Examples of the the word, tilt , in a Sentence Context

The word ( tilt ), is the 7408 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Seasons are determined by the solstices—the point in the orbit of maximum axial, tilt ,toward or away from the Sun—and the equinoxes, when the direction of the tilt
  2. Plane is tilt ed about 5 degrees against the Earth-Sun plane. Without this, tilt , there would be an eclipse every two weeks, alternating between lunar eclipses
  3. Suffice to eliminate the distracting object from the field of view. Although, tilt ,and swing are normally used to maximize the part of the image that is within
  4. Analysts, these pictures also showed the antenna damage and possibly an upward, tilt ,to the fuel cell shelf above the oxygen tank compartment. Finally, the crew
  5. Trains will be delivered from 2013. An equinox occurs twice a year, when the, tilt ,of the Earth's axis is inclined neither away from nor towards the Sun, the
  6. Flat side down, using the thumb on top and one to three fingers below, they, tilt , the boomerang out at a ten to thirty-degree angles from vertical. This angle is
  7. Appear when monochromatic light is used. Monochromatic aberrations Piston and, tilt ,are not actually true optical aberrations, as they do not represent or model
  8. Effect is much less significant than the total energy change due to the axial, tilt , and most of the excess energy is absorbed by the higher proportion of water in
  9. And mustard families are capable of sucking up water without the need to, tilt ,back their heads. Some desert birds depend on water sources and sand grouse are
  10. Have built-in features, including rumble features (Perfect Dark) and, tilt ,sensors (Kirby Tilt 'n' Tumble). These cartridges are a slightly different
  11. The wavefront. If an otherwise perfect wavefront is" serrated" by piston and, tilt , it will still form a perfect, aberration-free image, only shifted to a
  12. Paleontological evidence and computer simulations show that Earth's axial, tilt ,is stabilized by tidal interactions with the Moon. Name aaa428_261/> Some
  13. Soil liquefaction may cause rigid structures, like buildings and bridges, to, tilt , or sink into the liquefied deposits. This can be a devastating effect of
  14. Earth is tilt ed at an angle of about 23.44 degrees from its orbital plane. This, tilt ,is called the axial tilt . As a consequence, for approximately half of the year
  15. Plane, but makes an angle of about 23°26 ', which is known as the axial, tilt ,(or obliquity of the ecliptic). The intersections of the equatorial and
  16. As of August 2009,Democrats hold the mayorship and all council seats. The left, tilt ,of politics in the city have earned it the nickname" The People's Republic of
  17. Tilt toward or away from the Sun—and the equinoxes, when the direction of the, tilt ,and the direction to the Sun are perpendicular. In the Northern Hemisphere
  18. S axis and a line perpendicular to the Earth's orbit. The Earth's axial, tilt ,changes gradually over thousands of years, but its current value is about ε =
  19. A forward dive for example. For twisting rotation to exist, it is necessary to, tilt ,the body sideways after takeoff, so that there is now a small component of this
  20. Plane tilt ed about 1.6° to Saturn's equatorial plane. But Saturn has an axial, tilt ,of nearly 27°. The orbital plane of Titan only crosses the line of sight to the
  21. Of years, but its current value is about ε = 23°26 '. Because this axial, tilt ,is nearly constant, solar declination (δ) varies with the seasons and its
  22. The most striking involve Jupiter, which has four large moons and a low axial, tilt , making eclipses more frequent as these bodies pass through the shadow of the
  23. Arm. Axial tilt and seasons Because of the axial, tilt ,of the Earth, the amount of sunlight reaching any given point on the surface
  24. To the distant stars. The six orbit planes have approximately 55° inclination (, tilt ,relative to Earth's equator) and are separated by 60° right ascension of the
  25. Principle. Rotation of the POF is accomplished with camera movements (, tilt , a rotation of the lens about a horizontal axis, or swing, a rotation about a
  26. Show. * Usually, as in Star Trek, when there's an explosion, the camera would, tilt ,to one side and the actors would fall to the other, creating the visual effect
  27. Is reversed (the steering wheel is turned back),which removes the body's, tilt ,and stops the twisting rotation. An alternative explanation is that the moving
  28. Moves along its orbit around the Sun (due to both its velocity and its axial, tilt ,). The Earth's day has increased in length over time. This phenomenon is due
  29. And North America, women do exactly the same prolonged stare followed by a head, tilt ,away with a little smile. Human mating In order to bond or to express sexual
  30. Now able to detect touch from any pressure and often have the ability to detect, tilt ,and rotation as well. Touch and tablet screens are used on LCDs as a
  31. To their axes of rotation. Unlike the other gas giants, Uranus has an extreme, tilt ,that causes its seasons to be severely pronounced. Extrasolar gas giants
  32. The rays of the Sun and the plane of the Earth's equator. The Earth's axial, tilt ,(called the obliquity of the ecliptic by astronomers) is the angle between
  33. Risking a total obligation of £21,000. The year saw him participating in the, tilt , tourney and barrier before the Queen in May, an account of which survives in
  34. Of the Arctic Circle is not fixed, but directly depends on the Earth's axial, tilt , which fluctuates within a margin of 2° over a 40,000-year period, notably due
  35. From the Sun, as well as its orbital eccentricity, rate of rotation, axial, tilt , geological history, sustaining atmosphere and protective magnetic field all
  36. Planets Equinox is a phenomenon that can occur on any planet with a significant, tilt ,to its rotational axis. Most dramatic of these is Saturn, where the equinox
  37. And led to many paradoxes. The magnetic quantum number measured the, tilt ,of the orbital plane relative to the plane, and it could only take a few
  38. Angle of the Earth's tilt is relatively stable over long periods of time. The, tilt ,does undergo notation; a slight, irregular motion with a main period of 18.6
  39. A beer's presentation. The rate of flow from the tap or other serving vessel, tilt ,of the glass, and position of the pour (in the center or down the side) into
  40. Because of Earth's uneven speed in its elliptic orbit and its axial, tilt , This event may be up to 16 minutes away from noon GMT (a discrepancy known as
  41. Cartridges have built-in features, including rumble features (Drill Dozen), tilt , sensors (). The product ID of games on advance cartridges starts with" AGB ".
  42. Long, tadpole-like tails; they also have rudimentary brains, light sensors and, tilt ,sensors. Because of their larvae's long tails tunicates are also called
  43. S equatorial plane in the Orion spiral arm. Axial, tilt ,and seasons Because of the axial tilt of the Earth, the amount of sunlight
  44. A closer return according to the conditions; the throw angle to the wind,the, tilt , the power, the spin, and the inclination can be adjusted to vary the return
  45. Intercepted by Clay Matthews. Cleveland's 34–30 win set them up for another, tilt ,with the Broncos in Denver for the AFC Championship. While their two previous
  46. Of this horizontal angular momentum vector along the body's long axis. The, tilt ,can be seen in the photo. The tilt ing is done by the arms, which are
  47. Of about 23.44 degrees from its orbital plane. This tilt is called the axial, tilt , As a consequence, for approximately half of the year (i.e. from around March
  48. Orbital parameters (including the shape of its orbit around the Sun, and the, tilt ,of Earth’s axis) that caused the small initial temperature rise. This then
  49. Wedge nearest the camera (Berliner 1993,31–32; Tillman 1997,71). With, tilt , the height of the DOF increases with distance from the camera; with swing, the
  50. Equinox dates switched. The angle of the Earth's, tilt ,is relatively stable over long periods of time. The tilt does undergo notation;

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