Examples of the the word, conserve , in a Sentence Context

The word ( conserve ), is the 7402 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Saving time is re-instated in the United States as a wartime measure to help, conserve ,energy resources. *1943 – World War II: Allied authorities declare Guadalcanal
  2. Forward pass to save loss of yardage or conserve time, except for a spike to, conserve ,time after a hand-to-hand snap. If he throws the ball away while still in the
  3. Have done irreversible damage to hellbender populations, it is important to, conserve ,the remaining intact populations through protecting habitats and—perhaps in
  4. Organisms that conduct photosynthesis. Chloroplasts capture light energy to, conserve ,free energy in the form of ATP and reduce NADP to NADPH through a complex set
  5. Is falling into disuse. In Peru and the Dominican Republic, women normally, conserve ,all family names after getting married. For example, if Rosa María Pérez
  6. Fuels and preventing useful energy from being lost as heat. This usage of ", conserve ," differs from that of the law of conservation of energy. In other words
  7. At the expense of the mother. The mother's evolutionary imperative is often to, conserve ,resources for her own survival while providing sufficient nourishment to
  8. Judaism. The term conservative was meant to signify that Jews should attempt to, conserve ,Jewish tradition, rather than reform or abandon it, and does not imply the
  9. Rule-of-thumb" in animal conservation is that, if it is still feasible to, conserve ,habitat and viable wild populations, breeding in captivity should not be
  10. The ring's center is generally the desired position since a boxer is able to, conserve ,movement by forcing the opponent to circle around them. When in the center, the
  11. Family Cetacean. Their distinctive appearance is a result of adaptations to, conserve ,water in dry and/or hot environments. In most species, the stem has evolved to
  12. Uncommon occurrence in scuba, as divers usually try to minimize it in order to, conserve ,gas, episodes of exertion while regulator-breathing do occasionally occur in
  13. By helping to ensure benefit-sharing, the Nagoya Protocol creates incentives to, conserve ,and sustainably use genetic resources, and therefore enhances the contribution
  14. This time period as well. However, perhaps the first organized attempt to, conserve ,cultural patrimony was the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings in
  15. Left-right asymmetric. The weak interaction even violates CP symmetry but does, conserve ,CPT. Strong interaction The strong interaction, or strong nuclear force, is the
  16. The acidic conditions of the human stomach. The few bacteria that do survive, conserve ,their energy and stored nutrients during the passage through the stomach by
  17. Of fuel (almost 2 % of the maximum fuel load) taxiing to the runway. To, conserve ,fuel only the two outer engines were run after landing for taxiing. Heating
  18. Scenarios if there was insufficient time to make corrections immediately. To, conserve ,memory and storage space, alternative recognition hypotheses would not be saved
  19. Of whether the universe is reflected in a mirror, and thus are said to, conserve ,parity (P-symmetry). However, the weak interaction does distinguish" left "
  20. FM is generally used. In two-way radio, narrowband FM (NBFM) is used to, conserve ,bandwidth for land mobile radio stations, marine mobile, and many other radio
  21. Temperatures of up to 56 °C (133 °F) if they have access to water. Cats, conserve ,heat by reducing the flow of blood to their skin and lose heat by evaporation
  22. For example, laws governing water pollution in lakes and rivers may also, conserve ,the recreational value of such water bodies. Furthermore, many laws that are
  23. And fauna of the main Himalayan range, while the Pin Valley National Park to, conserve ,the flora and fauna of the cold desert. Subdivisions
  24. During the Apollo 13 mission, after that module's IMU had to be turned off to, conserve ,energy. In his 1994 book, Lost Moon: The Perilous Voyage of Apollo 13,Lovell
  25. The Convention acknowledges that substantial investments are required to, conserve ,biological diversity. It argues, however,that conservation will bring us
  26. The step-charts get, which makes players use much less movement overall to, conserve ,stamina. By doing this, it is no longer a dance game and many arrows do not fit
  27. The Republican Party's stance on environmental issues, and supports efforts to, conserve ,natural resources and protect human and environmental health. The Conservative
  28. Pair, + →, cannot occur in free space because it is impossible to, conserve ,energy and momentum together in this process. However, in the Coulomb field of
  29. Arteries has important biomechanical implications. The elastic recoil helps, conserve ,the energy from the pumping heart and smooth out the pulsatile nature created
  30. At the second Tomcat while conducting 10 thousand foot mapping profile at max, conserve ,setting. The Tomcat aircrews spotted the missile launch and dove for the deck
  31. Now part of the Cotswold's Conservation Board, was established in 1968 to help, conserve ,and enhance the area and now has over 300 wardens. The Cotswold Way is a
  32. Preparation method was cutting food into small pieces to cook foods quickly and, conserve ,scarce firewood and charcoal. Foods preserved for winter consumption by smoking
  33. Can be thought of as the boundary of a 2-cell. The labeling of a graph which, conserve ,momentum (which have zero boundary) up to redefinition of k (up to
  34. To intentionally throw an incomplete forward pass to save loss of yardage or, conserve ,time, except for a spike to conserve time after a hand-to-hand snap. If he
  35. Data output of the onboard telemetry computers was limited during the night to, conserve ,energy, so controllers could not determine the exact cause of the leak without
  36. Hour. The skyscraper's floodlights were turned off for exactly an hour to, conserve ,energy. In September 2009,the building was lit for one night in orange colors
  37. Power management options (e.g. SMM),as well as different" sleep" modes to, conserve ,battery power. It also contained support for an external cache of 16 to 64 KB.
  38. The ANB. The Cotswold's Conservation Board is the organization that exists to, conserve ,and enhance the ANB. Established in 2004,the board carries out a range of
  39. Region. The Great Himalayan National Park in Full district was created to, conserve ,the flora and fauna of the main Himalayan range, while the Pin Valley National
  40. And Z bosons. The weak interaction is the only known interaction which does not, conserve ,parity; it is left-right asymmetric. The weak interaction even violates CP
  41. Kingdom, New Zealand and Tanzania have carried out elaborate responses to, conserve ,individual species and specific habitats. The United States of America, a
  42. The planand chose not to invade the Netherlands in case of war but instead to, conserve ,Dutch neutrality, the simple reason being that the Netherlands supplied many
  43. Living, objective 4,Guarantee the rights of nature, policy 1:" Sustainably, conserve ,and manage the natural heritage including its land and marine biodiversity
  44. Then others. " A hibernating hamster will curl up into a ball in the nest to, conserve ,as much heat as possible in the abdominal region. You will be able to pick the
  45. Is a cooperative plan of action to promote clean, efficient energy use;, conserve ,the region's biodiversity; strengthen legal and institutional frameworks and
  46. Bumblebee Conservation Trust, was established in order to coordinate efforts to, conserve ,remaining populations through conservation and education. Stingless bees
  47. By the late 1980s),it became apparent that methods had to be developed to, conserve ,address space. In the early 1990s,even after the redesign of the addressing
  48. This is possible. Recycling of fuel cells components, including platinum, will, conserve , supplies. High-temperature fuel cells, including molten carbonate fuel cells (
  49. This system was retired for the next year. In 2006,the EBU decided to, conserve ,time during the broadcast—much of which had been taken up with the announcement
  50. In which they argue for integrating the public directly into efforts to, conserve ,material culture, particularly that which is in the public, their argument, as

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