinal to, preside ,over the Congregation, which usually includes ten other cardinals, as well as a
  34. Referred to the House of Chiefs for advisory opinion. Chiefs and other leaders, preside ,over customary, traditional courts, though all persons have the right to
  35. Over rural and less populated counties and the majority of Republican sheriffs, preside ,over more urban/suburban and heavily populated counties. Two Alabama counties (
  36. Lucia, but at least one of its 16 High Court judges must reside in Dominica and, preside ,over the High Court of Justice. Dominica's current High Court judges are The
  37. Political activity, with the Prime Minister's office being in a position to, preside ," over an extensive and ever-growing array of powers to take action against
  38. Called a truce in the winter of 1902–03 and formed the National Commission to, preside ,over organized baseball. The following season, the Boston Americans and
  39. Through this movement, he also apparently met Rudolf Host, who would later, preside ,over Auschwitz, and Richard Walther Darren, who would later work in the Rush (
  40. Churches, such as the Lutheran state churches of Scandinavia. Those clergy may, preside ,at services requiring a priest if one is not otherwise available. Marriage and
  41. Intolerable and contrary to the ideals of humanity and generosity that, preside ,over the very existence of the festival. ... The board of directors condemns
  42. And Christian service. Typically, Lay Elders, rather than ordained ministers, preside ,at the Lord's Table in celebration of Communion. The lay Elders and called
  43. Would be chopped" ). This can also be illustrated with the verb preside (to, preside ,). Just after the recount of the 2000 United States preside ntial election:
  44. Other employment; in all cases, he is a married man. As such, it is his duty to, preside ,at services, call local leaders, and judge the worthiness of members for
  45. The Cold War. Such successful diplomatic and economic policies allowed Tito to, preside ,over the Yugoslav economic boom and expansion of the 1960s and '70s. His
  46. A national assembly of USCG state representatives or governors, who in turn, preside ,over US Peace Government assemblies and capital buildings in their respective
  47. Cross" is the Japanese title of the Orange Crew, a group of Gym Leaders who, preside ,over the Orange Island archipelago's league and are featured in the Pokémon
  48. A council which was held in Ephesus in 449. The emperor invited Pope Leo I to, preside , He declined to attend on account of the invasion of Italy by Attila the Hun.
  49. Lay business before it, veto the actions of either the Assembly or the Senate, preside ,over elections, and the right to speak first at any meeting. Also included in
  50. Polka where Krishna and his various consorts such as Rad ha and Rimini, preside , The liberated human souls or Rivas who live there engage in different types of

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